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Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty
Franceschi, Athwal, Lädermann, Giovannetti de Sanctis
160,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Filling an unmet need this book covers all relevant aspects of Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty. Edited by internationally renowned experts in the field it offers the reader solid theoretical and practical knowledge to address this complex surgical procedure.

The chapters are grouped into seven sections each addressing a macro-topic: arthroplasty failure, pre-operative planning and operative techniques, the failed glenoid and humerus, infections, instability and soft tissue management, and surgical outcomes.  

This book offers a timely and up-to-date resource for shoulder surgeons wishing to deepen their knowledge of this complex and challenging procedure.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xii


  2. Background

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Why Do Total Shoulder Replacements Fail?

      • Jonathan Peter Evans, Gregory Bain

      Pages 3-17

    3. Why Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasties Fail

      • Robert Z. Tashjian, Christopher D. Joyce

      Pages 19-26

    4. Shoulder Hemiarthroplasties: How Do They Fail

      • Juan David Lacouture, Aníbal Debandi, Pascal Boileau

      Pages 27-39

  3. Planning and Operative Technique

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 41-41


    2. Management of a Painful Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Sumit Raniga, Antonio Arenas-Miquelez

      Pages 43-57

    3. Preoperative Planning for Revision Arthroplasty: Imaging, Instruments, and Implants

      • Giuseppe Porcellini, Matilde Delvecchio, Andrea Giorgini, Gian Mario Micheloni, Luigi Tarallo

      Pages 59-68

    4. PSI, Navigation, AR, and MR in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Jessica L. Churchill, Conner Paez, Jason C. Ho, Vahid Entezari, Joseph P. Iannotti, Eric T. Ricchetti

      Pages 69-82

    5. Surgical Approach in Shoulder Arthroplasty Revision

      • Arnaud Godenèche, Joris Tiercelin, Jérôme Garret, Thais Dutra Vieira

      Pages 83-88

    6. Custom Glenoid Implants for Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Jay D. Keener, Ben Zmistowski, Anand Murthi

      Pages 89-104

  4. Glenoid

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 105-105


    2. Classifying Bone Loss in Revision Arthroplasty

      • Khai Cheong Wong, Bryan H. G. Loh, Denny T. T. Lie

      Pages 107-119

    3. The Convertible Glenoid in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Riccardo Ranieri, Mario Borroni, Giacomo Delle Rose, Marco Maria Minelli, Alessandro Castagna

      Pages 121-125

    4. How to Remove a Well-Fixed Glenoid Component in a Failed Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Kristian Efremov, Andrew Jawa

      Pages 127-134

    5. Revising the Glenoid in Hemiarthroplasty

      • Giuseppe Sircana, Giovanni Merolla, Paolo Paladini

      Pages 135-143

    6. Revising the Failed Glenoid in TSA

      • Gianluca Ciolli, Edoardo Giovannetti de Sanctis, Lionel Neyton

      Pages 145-156

    7. Revising a Failed Glenoid in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Akshay V. Daji, Howard Routman

      Pages 157-168

    8. Options for Glenoid Reconstruction: Graft vs. Metal vs. Combined

      • Marko Nabergoj, Patrick J. Denard, Philippe Collin, Tiago Martinho, Arash Amiri, Jeanni Zbinden et al.

      Pages 169-186

    9. Single-stage vs. Two-stage Reconstruction of Glenoid Defects in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

      • Ashish Gupta, Kristine Italia, Roberto Pareyon, Mohammad Jomaa, Marine Launay, Jashint Maharaj et al.

      Pages 187-208

      1. Surgical Management of Periprosthetic Scapular Spine and Acromion Fractures

        • Ludwig Seebauer, Kristine Italia, Roberto Pareyon, Mohammad Jomaa, Ashish Gupta

        Pages 209-223

    10. Humerus

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 225-225


      2. Humeral Stress Shielding and Bony Adaptations in Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • E. Fumina Kobayashi, William R. Aibinder

        Pages 227-238

      3. Classifying Humeral Bone Loss in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Chad W. Parkes, Peter N. Chalmers

        Pages 239-244

      4. Convertible Humeral Component in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Su Cheol Kim, Jae Chul Yoo

        Pages 245-253

      5. How to Remove a Well Implanted Humeral Component and Complications Associated

        • Amir Abdelmalek, Robert Hurley, Andrew McBride, Phillip Duke, Mark Ross

        Pages 255-262

      6. Revision of a Failed Humeral Stem with Sufficient Bone Stock

        • Edoardo Giovannetti de Sanctis, Alessio Palumbo, Angelo Baldari, Gian Mauro De Angelis D’Ossat, Luca Saccone, Luca La Verde et al.

        Pages 263-268

      7. Revision of the Failed Stem Without Sufficient Bone Stock

        • Yousif Atwan, Joseph T. Labrum IV, Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo

        Pages 269-276

      8. Periprosthetic Humeral Fracture: Management and Outcomes

        • Fabrizio Mocini, Lorenzo Proietti, Dario Candura, Gianluca Ciolli, Katia Corona, Simone Cerciello

        Pages 277-286

    11. Infection

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 287-287


      2. Diagnosing Shoulder Prosthetic Joint Infections

        • Corey J. Schiffman, Surena Namdari

        Pages 289-294

      3. Managing the Infected Arthroplasty: Antibiotic Suppression, Debridement, One- Versus Two-Stage Revision

        • Franziska Eckers, Bettina Hochreiter, Gregory A. Hoy, Eugene T. Ek

        Pages 295-306

      4. Preventing Infection in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Adam Z. Khan, Mohamad Y. Fares, Joseph A. Abboud

        Pages 307-318

    12. Instability and Soft Tissue Management

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 319-319


      2. Defining Risk Factors for TSA and RSA Instability

        • Emma Lewis, James Conville, Andrew McBride, Phil Duke, Mark Ross

        Pages 321-327

      3. Management of Shoulder Arthroplasty Instability

        • Jimmy J. Chan, Niraj V. Lawande, Gregory P. Nicholson

        Pages 329-335

      4. Pectoralis Transfer for Deltoid Deficiency After Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Ryan Lohre, Abdulaziz F. Ahmed, Karan Dua, Bassem Elhassan

        Pages 337-348

      5. Tendon Transfers in Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Arno A. Macken, Eric R. Wagner, Wouter J. van der Poel, Geert Alexander Buijze, Thibault Lafosse

        Pages 349-365

    13. Others

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 367-367


      2. The Role of Arthroscopy After Shoulder Replacement

        • Javier Ardebol, Simon Hwang, Theresa Pak, Mariano E. Menendez, Patrick J. Denard

        Pages 369-377

      3. The Role of Resection and Hemiarthroplasty After RSA

        • Michael Warnock, Ruth A. Delaney

        Pages 379-384

      4. The Role of Hemireverse in Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty

        • Arnaud Walch, Gilles Walch

        Pages 385-394

      5. What Is the Value of Revision Shoulder Arthroplasty?

        • Evan K. Stieler, Evan A. O’Donnell, Jon J. P. Warner

        Pages 395-401


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