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Pocket Guide to Advanced Endoscopy in Gastroenterology
120,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The book offers a comprehensive and didactic overview of both advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy imaging techniques, with a clinical impact correspondent in major gastroenterology, hepatology, and pancreatology diseases.

It includes state-of-the art techniques like endoscopic ultrasound and confocal laser endomicroscopy, as well as endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography.

Divided into 9 main chapters, the book covers the examination techniques, the sedation and monitoring, and investigates the clinical impact of endoscopy. Specific chapters are dedicated to the upper gastrointestinal tract, the lower gastrointestinal tract, to pancreatico-biliary diseases and to liver diseases.

Enriched by more than 400 original images based on 25 years' experience in the field of advanced endoscopy imaging, and accompanied by carefully selected videos, this volume will be a reference guide for residents and trainees in gastroenterology, hepatology, pancreatology, and surgery, with emphasis on endoscopy techniques.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xi


  2. Introduction

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. The Future of Digestive Endoscopy

      • Adrian Săftoiu

      Pages 3-8

  3. Integrated Endoscopy Units

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 9-9


    2. Infrastructure of the Endoscopy Unit

      • Adrian Săftoiu

      Pages 11-15

    3. Deconstructing the Endoscope

      • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli

      Pages 17-22

    4. Types of Flexible Endoscopy

      • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Bogdan S. Ungureanu

      Pages 23-28

    5. Capsule Endoscopy

      • Vlad-Florin Iovănescu, Adrian Săftoiu

      Pages 29-33

  4. Examination Techniques

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 35-35


    2. Preparation Before Endoscopy

      • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Mihaela Calița

      Pages 37-41

    3. Enhanced Imaging

      • Maria Monalisa Filip, Daniela Ștefănescu

      Pages 43-50

    4. Interventional Endoscopy Techniques

      • Sergiu Cazacu, Adrian Săftoiu

      Pages 51-62

    5. Advanced Endoscopy (EUS and ERCP)

      • Adrian Săftoiu

      Pages 63-78

    6. Quality and Safety Performance Measures for Endoscopy Service

      • Alina Constantin

      Pages 79-83

    7. Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Therapy in Endoscopy

      • Alina Constantin

      Pages 85-94

    8. Antibiotic Use in Endoscopy

      • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli

      Pages 95-106

  5. Sedation and Monitoring

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 107-107


    2. Superficial (“Conscious”) Sedation

      • Andreea Stănculescu, Alice Drăgoescu

      Pages 109-114

    3. Deep Sedation

      • Daniela Burtea, Anca Dimitriu

      Pages 115-120

    4. General Anesthesia

      • Maria Stoica

      Pages 121-124

    5. Clinical Impact of Endoscopy

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 125-125


      2. Clinical Impact of Endoscopy: Gastroenterology

        • Dan Ionut Gheonea, Ion Rogoveanu

        Pages 127-129

      3. Clinical Impact of Endoscopy: Hepatology

        • Larisa Săndulescu, Elena Codruța Gheorghe

        Pages 131-133

      4. Clinical Impact of Endoscopy: Surgery

        • Valeriu Surlin, Ștefan Pătrașcu

        Pages 135-143

      5. Endoscopic Bariatric Therapies

        • Alina Constantin, Cătălin Copăescu

        Pages 145-148

    6. Upper Gastrointestinal Tract

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 149-149


      2. Motility Disorders

        • Sacerdoțianu Mihai

        Pages 151-160

      3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Esophagitis

        • Petrică Popa

        Pages 161-173

      4. Gastritis and Gastropathies

        • Ana-Maria Barbu, Sevastița Iordache

        Pages 175-185

      5. Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers

        • Ana-Maria Barbu, Sevastița Iordache

        Pages 187-196

      6. Esophageal Tumors

        • Dan Nicolae Florescu, Adrian Săftoiu

        Pages 197-208

      7. Gastric Tumors

        • Maria Monalisa Filip

        Pages 209-218

      8. Duodenal Tumors

        • Dan Nicolae Florescu

        Pages 219-223

      9. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

        • Bogdan Silviu Ungureanu

        Pages 225-240

    7. Lower Gastrointestinal Tract

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 241-241


      2. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

        • Dan Ionuț Gheonea, Petrică Popa

        Pages 243-262

      3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

        • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Adrian Săftoiu

        Pages 263-274

      4. Malabsorbtion Syndrome

        • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Adrian Săftoiu

        Pages 275-284

      5. Acute Diarrhea

        • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli

        Pages 285-293

      6. Chronic Diarrhea

        • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli

        Pages 295-305

        1. Small Bowel Tumors

          • Dan Nicolae Florescu

          Pages 307-313

        2. Colorectal Polyps

          • Vlad-Florin Iovănescu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 315-327

        3. Colorectal Tumors

          • Vlad-Florin Iovănescu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 329-337

        4. Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding

          • Sevastița Iordache

          Pages 339-351

        5. Obscure and Occult Gastrointestinal Bleeding

          • Sevastița Iordache, Ana-Maria Barbu

          Pages 353-371

      7. Pancreatico-Biliary Diseases

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 373-373


        2. Acute Pancreatitis

          • Bogdan Silviu Ungureanu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 375-388

        3. Chronic Pancreatitis

          • Sergiu Cazacu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 389-399

        4. Hereditary Pancreatitis

          • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Ioana Streață

          Pages 401-408

        5. Exocrine Pancreatic Tumors

          • Irina Mihaela Cazacu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 409-422

        6. Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

          • Elena Codruța Gheorghe, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 423-430

        7. Common Bile Duct Stones

          • Vlad-Florin Iovănescu

          Pages 431-435

        8. Bile Duct Tumors

          • Adrian Săftoiu, Irina Mihaela Cazacu

          Pages 437-444

        9. Gallbladder Diseases

          • Irina F. Cherciu Harbiyeli, Valeriu Șurlin

          Pages 445-457

      8. Liver Diseases

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 459-459


        2. Liver Cirrhosis

          • Larisa Săndulescu, Elena Codruța Gheorghe

          Pages 461-471

        3. Liver Tumors

          • Irina Mihaela Cazacu, Adrian Săftoiu

          Pages 473-480

        4. Vascular Liver Disorders

          • Elena Codruța Gheorghe

          Pages 481-485


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