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Soft Tissue Tumors of the Skin
Billings, Patel, Buehler
120,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This comprehensive, yet user friendly, volume specifically focuses on cutaneous soft tissue tumors, one of the most challenging areas in dermatopathology.  The text is richly illustrated and written in a user friendly fashion, by well-known experts in cutaneous soft tissue tumors, with an emphasis on a practical diagnostic approach. The text opens with a brief introduction on how to approach soft tissue tumors, followed by a guide to ancillary diagnostic tests and a thorough discussion of cutaneous soft tissue tumors and their non-mesenchymal mimics. The entities are described in terms of their clinical and pathologic features and differential diagnoses. Key pathologic features are summarized in a table format. Soft Tissue Tumors of the Skin will be of great value to surgical pathologists and dermatopathologists as well as residents and fellows in pathology and dermatology.

  • Introduction and General Approach

    Billings, Steven D. (et al.)

    Pages 1-14

  • Ancillary Diagnostic Tests in the Diagnosis of Cutaneous Soft Tissue Neoplasms

    Folpe, Andrew L.

    Pages 15-56

  • Mimics of Cutaneous Mesenchymal Tumors

    Buehler, Darya (et al.)

    Pages 57-90

  • Benign Fibrous, Fibrohistiocytic, and Myofibroblastic Lesions

    Patel, Rajiv M. (et al.)

    Pages 91-174

  • Fibrous, Fibrohistiocytic, and Myofibroblastic Tumors of Intermediate Malignancy

    Singh, Reena (et al.)

    Pages 175-204

  • Malignant Fibrous, Fibrohistiocytic, and Myofibroblastic Tumors

    Udager, Aaron M. (et al.)

    Pages 205-233

  • Cutaneous Vascular Lesions

    Buehler, Darya (et al.)

    Pages 235-306

  • Perivascular Tumors

    Billings, Steven D. (et al.)

    Pages 307-321

  • Adipocytic Tumors

    Billings, Steven D. (et al.)

    Pages 323-344

  • Nerve Sheath and Related Tumors

    Billings, Steven D.

    Pages 345-381

  • Genital Mesenchymal Tumors

    Fritchie, Karen J.

    Pages 383-403

  • Soft Tissue Tumors of Uncertain Histogenesis

    Buehler, Darya

    Pages 405-468

  • Miscellaneous Mesenchymal Tumors: Smooth Muscle, Skeletal Muscle, Cartilaginous, and Osseous Tumors

    Billings, Steven D. (et al.)

    Pages 469-490



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