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Paediatric Surgery
Clinical Practice in Remote and Rural Settings, and in Tropical Regions
Carroll, Stalewski, Rathnamma
78,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Paediatric surgeons who practice in areas where medical resources are stretched over wide geographical areas face a number of challenges. This resource provides an easy and useful guide to help readers understand the essentials of paediatric surgery. Using the authors’ own experiences, the text illustrates the different management practices required when dealing with paediatric patients in rural and remote settings.

The most frequently encountered fetal, infant and paediatric conditions are reviewed, together with coverage of trauma, burns, urology, thoracic surgery, emergency abdominal surgery, minimally invasive paediatric surgery and problems with external genitalia.

This book is intended to be a practical guide for clinicians to the common and important problems seen in paediatric surgery, enabling them to make clinical management plans and ensure effective communication with local teams.

The Tropics, Michael T. Carroll and Daniel Carroll, The Tyranny of Distance, Daniel Carroll, Transport Considerations, Daniel Carroll, Fetal Medicine, Daniel Carroll and Charlotte J. Slaney, The Neonatal Surgical Patient, Kiera Roberts, Harry Stalewski and Daniel Carroll, The Infant as a Paediatric Surgical Patient, Kapilan Ravichandran and Daniel Carroll, General Surgery in Childhood, Phoebe Leung, Harry Stalewski and Daniel Carroll, Managing Trauma in Tropical Queensland, Daniel Carroll, Paediatric Burns, Helen Buschel and Daniel Carroll, Paediatric Urology, Daniel Carroll, Thoracic Surgery in Children, Kyle Crowley and Daniel Carroll, Emergency Abdominal Surgery in Children, Daniel Carroll, Problems with the External Genitalia, Helen Buschel and Daniel Carroll, Minimally Invasive Paediatric Surgery,David Kanaganyangam and Bhanu Mariyappa Rathnamma, Global Health Interventions in Paediatric Surgery, Ramesh Nataraja, Yin Mar Oo and Elizabeth McLeod, Common Problems in Remote and Rural Paediatric Surgical Practice, Daniel Carroll


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