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Knowledge, by Philosophy or Science? Psychotherapy or Neuroscience?
Pages 3-9
The intention of this unique title is to bridge the gap between psychiatry and neuroscience, allowing a fruitful dialogue between both sciences. Recognizing that psychiatry has received important contributions from the basic neurosciences and that the basic neurosciences have received inspiration and objectives from the open problems of psychiatry, Psychiatry and Neuroscience: Bridging the Divide is designed to identify the borders, trends and implications in both fields today. Comprehensive and developed by a renowned group of experts from both fields, the book is divided into four parts: Epistemological Considerations About the Study of Normal and Abnormal Human Behaviors; From Basic Neurosciences to Human Brain; Neurosciences, Learning, Teaching and the Role of Social Environment and Explaining Human Pathological Behaviors: From Brain Disorders to Psychopathology. A unique and invaluable addition to the literature in psychiatry and neuroscience, Psychiatry and Neuroscience: Bridging the Divide offers an important and clearer understanding of the relationship between psychiatry and neuroscience.
Knowledge, by Philosophy or Science? Psychotherapy or Neuroscience?
Pages 3-9
Phenomenology as an Approach Method in the Neurosciences
Pages 11-22
Trends in Philosophy of Mind and in Philosophy of Neuroscience
Pages 23-37
Neurosciences, Neuroeconomics, and Metaphysics
Pages 39-48
Towards a Psychotherapy with a Philosophical Basis
Pages 49-62
DSM-5: A Bioethical Overview
Pages 63-76
Brain Renin-Angiotensin System: A Novel Therapeutic Target for Psychostimulant and Alcohol Related Disorders?
Pages 79-88
Role of the Neuropeptide Angiotensin II in Stress and Related Disorders
Pages 89-99
Neurovascular Cognitive Alterations: Implication of Brain Renin–Angiotensin System
Pages 101-117
Prevention of Stress-Induced Cognitive Impairment: Today and Tomorrow
Pages 119-139
Circadian Synchronization of Cognitive Functions
Pages 141-156
The Role of Iron and Other Trace Elements on Mental Development and Cognitive Function
Pages 157-179
New Insights in Glutamate-Mediated Mechanisms Underlying Benzodiazepines Dependence and Cocaine Vulnerability
Pages 181-193
Soy and Psychotropic Effects: A Brief Overview
Pages 195-205
Use of Psychotropic Drugs: Between the Medicalization and Rationality
Pages 207-215
Learning Styles: From Basic Investigation to Learning in the Classroom
Pages 219-226
Learning Styles and Strategies: The Importance of the Tool Selection
Pages 227-242
Attentional Capacity in Children: Intervention Programs for Its Development
Pages 243-251
Social Representation and Imagery of Labor: Evaluation Process of the Psychosocial and Labor Vulnerability and Its Relation with Mental Health
Pages 253-264
The Ying and Yang of Pain: Protective Versus Damaging
Pages 267-291
Neuropsychological Disorders After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion
Pages 293-303
Animal Models of Psychopathology and Its Relation to Clinical Practice
Pages 305-309
Biological Markers in Psychiatry and Its Relation with Translational Approaches: Brief Historical Review
Pages 311-333
‘Two Hit’ Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms in Schizophrenia: Focus on Animal Models and the Role of BDNF
Pages 335-351
Translating the Glutamatergic Hypothesis of Schizophrenia Through Homeostatic Regulation of Brain Glycine
Pages 353-373
Adenosine in the Neurobiology of Schizophrenia: Potential Adenosine Receptor-Based Pharmacotherapy
Pages 375-388
Mindfulness and Neuroimaging
Pages 389-401
Clinical Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease
Pages 403-418
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