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Spinal Dysraphic Malformations - Science and Surgery - Volume 47
Pang, Wang
140,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book includes detailed discussions of the latest science in the embryogenesis of spinal dysraphic malformations, and  a well-illustrated guide to their surgical repair. In addition to covering the actual malformations, and because, with the probable exception of prenatal closure of the open neural tube defect, all surgical repairs of other dysraphic malformations require sophisticated intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM), an in-depth chapter is devoted to the physics, physiology, techniques, parameters and patterns of electrophysiological responses in representative dysraphic lesions. As the evaluation of bladder function is crucial for the assessment of the pre-operative clinical status and long-term outcome of the patient with spinal dysraphism, an entire chapter is devoted to the neurophysiology of micturition, the symptoms of neuropathic bladder, and to the  explanation of the complexities of proper urodynamics. The book will be an  invaluable tool  for paediatric neurosurgical consultants interested in spinal dysraphism and for fellows and other trainees in this discipline.


  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-vii


  2. Gastrulation and Split Cord Malformation

    • Zubair Tahir, Claudia Craven

    Pages 1-23

  3. Fetal Surgery for Myelomeningocele: Neurosurgical Perspectives

    • Dominic N. P. Thompson, Philippe De Vloo, Jan Deprest

    Pages 25-48

  4. A New Surgical Paradigm for Postnatal Repair of Open Neural Tube Defects Using Intraoperative Neurophysiology Monitoring

    • Sebastian Eibach, Dachling Pang

    Pages 49-64

  5. Focal Spinal Nondisjunctional Disorders: Including a Discussion on the Embryogenesis of Cranial Focal Nondisjunctional Lesions

    • Sui-To Wong, Dachling Pang

    Pages 65-128

  6. Junctional Neural Tube Defect (JNTD): A Rare and Relatively New Spinal Dysraphic Malformation

    • Sebastian Eibach, Dachling Pang

    Pages 129-143

  7. The Current Status of the Surgical Management of Complex Spinal Cord Lipomas: Still Navigating the Labyrinth?

    • Dachling Pang, Dominic N. P. Thompson

    Pages 145-214

  8. Secondary Neurulation Defects: Retained Medullary Cord

    • Kyung Hyun Kim, Ji Yeoun Lee, Kyu-Chang Wang

    Pages 215-223

  9. Secondary Neurulation Defect: Terminal Myelocystocele, a Biological Leviathan

    • Ji Yeoun Lee, Kyu-Chang Wang, Dachling Pang

    Pages 225-234

  10. Updates on Intraoperative Neurophysiology During Surgery for Spinal Dysraphism

    • Claudia Pasquali, Federica Basaldella, Francesco Sala

    Pages 235-272

  11. Urological Aspects of Spinal Dysraphism

    • Kwanjin Park

    Pages 273-289


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