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Pearls and Pitfalls in Skin Ulcer Management
Maruccia, Papa, Ricci, Giudice
230,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Thought as a primary reference on cutaneous ulcer management, written in a clear style by multidisciplinary experts and carefully edited and crafted, this volume covers of the complex topic of Wound Care, highlighting Pearls and Pitfalls in Skin Ulcer Management: from anatomy, epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention, to diagnosis and selection of the best treatment options. This book also offers practical "how to do" advice and includes sections on cleaning and dressing, Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT), the latest on dermal substitutes, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Minimal Invasive Modality (MIMo) in burns. Specific parts illustrate how to assess a clinical wound measurement, and the role played by imaging and telemedicine. The section on infection ranges from diagnosis and classification to drug treatments, diabetic foot management and osteomyelitis. Specific chapters focus on surgical intervention, ranging from grafting and micrografting, to surgical debridement, different reconstructive options and lower limb ulcers. The final part offers additional knowledge, as for example wound and scars in aesthetic surgery, in advanced illnesses or recurrence, pain management, rehabilitation and posture restoration.



While moving from plastic surgery, this truly interdisciplinary and richly illustrated volume spans over many disciplines, and will be highly valued by all specialists that face ulcer wound care in their clinical experience, from plastic and vascular surgeons to other wound specialists and related health professionals, as physiotherapists and nurses. Written in a clear style and in an easy-to-read format, this volume will also be of use for courses and university masters teaching how to manage this complex pathology.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xi

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  2. Introduction to Wound Care, Cleasing, Antiseptic and Local Treatment

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1

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    2. Vulnology (Also Known as Wound Care): History and Myths of Chronic Wounds

      • Elia Ricci, Monica Pittarello

      Pages 3-9

    3. Aetiology, Classification and Advocating for a Holistic, Multidisciplinary Approach

      • Alessandra Michelucci, Giammarco Granieri, Valentina Dini, Marco Romanelli

      Pages 11-19

    4. Anatomical Base for Diagnosis

      • Iris Zalaudek, Michele Pauluzzi

      Pages 21-25

    5. Wound Hygiene: From Traditional to Microenvironment in Cleansing

      • Arturo Caniglia

      Pages 27-31

    6. Principles of Antiseptic Treatments

      • Elisabetta Iacopi, Francesco Giangreco, Alberto Piaggesi

      Pages 33-51

    7. The TIMEH Protocol

      • Claudio Ligresti

      Pages 53-59

  3. Dressing and Bandages

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 61-61

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    2. Ulcer Debridement

      • Tedeschi Pasquale, Michele Maruccia

      Pages 63-74

    3. Advanced Moist Wound Dressing: Classification by Function

      • Alessandro Greco, Mastronicola Diego, Natascia Mennini, Magnoni Cristina

      Pages 75-87

    4. Dressing: Indications on Applications

      • Gianmarco Turriziani, Federico Lo Torto, Diego Ribuffo

      Pages 89-100

    5. Dressing in Burns

      • Antongiulio Mangia, Agostino Rodda, Antonio Di Lonardo

      Pages 101-111

    6. Innovative Dressings

      • Evelin Makuc

      Pages 113-121

    7. Compression Therapy in Ulcer Care

      • Giovanni Mosti

      Pages 123-137

  4. Instrumental Treatments in Wounds

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 139-139

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    2. Scientific Principles and Clinical Application of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)

      • Franco Bassetto, Scarpa Carlotta

      Pages 141-148

    3. Latest Applications of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

      • Laura Torrano, Susana López, Gemma Pons

      Pages 149-154

    4. Electrical Stimulation in Wound Care

      • Elia Ricci

      Pages 155-161

    5. Phototherapy in Wound Care

      • Fabrizio Malan

      Pages 163-166

    6. Instrumental Treatments in Wounds

      1. Laser in Wound Care

        • Elia Ricci

        Pages 167-174

      2. Treatment of Chronic Wounds and Ulcers with Focused and Defocused Shock Waves

        • Raoul ul Saggini, Rosa Grazia Bellomo, Andrea Saggini

        Pages 175-180

      3. Hydrosurgery in Wound Care

        • Ferdinando Campitiello

        Pages 181-182

      4. Ultrasound in Wound Care

        • Alessandro Scalise, Ortensia Pirro, Cesare Foggetti, Marina Pierangeli, Matteo Torresetti, Giovanni Maria Di Benedetto

        Pages 183-193

      5. Topical Oxygen in Wound Care

        • Harikrishna K. R. Nair

        Pages 195-201

    7. Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Bioingeneering

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 203-203

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      2. Evidence-Based and Clinical Experimentation on Cell Therapy

        • Andrea Ferrari, Chiara Stocco, Roberta Bulla, Serena Zacchigna, Giovanni Papa

        Pages 205-213

      3. Bioinductive Dressing

        • Francesco D’Andrea, Francesca Mosella

        Pages 215-244

      4. Skin Substitutes

        • Vito Cazzato, Grace Marchi, Maria Giulia Spazzapan, Giovanni Papa

        Pages 245-262

      5. Mesenchymal Cells from Adipose Tissue

        • Paolo Persichetti, Giovanni Francesco Marangi, Carlo Mirra, Marco Gratteri, Lucrezia Arcari

