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Sleep and Movement Disorders
Chokroverty, Allen, Walters, Montagna
102,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • One-of-a kind resource that effectively defines the scope of this field
  • Provides a comprehensive and timely review
  • Focuses on the interaction between sleep and movements

Sleep and Movement Disorders is the second edition of a successful book that was the first of its kind. Since its publication in 2002, significant progress has been made in our understanding of motor control in sleep and the relationship between sleep and movement disorders. All three editors are authorities on the subject and have assembled expert specialists for their chapter authors. The topic is very timely, the latest edition of the International classification of sleep disorders (ICSD-2, 2005) included a separate category of 'Sleep Related Movement Disorders' emphasizing the increasing awareness of sleep-related movements and the importance of recognizing sleep-related movement disorders for diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. This is a comprehensive resource, including all findings from the last 8 years of research.

All the previous chapters have been revised with new materials and references. Several chapters have been added to address recent advances. For instance, new sleep-related disorders have been classified and diagnosed, including catathrenia, alternating leg muscle activation (ALMA), propriospinal myoclonus (PSM) at sleep onset, faciomandibular myoclonus at sleep onset, etc. Further understanding of the pathophysiology of RLS-PLMS is addresses, as is the neurobiology of REM Behavior Disorder (RBD), predictors of neurodegenerative diseases, and so on.

Sleep and Movement Disorders is divided into four major sections and subsections preceded by an introductory essay to provide perspective on the subject. The book is intended for all sleep and movement disorders specialists as well as those neurologists, internists including pulmonologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, otolaryngologists, pediatricians, neurosurgeons, dentists and family physicians who must deal with the many patients suffering from undiagnosed or underdiagnosed sleep disorders including sleep-related abnormal movements.

