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Pelvic Floor, Perineal, and Anal Sphincter Trauma During Childbirth 2nd edition
Diagnosis, Management and Prevention
Sultan, Thakar, Lewicky-Gaupp
100,00 €


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Pelvic Floor, Perineal, and Anal Sphincter Trauma During Childbirth is a comprehensive text that focuses on the maternal morbidity associated with childbirth. The book is edited by a reputable international team of obstetricians and urogynaecologists who have an in-depth knowledge of the subject and are actively involved in training and research. In recognition of the longstanding global diversity in obstetric practice and the management of its sequelae, the authors have compiled the ultimate evidence-based textbook that examines the diagnosis, pathophysiology, management, and prevention of obstetric trauma. It is known that the majority of doctors and midwives have suboptimal training in the anatomy and repair of perineal and anal sphincter trauma. This book aims to address these deficiencies by providing a comprehensive approach in the understanding of this anatomy and provides tips on making an accurate diagnosis and classification of perineal trauma. The dilemmas surrounding repair techniques and management of subsequent pregnancies are fully debated and preventative strategies are highlighted. Chapters on female genital mutilation, the management of faecal incontinence, caesarean section, pre-existing bowel conditions, sexual dysfunction and litigation are also Included.

This book is essential reading for all who are involved in obstetric care both in the labour ward and even years after parturition; obstetricians, midwives, family practitioners, colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, physiotherapists, continence advisors and lawyers can all glean knowledge applicable to their own specialty. In everyday practice, the text can also serve as a handbook for quick reference and should therefore be easily accessible in all antenatal clinics labour ward rooms and perineal/pelvic floor clinics.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-x

    Download chapter PDF

  2. Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor, Perineum and Anal Sphincter

    • Ranee Thakar, Dee E. Fenner, Christopher X. Hong

    Pages 1-16

  3. Pathophysiology and Effects of Pregnancy on the Pelvic Floor

    • John O. L. DeLancey, Fernanda Pipitone

    Pages 17-35

  4. Diagnosis of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIs)

    • Abdul H. Sultan, Ranee Thakar

    Pages 37-48

  5. Episiotomy, First and Second Degree Tears

    • Sara Webb, Ranee Thakar

    Pages 49-60

  6. Management of Acute Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIs)

    • Abdul H. Sultan, Ranee Thakar

    Pages 61-88

  7. Short and Long-term Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Caesarean Section

    • Clare Richards, Mairead Black

    Pages 89-104

  8. Sexual Dysfunction After Childbirth

    • Lisa C. Hickman, Christina Lewicky-Gaupp

    Pages 105-118

  9. Impact of Pregnancy and Childbirth on Pre-existing Bowel Conditions

    • Peter Rimmer, Rachel Cooney

    Pages 119-133

  10. Perineal and Anal Sphincter Wound Healing Complications

    • Nicola Adanna Okeahialam, Ranee Thakar, Abdul H. Sultan

    Pages 135-160

  11. Post-partum Problems and the Perineal Clinic

    • Ranee Thakar, Abdul H. Sultan, Christina Lewicky-Gaupp

    Pages 161-178

  12. Management of Subsequent Pregnancy After Incontinence and Prolapse Surgery

    • Sarah A. Collins, Victoria Handa

    Pages 179-190

  13. Prevention of Perineal Trauma

    • Nicola Adanna Okeahialam, Timothy J. Draycott, Ranee Thakar

    Pages 191-208

  14. Female Genital Mutilation

    • Juliet Albert

    Pages 209-225

  15. Anorectal Pathophysiology and Investigations

    • S. Mark Scott

    Pages 227-253

  16. Anal Sphincter Imaging of Obstetric Trauma

    • Giulio A. Santoro, Patrizia Pelizzo, Abdul H. Sultan

    Pages 255-270

  17. Obstetric Pelvic Floor Trauma

    • Ingrid Volløyhaug

    Pages 271-291

  18. Pelvic Floor and Sphincter Neuropathy After Childbirth

    • Conor P. O’Brien

    Pages 293-316

  19. Physical Therapy After OASIs

    • Hege Hoelmo Johannessen, Siv Mørkved

    Pages 317-329

  20. Non-surgical Management of Anal Incontinence

    • Wendy Ness

    Pages 331-344

  21. Surgical Management of Anal Incontinence

    • Gregory Thomas, Carolynne Vaizey

    Pages 345-357

  22. Obstetric Rectovaginal Fistulas

    • Brittany Roberts, Gifty Kwakye, Dee Fenner, Rebecca G. Rogers

    Pages 359-372

  23. Patient Reported Outcomes After Childbirth

    • J. Oliver Daly

    Pages 373-387

  24. Education and Training in OASIS

    • Joanna C. Roper, Ranee Thakar, Abdul H. Sultan

    Pages 389-401

  25. Litigation After Pelvic Floor and Anal Sphincter Injuries

    • Michael Mylonas KC, Shivi Nathan

    Pages 403-414

  26. Back Matter

    Pages 415-416


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