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Refractory Status Epilepticus
Diagnosis and Treatment
Wang, Li
110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book aims to offer the accumulated fertile experience of treating drug-resistant epileptic patients collected over the past few decades, focusing on aspects of neurology, neurosurgery, emergency care, critical care medicine and basic medical research.


Refractory status epilepticus is one of the most common severe and acute diseases in neurology and neurocritical care; it is also the main cause of death in epileptic patients. In the context of prevention and treatment processes, it is not only necessary to terminate epileptic seizures, but to also address the disruption of the patient’s internal environment and provide critical life support. Effective treatment calls for multi-disciplinary support from neurology, neurosurgery, emergency care, critical care medicine, and other fields. Further, since the clinical features of epileptic seizure are not specific, it is necessary to differentiate it from other diseases that produce convulsions, disorders of consciousness, syncope, mental and behavioral disorders, myoclonus, etc., to avoid misdiagnosis. In this book, it comprehensively and systematically describes the basic knowledge as well as prevention and treatment tips, providing an invaluable reference resource for medical students and professionals in neurology, neurosurgery, emergency care and critical care medicine.

  • Epilepsy, Status Epilepticus, and Refractory Status Epilepticus

    Chen, Yangmei (et al.)

    Pages 1-41

  • Pathogenesis of Refractory Status Epilepticus

    Dong, Zhifang (et al.)

    Pages 43-60

  • Brain Damage Caused by Status Epilepticus

    Hong, Zhen

    Pages 61-73

  • Clinical Features of Refractory Status Epilepticus in Various Conditions

    Wang, Xuefeng (et al.)

    Pages 75-170

  • Applications of Electroencephalography in Status Epilepticus

    Hu, Yida (et al.)

    Pages 171-196

  • Drugs Commonly Used to Treat Refractory Status Epilepticus in Clinical Practice

    Wang, Xuefeng (et al.)

    Pages 197-246

  • Nondrug Treatment for Refractory Status Epilepticus

    Luan, Guoming (et al.)

    Pages 247-273

  • Treatment Strategies for Refractory Status Epilepticus

    Wang, Xuefeng

    Pages 275-290

  • Complications and Other Conditions in Refractory Status Epilepticus That Require Attention

    Zhou, Shengnian (et al.)

    Pages 291-324

  • Special Cases of Refractory Status Epilepticus

    Wang, Xuefeng

    Pages 325-331



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