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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Pearls and Pitfalls in Head and Neck Neuroimaging -.Variants and Other Difficult Diagnoses
Aygun, Shah, Gandhi
96,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Pearls and Pitfalls in Head and Neck and Neuroimaging illustrates and describes the imaging entities that can cause confusion and mismanagement in daily radiological practice. Frequent interpretation errors are covered in 105 cases that provide real-life clinical scenarios for focused and practical learning. The chosen cases represent a modern neuroradiology practice and cover the brain, spine and head and neck regions, including the full panoply of imaging modalities. The underlying reasons for common mistakes are analyzed and radiologic findings that help with the correct diagnosis are emphasized. A differential diagnosis is provided for each case with examples of alternative diagnoses, allowing readers to visually grasp the differentiating features. Pearls and Pitfalls in Head and Neck and Neuroimaging provides a valuable resource for general and sub-specialist radiologists needing to improve their diagnostic proficiency in adult and pediatric patients. This book also serves as a preparation resource for recertification exams in radiology.

  • Focuses on commonly misdiagnosed conditions, alerting radiologists of common pitfalls and teaching them how to avoid these mistakes
  • Provides real-life clinical scenarios, enabling learning from experience
  • Gives examples of alternative diagnoses, allowing readers to visually grasp differentiating features and make the correct diagnosis


  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Cerebrovascular Diseases
    Part II. Demyelinating and Inflammatory Diseases
    Part III. Tumors
    Part IV. Infectious Diseases
    Part V. Metabolic and Neurodegenerative
    Part VI. Trauma
    Part VII. Miscellaneous
    Part VIII. Artifacts and Anatomic Variations
    Part IX. Skull Base
    Part X. T-Bone
    Part XI. Paranasal Sinuses
    Part XII. Orbits
    Part XIII. Salivary Glands
    Part XIV. Neck
    Part XV. Thyroid Parathyroid
    Part XVI. Vessels
    Part XVII. Spinal Column
    Part XVIII. Intervertebral Discs.



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