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This book focuses on the worldwide frequent and growing problem with its projective trajectory that encompasses pediatric overweight and obesity.
Through the ten chapters it offers in the first four a comprehensive state of art of the bases of pediatric obesity in order to support the following ones with new and proved clinical issues, as recent complementary features on anthropometry and food intake and new safe treatments.
This books discusses comorbidities, trajectories, prevention, extended periods and treatment. For effective prevention, clues are given to routinely screen all comorbidities that are already present in overweight or obese children but frequently overlooked.
This volume will be of benefit to pediatricians, endocrinologists and all healthcare providers interested in the care of children and adolescents.
Pages i-xvi
Pages 1-30
Pages 31-54
Pages 55-88
Pages 89-122
Pages 123-152
Pages 153-198
Pages 199-216
Pages 217-249
Pages 251-286
Pages 287-306
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