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Pediatric Thoracic Surgery
Mattioli, Petralia, Torre,
150,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book discusses all thoracic diseases of surgical interest, from thorax malformations to airways disorders.

It is divided into six main sections; the first two analyze general aspects, while the following three focus on malformations of the thorax, airways, esophagus and diaphragm. The final section describes the main pediatric tumors involving the chest and internal thoracic organs. Each chapter starts with a classification of the main pathologies related to the anatomical region considered. For each pathology, the various aspects of the diagnostic-therapeutic procedure are described in details - from the clinical presentation and diagnosis to the pre-operative preparation, the surgical aspects, and the post-operative course. Possible future developments are also evaluated.

The volume will be a useful tool for specialists in pediatric and thoracic surgery, but will also represent an educational resource for medical and nursing students. 

  • Thoracic Surgery in Pediatric Patients

    Pages 3-4

    Mattioli, Girolamo (et al.)

  • Management Aspects: Quality, Ethics, and Economic Sustainability

    Pages 5-6

    Petralia, Paolo (et al.)

  • Prenatal Diagnosis and Perinatal Management of Thoracic Anomalies

    Pages 9-34

    Paladini, Dario

  • Imaging of the Chest

    Pages 35-44

    Damasio, Maria Beatrice (et al.)

  • Anesthesia in Thoracic Surgery

    Pages 45-66

    Montobbio, Giovanni (et al.)

  • Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

    Pages 67-79

    Moscatelli, Andrea (et al.)

  • Pulmonary Function Tests

    Pages 81-87

    Sacco, Oliviero

  • Pectus Excavatum

    Pages 91-96

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Pectus Carinatum

    Pages 97-102

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Poland Syndrome

    Pages 103-109

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Jeune Syndrome

    Pages 111-114

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Anomalies of the Larynx

    Pages 117-121

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Anomalies of the Trachea

    Pages 123-137

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Tracheostomy

    Pages 139-142

    D’Agostino, Roberto (et al.)

  • Cystic Mediastinal Masses in Children

    Pages 143-147

    Torre, Michele (et al.)

  • Congenital Lung Malformations

    Pages 149-159

    Rizzo, Francesca (et al.)

  • Esophageal Atresia

  • Pages 163-174

    Mattioli, Girolamo (et al.)

  • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

    Pages 175-181

    Mattioli, Girolamo (et al.)

  • Diaphragmatic Eventration

    Pages 183-185

    Mattioli, Girolamo (et al.)

  • Sternal Clefts and Cantrell Syndrome

    Pages 187-190

    Mattioli, Girolamo (et al.)

  • Main Thoracic Tumors in Pediatric Age

    Pages 193-219

    Avanzini, Stefano (et al.)


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