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Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation
2 Volume Set
Selzer, Clarke, Cohen, Kwakkel, Miller,
216,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

In two volumes - available individually and as a set - the Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation provides comprehensive coverage of the science and practice of neurological rehabilitation. Volume 1 - Neural Repair and Plasticity - covers the basic sciences relevant to recovery of function following injury to the nervous system. Volume 2 - Medical Neurorehabilitation - stands alone as a clinical handbook for neurorehabilitation, providing authoritative guidelines on the management of disabling symptoms, and describing comprehensive rehabilitation approaches for all categories of disabling neurological disorders. The two volumes are better integrated with significant new material on outcome measures, clinical trials, combination therapies, animal models of locomotor function, nerve stimulation, and neuroprosthetics, including robotic rehabilitation strategies. Revised throughout, bringing the book fully up to date, and edited and written by leading international authorities, this essential resource provides a foundation for the work of both neuroscientists and clinical rehabilitation professionals.

  • Brings together latest research in rapidly developing field
  • Written and edited by world-renowned experts in the field
  • The first edition was a 'field-defining text'


  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Neural Plasticity – Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Neural Plasticity
    Part II. Functional Plasticity in the Central Nervous System
    Part III. Plasticity after Injury to the Central Nervous System
    Part IV. Neural Repair – Basic Cellular and Molecular Processes
    Part V. Determinants of Regeneration in the Injured Nervous System
    Part VI. Promotion of Regeneration in the Injured Nervous System
    Part VII. Translational Research
    Part I. Terminology of Neurorehabilitation – Outcome Measurement and Diagnostic Technology
    Part II. Therapeutic Technology
    Part III. Organization of Rehabilitation Services
    Part IV. Symptom-Specific Neurorehabilitation – Sensory and Motor Dysfunctions
    Part V. Vegetative and Autonomic Dysfunctions
    Part VI. Cognitive Rehabilitation
    Part VII. Disease-Specific Neurorehabilitation Systems.



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