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Penetrating Trauma 3rd edition
A Practical Guide on Operative Technique and Peri-Operative Management
Degiannis, Doll, Velmahos
250,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This is the third, fully revised edition of a well received book that provides clear practical guidance on all aspects of the penetrating trauma surgical treatment. It aims at fostering  the type of strategic thinking that can save patients’ lives. The coverage encompasses prehospital care and operative management in penetrating injuries to various body regions and specific organs.  Tips, tricks and technical pearls are highlighted by experienced doctors and each chapter includes a list of the most important points to observe. This third edition of Penetrating Trauma has been extensively revised and updated – with inclusion of some entirely new chapters – to take into account the most recent trends in resuscitation, diagnostics, and treatment. It will be an ideal resource for all physicians managing penetrating trauma.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xv


  2. Prehospital Care, Diagnostic Tools and Resuscitation Strategies

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Prehospital Care of Penetrating Trauma

      • David Carlbom, Eileen M. Bulger

      Pages 3-13

    3. Airway Management in Penetrating Trauma

      • Pudkrong Aichholz, Andreas Grabinsky, Eileen M. Bulger

      Pages 15-29

    4. Damage Control Resuscitation in Penetrating Trauma: Rules of the Game

      • Christopher Reed, Adrian Camarena, Suresh Agarwal

      Pages 31-36

    5. BLS Versus ALS

      • Dominik A. Jakob, Aristomenis K. Exadaktylos

      Pages 37-43

    6. Prehospital Care and Transport

      • Michael A. Frakes, Vahe Ender

      Pages 45-50

    7. Prehospital Monitoring During Transport

      • Kazuhide Matsushima, Heidi Frankel

      Pages 51-56

    8. Trauma Resuscitation

      • Rachel Morris, Marc de Moya

      Pages 57-61

    9. ABC Heuristics

      • Pantelis Vassiliu, George Konstantoudakis, Jason R. Degiannis, Asad Mushtaq

      Pages 63-70

    10. Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation

      • Morgan L. Hennessy, Peter T. Masiakos

      Pages 71-76

    11. Fluids, Blood Substitutes, and New Tools

      • Sophia Tam, Lara Senekjian, Ram Nirula

      Pages 77-85

    12. Emergency Department Thoracotomy

      • Simin Golestani, Austin Eagleton, Carlos V. R. Brown

      Pages 87-97

    13. Intensive Care: Principles and Therapy

      • Zachary M. Bauman, Terence O’Keeffe

      Pages 99-107

    14. Ventilation in the Trauma Patient: A Practical Approach

      • Guy A. Richards, Timothy C. Hardcastle, Richard E. Hodgson

      Pages 109-117

    15. ECMO in the Trauma Patient: A Practical Approach

      • Jerome Crowley

      Pages 119-124

    16. Sepsis and Septic Shock

      • Mervyn Mer, Martin W. Dünser

      Pages 125-138

    17. Endpoints of Resuscitation

      • David Muckart

      Pages 139-144

    18. Plain X-Rays for Penetrating Trauma

      • Simeng Wang, Donald J. Green, Mark Bernstein, Marko Bukur

      Pages 145-152

    19. Computed Tomography in the Workup of Patients with Penetrating Trauma

      • Mark E. Hamill

      Pages 153-163

    20. Prehospital Care, Diagnostic Tools and Resuscitation Strategies

      1. Portable Ultrasound as an Adjunct in Penetrating Trauma

        • Jim Connolly

        Pages 165-173

      2. Laparoscopy and Penetrating Trauma

        • Nicolas Melo, Daniel R. Margulies

        Pages 175-179

      3. Angiography and Interventional Radiology

        • Marc Kalinowski

        Pages 181-185

      4. Imaging of Penetrating Urologic Trauma

        • Beat Schnüriger, Donald J. Green

        Pages 187-190

      5. Practical Approach to REBOA

        • Lauri Handolin, Ville Vänni, Viktor Reva

        Pages 191-202

      6. Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery in Penetrating Chest Trauma

