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Pathology of Transplantation
A Practical Diagnostic Approach
Michel, Berry
140,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Many pathologists find the interpretation of biopsies and other surgical specimens from solid organ, stem cell and bone marrow transplants challenging. Pathology of Transplantation provides a practical structured and logical approach to the diagnostic interpretation of the range of specimens from patients with solid organ, stem cell and bone marrow transplants, including the assessment of native and donor organs, with emphasis on resolution of pathological and clinico-pathological differential diagnoses including the diverse forms of rejection, recurrent and de novo diseases, drug-induced alterations, infections and other pathologies relevant to the system or tissue. In addition, this provides information on some of the critical clinical consequences of pathological diagnoses and guidelines for interaction and effective communication with transplant clinicians thereby ensuring the best possible care to patients with transplants. Pathology of Transplantation provides a relatively simple but diagnostically comprehensive and practical book that the pathologist will keep on hand and pick up to rapidly find answers in daily practice of transplantation pathology.

  • Introduction

    Michel, René P. (et al.)

    Pages 1-6

  • Immunobiology of Transplantation

    Dijke, I. Esme

    Pages 7-51

  • Immunosuppressive Drugs in Solid Organ Transplantation

    Berry, Gerald J. (et al.)

    Pages 53-79

  • Heart Transplantation

    Michel, René P. (et al.)

    Pages 81-119

  • Lung Transplantation

    Berry, Gerald J.

    Pages 121-172

  • Liver Transplantation

    Michel, René P. (et al.)

    Pages 173-263

  • Pancreas Transplantation

    Michel, René P.

    Pages 265-298

  • Intestinal Transplantation

    Higgins, John P. (et al.)

    Pages 299-313

  • Kidney Transplantation

    Bernard, Chantal (et al.)

    Pages 315-399

  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

    Maedler-Kron, Chelsea (et al.)

    Pages 401-449

  • Transplantation and Malignancy

    Amre, Ramila (et al.)

    Pages 451-476

  • Future Directions in Transplantation

    Berry, Gerald J.

    Pages 477-478



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