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Retina Lasers in Ophthalmology
Clinical Insights and Advancements
Grzybowski, Luttrull, Kozak
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book discusses the new era of modern retinal laser therapy and its clinical applications. While the photocoagulation era universally presupposed the therapeutic necessity of laser-induced retinal damage, the modern retinal laser therapy is equally opposed to this idea. The evidence for this sea-change in the understanding of retinal laser is well presented within this book, and the conceptual and clinical consequences are discussed with particular emphasis on the emergence of retinal laser therapy as the first reasonable preventive and restorative intervention for the most important retinal disorders. Finally, the future of modern retinal laser therapy is highlighted with respect to coming technological advances, remaining challenges, and the place of retinal laser in the management of retinal disease.


This book is an essential resource for all ophthalmic residents and clinicians seeking a clear and concise guide to modern retinal laser therapy in their everyday practice.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-ix


  2. Book Introduction

    • Andrzej Grzybowski, Jeffrey K. Luttrull, Igor Kozak

    Pages 1-3

  3. History of Lasers in Ophthalmology

    • Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 5-27

  4. Basics of Laser Use in Ophthalmology

    • Maram E. A. Abdalla Elsayed, Igor Kozak

    Pages 29-35

  5. Retinal Laser Treatment for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

    • Jeffrey K. Luttrull

    Pages 37-60

  6. Lasers in Diabetic Retinopathy

    • Maciej Gawęcki, Jeffrey K. Luttrull, Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 61-116

  7. Lasers in the Treatment of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

    • Maciej Gawęcki, Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 117-166

  8. Laser for Retinal Vascular Occlusions

    • Sathy V. Bhavan, Jeffrey K. Luttrull

    Pages 167-182

  9. Laser Treatment in Intraocular Tumors

    • Korol A. R., Nasinnyk I. O.

    Pages 183-194

  10. Laser Treatment in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

    • Jana Stefaničková, Igor Kozak

    Pages 195-200

  11. Laser Treatment of Vitreous Floaters

    • Maram E. A. Abdalla Elsayed, Igor Kozak

    Pages 201-205

  12. Ischemic Peripheral Retinopathies

    • Maciej Gawęcki, Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 207-239

  13. Laser Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity

    • Katsan Sergey, Adakhovska Anastasiia, Igor Kozak

    Pages 241-248

  14. Laser Use for Hyaloidotomy

    • Maram E. A. Abdalla Elsayed, Igor Kozak

    Pages 249-253

  15. The Mechanism of Retinal Laser and Its End Result: Neuroprotecion

    • Jeffrey K. Luttrull

    Pages 255-279

  16. Laser in Treatment of Retinal Artery Occlusions

    • Stanislav Saksonov, Lyubomyr Lytvynchuk, Goran Petrovski, Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 281-294

  17. Laser Treatment of Submacular Hemorrhages

    • Lyubomyr Lytvynchuk, Stanislav Saksonov, Goran Petrovski, Andrzej Grzybowski

    Pages 295-303

  18. Retinal Laser Telephotocoagulation and Teleeducation

    • Igor Kozak

    Pages 305-308

  19. Diabetes Mellitus Associated Progressive Neurovascular Retinal Injury

    • Stephen H. Sinclair

    Pages 309-340

  20. The Future for Retinal Laser Treatment. Is There One?

    • Jeffrey K. Luttrull

    Pages 341-356


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