        • François Pons, Henri de Lesquen, Charlotte Baltazard, Guillaume Boddaert

        Pages 203-209

      7. Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL) Unplugged

        • Keneeshia Williams, Terence O’Keeffe

        Pages 211-216

      8. Mass Casualties and Triage in Military and Civilian Environment

        • James M. Ryan, Dietrich Doll, Christos Giannou

        Pages 217-229

      9. Ballistics in Trauma

        • Maeyane S. Moeng, Kenneth D. Boffard

        Pages 231-238

    21. Surgical Strategies in Penetrating Trauma to Head, Face, and Neck

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 239-239


      2. Surgical Strategies in Trauma

        • Toby P. Keeney-Bonthrone, Rachel M. Russo, Jessie M. Ho, Hasan B. Alam

        Pages 241-247

      3. Surgical Strategies in Trauma to the Head, Face, and Neck

        • Natalie Wall, Martha L. McCrum, Heather L. Evans

        Pages 249-258

      4. Penetrating Injuries of the Face

        • Rizan Nashef, Thomas B. Dodson

        Pages 259-270

      5. Operative Strategies in Penetrating Trauma to the Neck

        • Libby Schroeder, Marc de Moya

        Pages 271-276

      6. Access to the Neck in Penetrating Trauma

        • Jeffrey Ustin

        Pages 277-280

      7. Penetrating Trauma to the Larynx and the Cervical Trachea

        • Lisa M. Kodadek, Alicia Kieninger, Elliott R. Haut

        Pages 281-287

      8. Penetrating Injury to the Pharynx and Cervical Esophagus

        • Jessica A. Keeley, Angela L. Neville

        Pages 289-295

      9. Carotid, Jugular and Vertebral Blood Vessel Injuries

        • Dirk Le Roux, Martin Veller, Ian Grant

        Pages 297-305

    22. Surgical Strategies in Penetrating Trauma to the Chest

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 307-307


      2. Penetrating Trauma to the Subclavian Vessels

        • Daniel F. Du Toit

        Pages 309-320

        1. Penetrating Trauma to the Thoracic Oesophagus

          • Elias Degiannis, Tugba H. Yilmaz, Martin Mauser

          Pages 321-325

        2. Penetrating Trauma to the Mediastinal Trachea and Main Bronchi

          • Elias Degiannis, Georgy Ivakhov, Alexander Sazhin

          Pages 327-333

        3. Operative Management of Pulmonary Injuries

          • Katherine R. Iverson, Marc de Moya

          Pages 335-338

        4. Operative Management of Delayed Complications of Pulmonary and Pleural Injury

          • George V. Oosthuizen, Victor Y. Kong, Ofer Merin

          Pages 339-345

        5. Penetrating Injuries to the Mediastinal Vessels

          • Agneta Geldenhuys

          Pages 347-355

        6. Penetrating Cardiac Trauma

          • Elias Degiannis, Denzel P. Mogabe, Ioannis Massalis, Dietrich Doll

          Pages 357-365

        7. Penetrating Injuries to the Diaphragm

          • Elmin Steyn

          Pages 367-371

        8. Approach to Thoracoabdominal Injury

          • Elias Degiannis, Thorsten Hauer, Dietrich Doll

          Pages 373-374

        9. Loss of the Chest Wall

          • John C. Mayberry

          Pages 375-379

      3. Surgical Strategies in Penetrating Trauma to the Abdomen and Pelvis

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 381-381


        2. Access to the Abdomen: Emergency Laparotomy

          • George C. Velmahos

          Pages 383-386

        3. Damage Control Surgery

          • Riaan Pretorius, Frank Plani, Kenneth D. Boffard, Vicky Jennings

          Pages 387-399

        4. Beyond Damage Control Surgery: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction and Complex Hernia Repair

          • Rifat Latifi

          Pages 401-409

        5. Abdominal Esophagus and Stomach

          • Chelsea R. Horwood, Clay Cothren Burlew

          Pages 411-417

        6. Duodenum

          • George C. Velmahos

          Pages 419-426

        7. Penetrating Trauma to the Pancreas

          • Martin D. Smith, Dietrich Doll, Elias Degiannis

          Pages 427-433

        8. Liver and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts

          • Frederick Millham

          Pages 435-439

        9. Large and Small Bowel

          • Jonathan E. Schoen, Herb A. Phelan

          Pages 441-446

        10. Injury of the Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder

          • Brian I. Shaw, Suresh Agarwal

          Pages 447-456

        11. Lower Genitourinary Injuries

          • Donald Hannoun, Charles D. Best

          Pages 457-464

          1. Major Abdominal Veins

            • Peep Talving, Sten Saar, Kenji Inaba

            Pages 465-474

          2. Major Abdominal Arteries

            • Lydia Lam, Kenji Inaba

            Pages 475-482

          3. Spleen

            • Ragavan Narayanan, Heena P. Santry

            Pages 483-488

          4. Penetrating Rectal Injuries

            • Andrew J. Nicol, Pradeep H. Navsaria

            Pages 489-491

          5. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

            • Osamu Yoshino, Nicholas Lee, Zsolt J. Balogh

            Pages 493-498

          6. SNOM: Conservative Management of Solid Viscera

            • Pradeep H. Navsaria

            Pages 499-502

          7. Bleeding in the Pelvis

            • Edward Kelly, Francesca Izzo

            Pages 503-505

