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Surgical Palliative Care
Mosenthal, Dunn
Oxford University Press
62,00 €


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Palliative care has become increasingly important across the spectrum of healthcare, and with it, the need for education and training of a broad range of medical practitioners not previously associated with this field of care. Part of the Integrating Palliative Care series, this volume on surgical palliative care guides readers through the core palliative skills and knowledge needed to deliver high value care for patients with life-limiting, critical, and terminal illness under surgical care. Chapters explore the historical, philosophical, and spiritual principles of surgical palliative care, and follow the progression of the seriously ill surgical patient's journey from the pre-operative encounter, to the invasive procedure, to the post-operative setting, and on to survivorship. An overview of the future of surgical palliative care education and research rounds out the text. Surgical Palliative Care is an ideal resource for surgeons, surgical nurses, intensivists, and other practitioners who wish to learn more about integrating palliative care into the surgical field.

Foreword by Pauline W. Chen
Chapter 1. Surgical Palliative Care: The Historical Case
Geoffrey P. Dunn
Chapter 2. Principles of Surgical Palliative Care
Anne C. Mosenthal
Chapter 3. Models of Care Delivery and Quality Measurement
Katherine Lee and Zara Cooper
Chapter 4. Self-Care and the Surgeon
Timothy R. Siegel
Chapter 5. Spirituality and Surgery
Daniel B. Hinshaw
Chapter 6. Preoperative Palliative Care Assessment, Frailty, and Prognostication
Bridget N. Fahy and Myrick C. Shinall, Jr.
Chapter 7. Perioperative DNR
Andrea K. Nagengast
Chapter 8. Shared Decision Making and Goals of Care Discussion in the Preoperative Visit
Anastasia Kunac
Chapter 9. Palliative Care for the Trauma Patient
Jessica H. Ballou and David H. Zonies
Chapter 10. Palliative care for the Emergency Surgery Patient
Ana Berlin
Chapter 11. Palliative Care in Burn and Thermal Injury
Alisa Savetamal and Kristin Edwards
Chapter 12. Communicating Serious News
Sangeeta Lamba and Michele Fiorentino
Chapter 13. Palliative Care in Transplantation
Emily B. Rivet, Jeffrey Stern, Karunasai Mahadevan, and Danielle Noreika
Chapter 14. Principles, Assessment, and Evaluation for Palliative Surgery
Joshua T. Cohen and Thomas J. Miner
Chapter 15. Palliative Gastrointestinal Surgery
Brian Badgwell
Chapter 16. Palliative Thoracic Surgery
Yvonne M. Carter, Rebecca Carr, John Anagnostakos, and Mark R. Katlic
Chapter 17. Palliation in Head and Neck Surgery
Susan D. McCammon
Chapter 18. Palliative Care and Cardiovascular Surgery
Dhaval Chauhan and Anne C. Mosenthal
Chapter 19. Invasive Pain Management
Amy Pearson, Jackie Weisbein, and Enas Kandil
Chapter 20. The Family Conference
Melissa Red Hoffman
Chapter 21. Pharmacopalliation of Pain
James B. Ray
Chapter 22. Non-Pain Symptom Management
Jennifer Pruskowski
Chapter 23. The Feeding Access Consult
Christine Toevs
Chapter 24. Transitions of Care: Disposition Planning
Pringl Miller and Kimberly Kopecky
Chapter 25. Care of the Family
Michele Fiorentino
Chapter 26. Palliative Care and Survivorship for the Cancer Patient
Robert S. Krouse
Chapter 27. The Future of Surgical Palliative Care Research: Priorities and Possibilities
Jessica M. Ruck and Fabian M. Johnston
Chapter 28. Surgical Palliative Care Education and Training
Erin M. Sadler and Alexandra M. Easson


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