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Pathology and Biology of Human Germ Cell Tumors
Nogales, Jimenez
170,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides, for the first time, a detailed, up-to-date, holistic approach to the pathology and biology of germ cell tumors. The main focus is the complex histopathology of these tumors, but special considerations are also given to their morphologic variations in relation to age, gender and organ. Critical updates are provided on terminology and classification; the discussion of biology and pathogenesis includes references to many molecular genetic and immunohistochemical findings from recent stem cell research. Individual chapters are devoted to germ cell tumors at different anatomic locations, including not only the ovaries and testes but also the mediastinum and central nervous system, and pediatric tumors. All of the contributing authors are opinion leaders from universities of excellence in Europe and the United States. This monograph will be of wide interest to practitioners and researchers in many fields of medicine, including pathology, gynecology, urology, and pediatrics, as well as stem cell scientists.

  • Germ Cell Tumors: Classifications, Definitions, and Terminology

    Damjanov, Ivan

    Pages 1-9

  • The Epidemiology of Malignant Germ Cell Tumors: The EUROCARE Study

    Trama, Annalisa (et al.)

    Pages 11-21

  • Germ Cell Tumors from a Developmental Perspective: Cells of Origin, Pathogenesis, and Molecular Biology (Emerging Patterns)

    Oosterhuis, J. Wolter (et al.)

    Pages 23-129

  • Diagnostic Immunopathology of Germ Cell Tumors

    Preda, Ovidiu (et al.)

    Pages 131-179

  • Management of Germ Cell Tumors

    Kohli, Manish (et al.)

    Pages 181-194

  • Germ Cell Tumors of the Female Genital Tract

    Nogales, Francisco F. (et al.)

    Pages 195-266

  • Testicular Germ Cell Tumors

    Jimenez, Rafael E. (et al.)

    Pages 267-325

  • Mediastinal Germ Cell Tumors

    Roden, Anja C.

    Pages 327-364

  • Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors

    Vizcaino, M. Adelita (et al.)

    Pages 365-379

  • Pediatric Germ Cell Tumors

    Zambrano, Eduardo (et al.)

    Pages 381-395

  • Germ Cell Tumors of Miscellaneous Extragonadal Sites

    Rubio-Fernández, Alejandro (et al.)

    Pages 397-417

  • Somatic-Type Malignancy in Germ Cell Tumors

    Dashti, Nooshin K. (et al.)

    Pages 419-439



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