        12. Neurological Trauma

          1. Front Matter

            Pages 507-507


          2. Gunshot Injuries to the Head

            • Ekkehard M. Kasper, Hanan Algethami, Radwan Takroni, Burkhard S. Kasper

            Pages 509-522

          3. Approach to Penetrating Injury of the Spinal Cord

            • Joachim M. K. Oertel, Jason R. Degiannis

            Pages 523-528

          4. Early Neurotrauma Rehabilitation

            • Sara E. Cartwright, Kate E. Delaney, Ronald E. Hirschberg

            Pages 529-537

        13. Surgical Strategies in Penetrating Trauma and Orthopedic Injuries

          1. Front Matter

            Pages 539-539


          2. Introduction to Orthopedic Injuries

            • Thomas Scalea

            Pages 541-545

          3. Extremity Fractures

            • Jeffrey Ustin

            Pages 547-549

          4. Compartment Syndrome of the Extremities

            • Mark W. Bowyer

            Pages 551-560

          5. Penetrating Trauma to the Hand

            • Sascha Flohé, Konstantinos Degiannis, Tim Lögters

            Pages 561-568

          6. Penetrating Trauma to the Foot

            • Tobias Gehlen, Sven Märdian

            Pages 569-577

          7. Penetrating Trauma: Amputations

            • Alexander Upfill-Brown, Cyrus E. Taghavi, Nelson F. SooHoo, Areti Tillou

            Pages 579-588

          8. Amputations of Hand and Foot after Destructive Gunshot Injuries

            • Philipp Mörsdorf, Konstantinos Degiannis, David Osche

            Pages 589-600

          9. Anterior Exposure of the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

            • Hani Seoudi

            Pages 601-606

          10. Peripheral Arterial Injuries

            1. Front Matter

              Pages 607-607


            2. Peripheral Arterial Injuries from Penetrating Trauma

              • Matthew J. Martin, Ali Salim

              Pages 609-610

            3. Axillary and Brachial Vessels

              • Ali Salim, Kristin Madenci, Matthew J. Martin

              Pages 611-616

            4. Femoral Vessels

              • David R. King

              Pages 617-621

            5. Popliteal Vessels

              • John M. McClellan, Matthew J. Martin, Ali Salim

              Pages 623-633

            6. Penetrating Arterial Injuries Below Elbow/Knee

              • Carl Magnus Wahlgren, Louis Riddez

              Pages 635-640

          11. Other Topics

            1. Front Matter

              Pages 641-641


            2. Management of Penetrating Soft Tissue Injuries

              • Christos Ladas

              Pages 643-649

            3. Burns and Inhalational Injury

              • Jonathan E. Schoen, Herb A. Phelan, Jennifer Lang Mooney

              Pages 651-660

            4. Crush Injuries

              • Jonathan E. Schoen, Herb A. Phelan

              Pages 661-669

            5. Blast Injuries

              • Joe DuBose, David S. Plurad, Peter M. Rhee

              Pages 671-678

            6. The Elderly Patient

              • Thomas Lustenberger, Kenji Inaba

              Pages 679-688

            7. The Pediatric Patient

              • Graeme Pitcher, Alan F. Utria

              Pages 689-695

            8. The Pregnant Patient

              • Andreas Larentzakis, Dimitrios Theodorou

              Pages 697-702

            9. Emergency Caesarean Delivery in Pregnant Patient with Penetrating Trauma and In-Theatre Neonatal Support

              • Alexandros I. Daponte, George Valasoulis, Gordana Tomasch

              Pages 703-712

            10. Anticoagulation in Penetrating Trauma

              • David R. King

              Pages 713-714

            11. Approach to Perioperative Nutritional Support in Penetrating Trauma

              • Viktor Justin, Mehmet Zeki Buldanli, Philipp Stiegler, Abraham Fingerhut, Selman Uranues

              Pages 715-719

            12. Pain Management in Penetrating Trauma: A Practical Approach

              • Georgia G. Kostopanagiotou, Thomas John Papadimos, Maria N. Pasalis Psomas

              Pages 721-741

            13. Austere Conditions: Surgery with Limited Resources

              • Terence O’Keeffe

              Pages 743-752

            14. The Impact of Trauma on the Psyche

              • Fatima Y. Jeenah, Mahomed Y. Moosa

              Pages 753-760

            15. Rehabilitation

              • Amy H. Phelan

              Pages 761-763

            16. “Rehabilitation Matters!”: Physical Rehabilitation as an Essential Process Post-acute Trauma Care

              • Virginia S. Wilson

              Pages 765-768

            17. Penetrating Injury Prevention

              • Alexandra R. Coward, David S. Plurad, Devon S. Callahan

              Pages 769-773

            18. Forensic Pathology and Trauma

              • Shirley F. A. P. Moeng, Maeyane S. Moeng

              Pages 775-781

            19. Ethics in Severe Trauma

              • Konstantinos Degiannis, Jason R. Degiannis, Philipp Mörsdorf

              Pages 783-786

            20. Organ Donation

              • Eric J. Ley, Ali Salim

              Pages 787-791

            21. The Economics of Trauma Care

              • Frederick Millham

              Pages 793-797


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