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Testosterone 2nd edition
200,00 €


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Even though research on testosterone is increasing, there is still much controversy regarding its physiology and clinical use. This book provides a broad overview on testosterone, from its basic features to the most recent evidence of clinical applicability. In addition, specific conditions in which testosterone play a pivotal role are discussed in detail, such as hypogonadism, misuse and abuse, puberty, cardiovascular effects and testosterone therapy.

The testes are vital organs for reproduction of the human species, besides being the main source of testosterone production in men. Although not essential for survival, these singular structures represent the essence of male biological function.

Testosterone is the most important testicular androgen in men. Low serum testosterone levels are associated with cardiovascular morbidity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and mortality. Also, there is increasing evidence that serum testosterone is a major biomarker status of men's health in general.

Hypogonadism in a male refers to a decrease in one or both of the two major functions of the testes: sperm production or testosterone production. These abnormalities can result from disease of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or disease of the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary hypogonadism). Currently, the clinical features of male hypogonadism are sufficiently well-recognized, the causes are well-known, and the tests of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis are accurate enough for the diagnosis in most patients.

Testosterone, the focus hormone of this book, is used in different forms and routes of administration. Several authors unravel its peculiarities and assist in choosing the most suitable form in each case, as well as the possible risks of its misuse or even abuse in men and women, seeking alternatives to help patients in this situation.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-x


  2. The Cultural and Medical History of the Testes and Testosterone: From Antiquity to Modern Times

    • Eberhard Nieschlag, Susan Nieschlag

    Pages 1-19

  3. Androgen Receptor in Health and Disease

    • Alexandre Hohl, Marco Marcelli

    Pages 21-75

  4. Physiology of Male Gonadotropic Axis and Disorders of Sex Development

    • Berenice Bilharinho Mendonca, Elaine Maria Frade Costa

    Pages 77-99

  5. Utility and Limitations in Measuring Testosterone

    • Mathis Grossmann

    Pages 101-113

  6. Male Puberty: What Is Normal and Abnormal?

    • David W. Hansen, John S. Fuqua

    Pages 115-143

  7. Gynecomastia

    • Alexandre Hohl, Marcelo Fernando Ronsoni, Simone van de Sande Lee

    Pages 145-162

  8. Hypogonadotropic and Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism

    • Prativa Rajbhandari, Jerry Sanghun Han, Christina Wang, Ronald Swerdloff

    Pages 163-176

  9. Functional Hypogonadism: Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Testosterone

    • Ricardo Martins da Rocha Meirelles

    Pages 177-191

  10. Male Hypogonadism and Aging: An Update

    • Pedro Iglesias, Alberto Núñez, Juan J. Díez

    Pages 193-229

  11. Male Hypogonadism and Traumatic Brain Injury

    • Alexandre Hohl, Roger Walz

    Pages 231-244

  12. Male Hypogonadism and Fertility

    • Kareim Khalafalla, Rodrigo L. Pagani, Samuel J. Ohlander, Craig S. Niederberger

    Pages 245-265

  13. Anabolic Steroid-Induced Hypogonadism

    • Alexandre Hohl, Simone van de Sande Lee, Marcelo Fernando Ronsoni

    Pages 267-279

  14. Testosterone Therapy: Oral Androgens

    • Svetlana Kalinchenko, Igor Tyuzikov, George Mskhalaya, Yulia Tishova

    Pages 281-301

  15. Testosterone Therapy: Transdermal Androgens

    • Jonas Čeponis, Fiona Yuen, Ronald S. Swerdloff, Christina Wang

    Pages 303-314

  16. Testosterone Therapy: Injectable Androgens

    • Aksam Yassin

    Pages 315-330

  17. Benefits and Adverse Events of Testosterone Therapy

    • Elaine Maria Frade Costa, Lorena Guimarães Lima Amato, Leticia Ferreira Gontijo Silveira

    Pages 331-347

  18. Testosterone and Sexual Function

    • Giovanni Corona, Giulia Rastrelli, Simona Ferri, Alessandra Sforza, Mario Maggi

    Pages 349-362

  19. Testosterone Therapy and Prostate Cancer

    • Ernani Luis Rhoden, Daniel de Freitas G. Soares, Abraham Morgentaler

    Pages 363-379

  20. Testosterone and Cardiovascular Effects

    • Bu B. Yeap

    Pages 381-410

  21. Androgens and Women

    • Elisa Maseroli, Chiara Alfaroli, Linda Vignozzi

    Pages 411-442

  22. Transgender Adult Males and Testosterone Hormone Therapy

    • Alexandre Hohl, Simone van de Sande Lee, Marcelo Fernando Ronsoni

    Pages 443-457

  23. Influence of Endocrine Disruptors on Male Reproductive Tract

    • Eveline Fontenele, Rosana Quezado, Tânia Sanchez Bachega

    Pages 459-480

  24. Testosterone Misuse and Abuse

    • Rakesh Iyer, David J. Handelsman

    Pages 481-508

  25. Back Matter

    Pages 509-520


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