        Pages 263-271

      6. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

        • Sara Carella, Maria Giuseppina Onesti

        Pages 273-287

      7. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

        • Valerio Cervelli, Andrea A. Pierro

        Pages 289-298

      8. Minimal Invasive Modality (MIMo) in Burn Wound Care

        • Alessio De Cosmo, Giuseppe Di Gioia, Giulio Maggio, Giuseppe Giudice

        Pages 299-306

      9. Thermal Burns

        • Albin Stritar, Marko Mikša

        Pages 307-314

    8. Measurement and Documentation

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 315-315

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      2. Imaging and Measurement

        • Jacopo Secco

        Pages 317-338

      3. Wound Measurement

        • Valentina Dini, Giammarco Granieri

        Pages 339-346

      4. Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence

        • Michele Blasina, Martina Pangos, Sergio Pillon

        Pages 347-353

    9. Infection in Wound Care

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 355-355

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      2. Infection Diagnosis

        • Giovanni Papa, Paola Pini, Stefano Di Bella, Giulia Benedetta Sidoti

        Pages 357-368

      3. Infection in Wound Care

        1. Classification of Wound Infections

          • Matteo Bassetti, Antonio Vena, Nadia Castaldo

          Pages 369-383

        2. Infected Wound Bed Management: The Diabetic Foot

          • Giacomo Clerici, Fabrizio Losurdo, Andrea Casini, Iulia Valeria Rusu, Robert G. Frykberg

          Pages 385-403

        3. Osteomyelitis

          • Giovanni Vicenti, Guglielmo Ottaviani, Biagio Moretti

          Pages 405-413

      4. Plastic Surgery: When and How

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 415-415

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        2. Grafting and Micrografting in Wound Care

          • Alberto Bolletta, Davide Di Seclì, Mirco Pozzi, Emanuele Cigna

          Pages 417-428

        3. Surgical Debridement in Wound Care

          • Stefano Bottosso, Silvia Pasquali, Riccardo Ricci, Zoran M. Arnež

          Pages 429-437

        4. Reconstructive Options in Wound Care: From Simplest to Most Complex

          • Marco Pappalardo, Francesca Lolli, Melba Lattanzi, Giorgio De Santis

          Pages 439-452

        5. Surgical Indications in All Diagnostic and Care Pathways (DTCP) Settings

          • Emanuele Cammarata, Francesca Toia, Antonino Speciale, Martina Maltese, Tiziano Pergolizzi, Adriana Cordova

          Pages 453-466

        6. Microsurgery in Wound Healing

          • Joon Pio Hong, Asli Datli

          Pages 467-480

        7. Advanced Reconstruction in Wound Care

          • Hung-Chi Chen, Burak Kaya

          Pages 481-498

        8. Lower Limb Ulcers: Clinical and Diagnostic Workout

          • Vittorio Ramella, Martin Iurilli, Alessia De Grazia, Laura Grezar

          Pages 499-508

      5. Ulcer Management Further Issues

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 509-509

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        2. Wound Care in Aesthetic Surgery

          • Valeriano Vinci, Riccardo Di Giuli, Ana Paula Fontoura Andrade Reis, Marco Klinger

          Pages 511-521

        3. Correction of Postural Deficit Promoting Lower Limb Hemodynamics, for Feet Proprioceptive Stimulation

          • Gianluca Bernabei

          Pages 523-536

        4. Pain Management

          • Angela Peghetti, Roberta Seri, Enrica Cavalli, Valentina Martin

          Pages 537-570

        5. Nutrition and Metabolism

          • Lucilla Crudele, Marica Cariello, Antonio Moschetta

          Pages 571-580

        6. Diabetic Foot Management

          • Irene Caruso, Anna Leonardini, Francesca Guarini, Mattia Bernardis, Luca Cellamare, Ilaria Immacolata Matichecchia et al.

          Pages 581-592

        7. Ozone Therapy in Wound Care

          • Fabio Sallustio, Marco Fiorentino, Paola Pontrelli, Mariagiovanna Di Chiano, Annalisa Casanova, Nicla Campobasso et al.

          Pages 593-610

        8. Malignant Wound Care and Advanced Illness Management

          • Marco Marcasciano, Jacopo Nanni, Antonello Greto Ciriaco, Maria Antonia Fiorillo, Donato Casella, Manfredi Greco

          Pages 611-622

        9. The Prevention of Ulcer Recurrence

          • Vincenzo Lauletta

          Pages 623-631

        10. Ulcer Management Further Issues

          1. Rehabilitation in Wound Care in Adult Population

            • Susanna Mezzarobba, Lucia Chierici

            Pages 633-647

          2. Lymphedema and Wound Care

            • Rossella Elia, Michele Maruccia

            Pages 649-660

          3. Budget and Quality in Dressings

            • Francesco Petrella, Giovanni Papa

            Pages 661-671

          4. Update on Technology and Evidence-Based Management of Scars

            • Luc Téot, Hester Colboc, Sylvie Meaume

            Pages 673-684


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