1: Sudhansu Chokroverty, Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, and Pasquale Montagna: Introduction
2: Robert Robert McCarley and Radhika Basheer: Non-REM Sleep: For Charging Our Batteries
3: Sudhansy Chokroverty: An Overview of Normal Sleep
4: Md. Noor Alam and Ronald Syzmusiak: Neurobiology of the REM-Non-REM Sleep Cycle
5: Michael H. Chase, Simon J. Fung, Jack Yamuy, and Ming-Chu Xi: The Control of Motorneurones During Sleep
6: Aleksander Videnovic, Susan Benloucif, and Phyllis C, Zee: Circadian Neurobiology
7: Arthur S. Walters: The Normal Motor System: Sleep/Wake States, Circadian Rhythms, and Ontogeny
8: Juliane Winkelmann and Barbara Schormair: Genetics of Sleep and Sleep Disorders
9: Mark Hallett and Sudhansu Chokroverty: An Introduction
10: Beth A. Malow and Damian McGovern: Polysomnography
11: Rodney A. Radtke and Rajdeep Singh: Polysomnograpy: Scoring of Sleep Stages, Arousals, and Breathing
12: Birgit Hogl, Raffaele Ferri and Marco Zucconi: Scoring of Sleep-Related Movements: Standard and Advanced Techniques
13: Liborio Parrino, Raffaele Ferri, Oliviero Bruni, and Mario G. Terzano: Cyclic Alternating Pattern in Sleep: Measurement amd Clinical Significancr
14: Anita Shelgikar and Ronald D. Chervin: Assessment of Daytime Sleepiness
15: Richard P. Allen: Ambulatory Activity Monitoring
16: Mark Hallett and Susan Chokroverty: Clinical Neurophysiology of Movement Disorders
17: Josep Valls-Sole: Clinical Neurophysiology of Acoustic Startle
18: Joanna Fong and Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer: Electroencephalography in Relation to Abnormal Movements during Sleep
19: Sleep and Movement Disorders: Neuroimaging Aspects Thien Thanh Dang-Vu, Martin Desseilles, Pietro-Luca Ratti, Philippe Peigneux, and Pierre Maquet
20: Paola A. Lanfranchi, Marie-Helene Pennestri, Ronald B. Postuma, and Jacques Y. Montplaisir: Autonomic Evaluation in Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
A General Introductory Section
21: Christian Guilleminault: An Introduction
22: Sudhansu Chokroverty, Richard P. Allen, and Arthur S. Walters: An Approach to a Patient eith Movement Disorders During Sleep and Classification
23: Maurice M. Ohayon: Epidemiology of Sleep-Related Movement Disorders
24: Antonio Culebras: General Sleep Difficulties in Patients with Movement Disorders
25: Marco Zucconi: Differential Diagnosis and Evaluation of Unknown Motor Disorders during Sleep
B Sleep Related Movements: Normal and Abnormal
26: Elio Lugaresi and Sudhansu Chokroverty: General Introduction and Historical Review
27: Giovanna Calandra-Buonaura and Federici Provini: Physiologic Body Jerks and Movements at Sleep Onset and during Sleep
28: Shannon Sullivan and Christian Guilleminault: Disorders of Arousal from Non-REM Sleep
29: Birgit Frasucher and Birgit Hogl: REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Discover of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis, and Treatment
30: Alex Iranzo and Jun Lu: Pathophysiology of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder, Including Its Relationship with Neurodegenerative Diseases, Evolving Concepts, and Controversies
31: Ronald B. Postuma, Jean-Francois Gagnon, and Jacques Y. Montplaisir: Neurodegenerative Disease in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Quantifying Risk and Measuring Preclinical Markers of Disease
32: Federica Provini: Sleep-Related Eating Disorders
33: Federica Provini, Elio Lugaresi, and Piero Cortelli: Fatal Familial Insomnia
34: Seiji Nishino and Masashi Okuro: Narcolepsy, Cataplexy, and Sleep Paralysis
35: Lana Jeradeh Boursoulian, Giuseppe Plazzi, and Beth A. Malow: Nocturnal Seizures
36: Mark R. Pressman: Complex (Including Violent) Sleep Behavior
37: Philip A. Hanna, Tasneem Peeraully, Nancy Gadallah, and Arthur S. Walters: Benign Sleep Myoclonus of Infancy
C Movement Disorders and Sleep
38: Stanley Fahn and Sudhansu Chokroverty: Movement Disorders and Sleep: Introduction
39: Rosalia C. Silvestri: Persistence of Daytime Movement Disorders during Sleep
40: Michael J. Thorpy: Sleep-Related Leg Cramps, Sleep-Related Rhythmic Movement Disorder, and Sleep Talking
41: Takafumi Kato, Pierre J. Blanchet, Jacques Montplaisir, Gilles J. Lavigne, and Nelly T. Huynh: Sleep Bruxism and Other Disorders with Orafacial Activity during Sleep
42: Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, and Sudhansu Chokroverty: Restless Legs Sydrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease): An Introduction
43: Klaus Berger and Claudia Diederichs: The Epidemiology of Restless Legs Syndrome
44: Richard P. Allen: Pathophysiology: The Biology of Restless Legs Syndrome
45: Richard P. Allen, Arthur S. Walters, and Sudhansu Chokroverty: Restless Legs Syndrome: Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis (Mimics), and Evaluation
46: Narong Simakajornboon, Lunliya Thampratankul, Denise Sharon, and Arthur S. Walters: Restless Legs Syndrome and Period Limb Movement Disorder in Children and Adolescents
47: Diego Garcia-Borreguero, Desislava Tzonova, Jana Vavrova, Lindsay Boothby, and Richard P. Allen: The Morbidity of Restless Legs Syndrome: Sleep, Cognition, Mental and Physical Health, and Quality of Life
48: Anne-Marie Williams, Desislava Tzonova, and Diego Garcia-Borreguero: Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome, Including Long-Term Management Issues
49: Alex Desautels, Martin Michaud, Gilles J. Lavigne, Paola A. Lanfranchi, and Jacques Y. Montplaisir: Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep
50: Joseph Jankovic, Philip A. Hanna, and Tasneem Peeraully: Sleep and Tic Disorders
51: Nico J. Diederich,and Cynthia L. Comella: Sleep Disturbances in Parkinson's Disease
52: Michael H. Silber: Sleep Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease
53: Robert L. Rodnitzky and Mark Eric Dyken: Sleep Disorders in Other Hyperkinetic Syndromes
54: Sudhansu Chokroverty: Unusal Movement Disorders
55: Jacob I. Sage: Drug-Related Movement Disorders during Sleep
56: Charles Cantor and Richard J. Ross: Psychiatric Aspects of Movement during Sleep
57: Timothy F. Hoban: Pediatric Sleep-Related Movement Disorders


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