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Pain Control in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Rajput, Vadivelu, Kaye, Shah
120,00 €


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This book provides a comprehensive review of the challenges, risk stratification, approaches and techniques needed to improve pain control in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). It addresses not only the management of acute perioperative pain but also describes modalities that could potentially reduce the risk of evolution of acute pain into chronic pain, in addition to weaning protocols and follow ups with primary surgical specialties and pain physicians as needed.


Organized into five sections, the book begins with the foundations of managing ASCs, with specific attention paid to the current opioid epidemic and U.S. policies relating to prescribing opioids to patients. Section two and three then explore facets of multimodal analgesia and non-operating room locations, including the use of ultrasounds, sedation in specific procedures, regional anesthesia, ketamine infusions, and the management of perioperative nausea and intractable pain in outpatient surgery. Section four examines the unique challenges physicians face with certain patient demographics, such as the pediatric population, those suffering from sleep apnea, and those with a history of substance abuse. The book closes with information on discharge considerations, ambulatory surgery protocols, recovery room protocols, and mandatory pain management services.


An invaluable reference for all health personnel and allied specialties, Pain Control in Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) meets the unmet need for a resource that covers optimum pain control in patients undergoing outpatient surgery as well as the urgent ASCs challenges that are presented on an immense scale with national and international impact.

  • Academic and Non-academic Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Hospital Outpatient Departments

    Pages 3-11

    Graham, Tanith

  • Opioid Epidemic

    Pages 13-28

    Carroll Turpin, Michelle A. (et al.)

  • Current US Policy for Opioid Prescribing

    Pages 29-41

    Shah, Achal (et al.)

  • Rationale and Goals for Optimal Pain Control in Ambulatory Surgical Centers

    Pages 43-48

    Stiles, Nick (et al.)

  • Challenges of Pain Control in Ambulatory Surgery Setting

    Pages 49-64

    Fanelli, David (et al.)

  • Assessment and Optimization of Available Resources for Pain Control (In Ambulatory Surgery Setting)

    Pages 65-77

    Kaye, Alan David (et al.)

  • Benefits of Optimum Pain Control in the Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 79-89

    Abdullah, Newaj (et al.)

  • Analgesic Strategies in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 91-109

    Lane, Olabisi

  • Preoperative Planning of Acute Pain Management in an Academic Ambulatory Surgical Center

    Pages 111-120

    Anand, Suwarna (et al.)

  • Comprehensive Pain Management: Opioid-Naïve Versus Opioid-Tolerant Patients

    Pages 123-131

    Bautista, Alexander (et al.)

  • Opioid Use in the Treatment of Pain States

    Pages 133-152

    Williamson, Ethan (et al.)

  • Maximization of Non-opioid Multimodal Therapy in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 153-168

    Fuller, Mitchell C. (et al.)

  • The Role of Ultrasound in the Ambulatory Setting

    Pages 169-178

    Prabhakar, Amit (et al.)

  • Use of Regional Anesthesia/Neuraxial Anesthesia in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 179-202

    Moll, Vanessa (et al.)

  • Ketamine Infusions: Role and Use in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 203-210

    Kikkeri, Sathya (et al.)

  • Management of Perioperative Nausea and Intractable Pain in Outpatient Surgery: Mechanisms, Strategies, and Clinical Considerations

    Pages 211-227

    Mosieri, Chizoba (et al.)

  • Sedation for Interventional Pain Procedures

    Pages 231-244

    Southerland, Warren (et al.)

  • Sedation and Analgesic Considerations for Gastrointestinal Procedures

    Pages 245-256

    Fuller, Mitchell C. (et al.)

  • Management of Perioperative Pain and Sedation for Interventional Radiology Procedures

    Pages 257-280

    McDougal, Jonathan S. (et al.)

  • Management of Perioperative Pain for Outpatient Bronchoscopy

    Pages 281-288

    Hendon, Alec (et al.)

  • Perioperative Management of Sleep Apnea Patients in an Ambulatory Surgical Setting

    Pages 291-298

    Torre, Matthew

  • Special Considerations: Management of Pediatric Pain in an Ambulatory Setting

    Pages 299-307

    Cappuccio, Ellise (et al.)

  • Pain Management in Former Addicts on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program

    Pages 309-325

    Rajput, Kanishka (et al.)

  • The Impact of Marijuana and Other Drugs of Abuse on Pain Control in Ambulatory Anesthesia

    Pages 327-334

    Gevirtz, Clifford

  • Special Considerations – Indwelling Spinal Cord Stimulators and Intrathecal Pumps

    Pages 335-343

    Beals, Colin (et al.)

  • Discharge from Recovery Room in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

    Pages 347-353

  • Recovery Room Protocols for Nursing in Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) and Hospital Outpatient Departments (HOPDs)

    Pages 355-367

    Zafar, Jill (et al.)

  • Weaning Protocols After Ambulatory Surgery

    Pages 369-377

    Aggarwal, Nitish (et al.)

  • Role of a Focused Ambulatory Pain Physician

    Pages 379-389

    Prem, Anand M. (et al.)

  • Inclusion of Pain Management Services in Ambulatory Surgical Centers

    Pages 391-414

    Pak, Aimee

  • New Vistas in Ambulatory Postoperative Pain Management

    Pages 415-420

    Sinha, Kunal R. (et al.)


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