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Stroke Genetics 3rd edition
Sharma, Meschia
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This revised, expanded third edition updates the reader on this fast moving field as well providing an overall understanding of the genetics of complex diseases by using stroke as a paradigm. The reader will gain a comprehensive understanding of cerebrovascular genetics including the epidemiological evidence for the genetic basis of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, knowledge of its molecular basis from association, linkage and recent genome-wide studies, and also monogenic disorders. Finally, the legal and ethical complexities in dealing with these issues are discussed.

Stroke Genetics is a valuable resource for neurologists, stroke physicians, hypertension specialists, internists, clinical pharmacologists and those in training, as well as researchers in the field of disease genetics. Each chapter now contains teaching/training MCQs to help with retention of information learnt from each chapter and this will be of considerable use to those training or about to the examined inthe field of inherited stroke.

Additional questions via app: Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app for free and use exclusive additional material to test your knowledge.


    Front Matter
    Pages i-xii
        Pankaj Sharma, James F. Meschia
    Pages 1-6
    Familial Occurrence and Heritability of Stroke
        Hugo J. Aparicio, Sudha Seshadri
    Pages 7-24
    Genetic Association Studies and Next Generation Sequencing in Stroke: Methods
        Jane M. Maguire, Elizabeth G. Holliday, Christopher J. Oldmeadow, Guillaume Pare, John R. Attia
    Pages 25-50
    Sickle Cell Disease
        N. Abimbola Sunmonu, Robert J. Adams, Kristine Karkoska, Hyacinth I. Hyacinth
    Pages 51-87
    Fabry Disease
        Alessandro P. Burlina
    Pages 89-116
    Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
        Hugues Chabriat
    Pages 117-137
    Stroke-Like Episodes in Mitochondrial Myopathy, Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes (MELAS)
        Virginia W. Lin, Steven G. Pavlakis
    Pages 139-163
    Other Monogenetic Stroke Disorders
        Christopher A. Stack, John W. Cole
    Pages 165-225
    The Genetics of Cerebral Microbleeds
        Gargi Banerjee, David S. Lynch, David J. Werring
    Pages 227-250
    The Genetics of Cerebral Aneurysms and Other Vascular Malformations
        Deena M. Nasr, Jennifer Fugate, Robert D. Brown Jr
    Pages 251-281
    Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
        Ernst Mayerhofer, Alessandro Biffi, Jonathan Rosand
    Pages 283-299
    White Matter Disease
        Anne-Katrin Giese, Natalia S. Rost
    Pages 301-334
    Genetics of Small Vessel Disease
        Sandro Marini, Livia Parodi, Rainer Malik, Christopher D. Anderson
    Pages 335-358
    Genetics of Carotid Atherosclerosis
        Bradford B. Worrall, Andrew M. Southerland, Matthew T. Gusler
    Pages 359-387
    Genetics of Cervical Artery Dissection
        Stephanie Debette, Quentin Le Grand
    Pages 389-407
    Stroke Genetics in China
        Junliang Yuan
    Pages 409-421
    Stroke Pharmacogenetics
        Lauren E. Walker, Anna Stewart, Sir Munir Pirmohamed, James F. Meschia, Frances Bartlett Kinne
    Pages 423-508
    Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Genetic Aspects
        José M. Ferro, Diana Aguiar de Sousa
    Pages 509-546
    Multi-Omics Approaches to Discovering Acute Stroke Injury and Recovery Mechanisms
        James A. Giles, Jin-Moo Lee, Rajat Dhar
    Pages 547-584

Genetic Research and the Law

    Browne C. Lewis

Pages 585-599
Diagnosis, Investigation, Treatment and Management of Young Stroke in Clinic

    Gabriela Trifan, Fernando Daniel Testai, José Biller

Pages 601-620
Back Matter
Pages 621-624



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