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Plastic Neurosurgery
Opening and Closing Neurosurgical Doors in Adults and Children
Winston, Ketch
200,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This is the definitive text for the intersection of neurosurgery and plastic surgery, a crucial and undertreated subject. It is a comprehensive, stand-alone and topically organized book that provides a synthesis of information, experience and wisdom for practitioners of adult and pediatric neurosurgery, including all subspecialties.

The first of the three parts of the book includes foundational information on normal and abnormal anatomy, wound healing and surgical details for the management of skin, fascia, muscle, bone and dura, important subjects which receive little attention in neurosurgical literature. The second part of the book consists of descriptions of the plastic components – i.e., the opening and closing for neurosurgical approaches. Neurosurgical approaches are presented in three groups: intracranial, spinal and exposure of peripheral nerves. The plastic neurosurgical concerns for each approach are emphasized, and each chapter includes citations of relevant sources. The third part of the book presents the plastic neurosurgery of cranial and craniofacial disorders and the role of neurosurgeons in these surgeries, which are often performed with plastic surgeons. 

All neurosurgeons, particularly in the formative years of their residencies and fellowships, should learn and never forget not only the what and how but also the why of the plastic components of neurosurgery. This text fills this important gap in the literature. 

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxii


  2. Foundational Information for Plastic Neurosurgery

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Skin: Anatomy and Healing

      • Ken Rose Winston, Brooke French, Lawrence L. Ketch

      Pages 3-37

    3. Preparation for Surgery

      • Ken Rose Winston, Christopher Ciarallo

      Pages 39-76

    4. Surgery of Skin: General

      • Ken Rose Winston, Lawrence L. Ketch

      Pages 77-114

    5. Surgery of Scalp and Face

      • Lawrence L. Ketch, Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 115-144

    6. Management of Neurosurgical Wounds

      • Lawrence L. Ketch, Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 145-171

    7. Muscle, Fascia, and Mucosa

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 173-190

    8. Cranial Bone: Anatomy and Healing

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 191-219

    9. Surgery of Cranial Bone

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 221-266

    10. Dura Mater: Anatomy

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 267-284

    11. Surgery of Dura Mater

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 285-315

  3. Opening and Closing Neurosurgical Doors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 317-317


    2. Frontal, Frontotemporal, and Related Approaches

      • A. Samy Youssef, Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 319-343

    3. Convexity Approaches to the Cranial Vault

      • Ken Rose Winston, A.  Samy Youssef

      Pages 345-375

    4. Approaches to the Posterior Cranial Fossa

      • Ken Rose Winston

      Pages 377-391

    5. Plastic Neurosurgical Approaches for Spinal Surgery

      • Jens-Peter Witt

      Pages 393-412

    6. Exposure of Peripheral Nerves

      • Kevin O. Lillehei

      Pages 413-427

  4. Plastic Neurosurgery for Cranial and Craniofacial Disorders

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 429-429


    2. Nonsyndromic Craniosynostoses

      • Ken Rose Winston, Lawrence L. Ketch

      Pages 431-480

      1. Cranofacial Syndromes and Facial Clefts

        • Ken Rose Winston, Lawrence L. Ketch

        Pages 481-502

      2. Special Disorders of Children

        • Ken Rose Winston, Lawrence L. Ketch, Charles Corbett Wilkinson

        Pages 503-536

    3. Back Matter

      Pages 537-555


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