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Pediatric Palliative Care
Ragsdale, Miller
Oxford University Press
37,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The first volume in the "What Do I Do Now?: Palliative Care" series, Pediatric Palliative Care uses a case-based palliative care approach to cover common and important topics in the examination, investigation, and management of children with serious illness. Each chapter provides a discussion of the diagnosis, key points to remember, and selected references for further reading. The book addresses a wide range of topics, including the goals of care, symptom management, care for neonatal and adolescent populations, and the emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs of ill children and their families. Written by authors from a variety of fields such as nursing, chaplaincy, social work, and psychology, this book is suited for pediatricians, palliative care and hospice providers, nurses, and allied health practitioners. Pediatric Palliative Care is an engaging collection of thought-provoking cases which clinicians can utilize when they encounter difficult patients. The volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader's ability to answer the question, "What do I do now?"

1. Whose Decision Is This?
2. Why is everyone giving up on our son?
3. Will My Baby Learn to Walk?
4. We are so glad she saw the beach
5. Can you go change the family's mind?
6. In the eye of the beholder
7. You Can't Tell Him That!
8. "You can't stop the machines!"
9. "I won't let you!"
10. Time to stop
11. "Is she dying?"
12. Stuck on Life Support
13. How do we go back to work now?
14. Always putting my needs last
15. My Stomach Hurts
16. No access and still in pain
17. My skin feels like it is on fire
18. The Withdrawn Child
19. She Won't Stop Vomiting
20. Can't catch my breath
21. Why isn't she looking at me?
22. The Lack of Movement
23. Teenage "Bleh"
25. My patient is twitching, could it be itching?
26. Is my baby feeling hungry?
27. Saying hello and goodbye
28. I feel my baby moving, how is she incompatible with life?
29. A moment becomes a memory
30. Tiny fingers, tiny toes
31. A case of refusing to agree
32. I just want to feel normal!
33. I need a refill.
34. "They're taking away her health insurance!"
35. The Unexpected Question
36. A winding path
37. Why is She So Distressed?
38. Maximizing the time left


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