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Plastic Surgery 5th Edition Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery
Rubin, Neligan
278,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Comprehensive and fully up to date, the six-volume Plastic Surgery remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 2 of Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, lectures, and authoritative coverage of hot topics in the field. Editor-narrated video presentations offer a step-by-step audio-visual walkthrough of techniques and procedures. 

1 Managing the aesthetic surgery patient
2 Principles of practice management and social media for cosmetic surgery
Section I: Aesthetic Anesthesia Techniques
3 Essential elements of patient safety in aesthetic plastic surgery
4 Pain management in plastic surgery
5 Anatomic blocks of the face and neck
6 Local anesthesia
Section II: Aesthetic Surgery of the Face
7 Non-surgical skin care and rejuvenation
8.1 Editors’ perspective: injectables and non-surgical resurfacing techniques
8.2 Injectables and resurfacing techniques: Soft-tissue fillers
8.3 Injectables and resurfacing techniques: Botulinum toxin/neurotoxins
8.4 Injectables and resurfacing techniques: Lasers in aesthetic surgery
8.5 Injectables and resurfacing techniques: Chemical peels
8.6 Minimally invasive multimodal facial rejuvenation
9.1 Editors’ perspective: surgical facial rejuvenation
9.2 Facial anatomy and aging
9.3 Principles and surgical approaches of facelift
9.4 Facelift: Facial rejuvenation with loop sutures: the MACS lift and its derivatives
9.5 Facelift: Platysma-SMAS plication
9.6 Facelift: Lateral SMASectomy facelift
9.7 Facelift: The extended SMAS technique in facial rejuvenation
9.8 High SMAS facelift: combined single flap lifting of the jawline, cheek, and midface
9.9 The lift-and-fill facelift
9.10 Neck rejuvenation
9.11 Male facelift
9.12 Secondary facelift irregularities and the secondary facelift
9.13 Perioral rejuvenation, including chin and genioplasty
9.14 Facial feminization
10 Editors’ perspective: brow and eye
11 Forehead rejuvenation
12 Endoscopic brow lift
13 Blepharoplasty
14 Secondary blepharoplasty
15 Asian facial cosmetic surgery
16 Facial fat grafting
17 Editors’ perspective: nose
18 Nasal analysis and anatomy
19 Open technique rhinoplasty
20 Closed technique rhinoplasty
21 Airway issues and the deviated nose
22 Secondary rhinoplasty
23 Otoplasty and ear reduction
24 Hair restoration
Section III: General Aesthetic Surgery
25.1 Editors’ perspective: liposuction
25.2 Liposuction: a comprehensive review of techniques and safety
25.3 Correction of liposuction deformities with the SAFE liposuction technique
26 Editors’ perspective: abdominal contouring
27 Abdominoplasty
28 Lipoabdominoplasty with anatomical definition: a new concept in abdominal aesthetic surgery
29 Editors’ perspective: truncal contouring
30 Bra-line back lift
31 Belt lipectomy
32 Circumferential approaches to truncal contouring in massive weight loss patients:
the lower lipo-bodylift
33 Circumferential approaches to truncal contouring: autologous buttocks
augmentation with purse-string gluteoplasty
34 Circumferential approaches to truncal contouring: lower bodylift with autologous
gluteal flaps for augmentation and preservation of gluteal contour
35.1 Editors’ perspective: buttock augmentations
35.2 Buttock augmentation with implants
35.3 Buttock shaping with fat grafting and liposuction
36 Upper limb contouring
37 Medial thigh
38 Post-bariatric reconstruction
39 Energy devices in aesthetic surgery
40 Aesthetic genital surgery


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