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Principles of Perioperative Safety and Efficiency
Hoballah, Kaafarani, Tsoulfas
180,00 €


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Perioperative safety continues to be a global challenge. It is estimated that approximately 200 million surgical procedures are performed annually worldwide, and despite various national and global safety initiatives, perioperative adverse event rates remain alarmingly high. Although hospitals and governmental agencies impose safety standards and certification by organizations such as the Joint Commission, which can address issues of perioperative safety, many hospitals in developed, developing or underdeveloped countries lack the resources or knowhow to decrease perioperative adverse events. There is a great opportunity for improving perioperative safety worldwide especially in underdeveloped or developing countries. 

Filling a gap in the literature, this book teaches healthcare providers the basic principles of perioperative safety and efficiency, including checklists and processes to reduce adverse events. Presented here are the basics of intraoperativemonitoring and safety measures to reduce patient adverse events, including wrong site surgery, electric burn injury, deep venous thrombosis, surgical site infection and foreign body retention. Emphasis is given toward developing awareness into measures preventing occupational injuries, such as sharp injury, radiation exposure, laser exposure and smoke hazard. It also addresses dealing and reporting adverse events and disruptive behaviors in the operating rooms as well as new measures for enhanced recovery following surgery and anesthesia. 

Principles of Perioperative Safety and Efficiency is a valuable resource and reference for all operating room personnel including surgeons, surgical residents, medical students and nurses. 

Table of contents (24 chapters)

    Front Matter
    Pages i-xxiv
    Perioperative Optimization
        Front Matter
        Pages 1-1
        Human Factors and Principles of Patient Safety: The James Reason Model
            Ryan Howard, Justin B. Dimick
        Pages 3-15
        Preoperative Testing in the Era of Cost Containment: Is There a Limit?
            Georgios Tsoulfas
        Pages 17-27
        Preventing Never Events: Checklists, Timeouts, Debriefings, and Skin Marking
            George Molina, Alex Haynes
        Pages 29-47
        Reducing Perioperative Medication Errors: How to Build Safer Systems
            Petra Khoury, Ulfat Usta
        Pages 49-67
        Managing the Patient on Antiplatelet, Anticoagulation, Beta Blockers, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, Angiotensin-Receptors Blockers: The Anesthesia Perspective
            Cynthia Karam, Wissam Maroun, Marie T. Aouad
        Pages 69-86
        Reducing Surgical Site Infections
            Kamal M. F. Itani, Gentian Kristo
        Pages 87-101
        Perioperative Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
            Mohammad Rachad Wehbe, Charbel F. Matar, Ali Taher, Jamal J. Hoballah
        Pages 103-121
        Handling Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in the Operating Room
            Mohammad Sabra, Marwan M. Refaat
        Pages 123-132
        Traffic, Attire, and Distractions in the Operating Room
            Chrysanthos D. Christou, Jamal J. Hoballah, Georgios Tsoulfas
        Pages 133-153
        Handling Surgical Specimens to Decrease Errors in Pathology
            Fouad Boulos, Michel Attieh
        Pages 155-167
        Blood Transfusion Safety in the Operating Room
            Nathan D. Neilsen, Roman Dudaryk, Daniel Dante Yeh
        Pages 169-197
    System Design and Improvement
        Front Matter
        Pages 199-199
        Download chapter PDF
        Detecting and Reporting Errors, Complications, and Adverse Events
            Majed El Hechi, Haytham M. A. Kaafarani
        Pages 201-216
        Simulation Technical Training to Improve Safety in the OR
            Rana M. Higgins, Marc A. de Moya
        Pages 217-227
        Teamwork and Communication Simulation to Improve Safety in the OR
            Jamie L. Sparling, Jeffrey B. Cooper
        Pages 229-250
        Implementing Crew Resources Management Principles to Improve Perioperative Safety
            Abdulelah Alhawsawi, M. Sofia Macedo
        Pages 251-268
        Peer Review of Perioperative Adverse Events
            Lydia R. Maurer, Elizabeth Mort, Haytham M. A. Kaafarani
        Pages 269-275
        Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocols
            Timothy E. Newhook, Thomas A. Aloia
        Pages 277-293

System Design and Improvement

    “I Can’t Ventilate!” Intraoperative Anesthesia Safety Events and Airway Management
        Marwan Sarkis Rizk, Sarada Eleswarpu, Chakib Maurice Ayoub
    Pages 295-314
    “Don’t Yell at Me!” Disruptive Behavior in the OR
        Julia R. Coleman, Richard Schulick
    Pages 315-326
    “Code Red!” Preventing and Managing Fire and Smoke Hazards in the OR
        Wilton C. Levine, Yasmine Tameze
    Pages 327-337
    “I Got Stuck!” Blood Exposure in the OR: Prevention and Management of Sharp Injuries and Infectious Disease Exposure
        Tala Ballouz, Carine Sakr, Nesrine A. Rizk
    Pages 339-356
    “I’m Missing a Sponge!” New Techniques in the Prevention of Foreign Body Retention
        Scott E. Regenbogen, Samantha J. Rivard
    Pages 357-369
    Principles of Perioperative Safety and Quality on the Global Stage
        Meena Nathan Cherian, Jyotsna Agarwal, Raymond R. Price, Janet Martin, Adrian W. Gelb, Davy Cheng
    Pages 371-395
    The Role of the American College of Surgeons in Advancing Perioperative Safety and Efficiency
        Julia R. Coleman, Patricia L. Turner
    Pages 397-406

Back Matter
Pages 407-416



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