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Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry
Oxford University Press
144,00 €


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Migrant psychiatry is an evolving subdiscipline within cultural psychiatry that deals with the impact of migration on the mental health of those who have migrated and those who work with these groups and provide services to them. Stress related to migration affects migrants and their extended families either directly or indirectly. The process of migration is not just a phase, but leads on to a series of adjustments, including acculturation, which may occur across generations. Factors such as changes in diet, attitudes and beliefs, and overall adjustment are important in settling down and making the individuals feel secure. This period of adjustment will depend upon the individual migrant's pre-migration experiences, migration process and post-migration experiences, but also upon an individual's personality, social support and emotional response to migration. Socio-demographic factors, such as age, gender, educational, and economic status will all play a role in post-migration adjustment. In order to understand the impact on individuals, not only the type of migration and different stressors, but also the types of psychological mechanisms at a personal level and the resources and processes at a societal level need to be explored. Despite the number of refugees and asylum seekers around the world increasing at an astonishing rate, the mental health needs of migrants are often ignored by policy makers and clinicians.

The Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry is designed to serve as the comprehensive reference resource on the mental health of migrants, bringing together both theoretical and practical aspects of the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers for researchers and professionals. Individual chapters summarise theoretical constructs related to theories of migration, the impact of migration on mental health and adjustment, collective trauma, individual identity and diagnostic fallacies. The book also covers the practical aspects of patient management including cultural factors, ethnopsychopharmacology, therapeutic interaction and therapeutic expectation, and psychotherapy. Finally, the book will examine special clinical problems and special patient groups.

Part of the authoritative Oxford Textbooks in Psychiatry series, this resource will serve as an essential reference for psychiatrists, mental health professionals, general practitioners/primary care physicians, social workers, policy makers and voluntary agencies dealing with refugees and asylum seekers.

1:Introduction, Dinesh Bhugra
Section 1. Background
2:Geo-Politics of migration and refugees, Albert Persaud, Antonio Ventriglio, Koravangattu Valsraj, and Dinesh Bhugra
3:Political and institutional determinants of immigration policies, Sandro Cattacin and Toni Ricciardi
4:Prejudice, ethnic discrimination and double jeopardy in migrants, Cameron Watson, Edgardo Juan Tolentino Jr,, and Dinesh Bhugra
5:Global cultures as a consequence of globalization of mental health, Driss Moussaoui, Vishal Bhavsar, and Dinesh Bhugra
6:Gender perspectives in migration, Rangaswamy Thara and Aarthi Raman
7:ychosocial approach to working with victims of trafficking with means of sexual exploitation, Catarina Alves and Nadia Morales Gordillo
8:The new face of exploited children in Europe, Olivier Peyroux
9:Mental health needs of LGBT migrants, Rebecca Hopkinson, Eva S. Keatley, and Joanne Ahola
10:Urbanisation and its impact on migrant mental health, Layla McCay and Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan
11:Trauma and migration, Joanne Stubley
12:Collective trauma, Umaharan Thamotharampillai and Daya Somasundaram
Section 2. Pre-migration
13:Mental health issues of child refugees and migrants, Jaswant Guzder
14:Vulnerability, psychopathology, and creativity of the children and adolescents of migrants, Marie-Rose Moro, Laelia Benoit, Manon Lebozec, Sevan Minassian, Alice Rizzi, Rahmeth Radjack
15:Effects of migration on women's psychosocial health: focus on the Mediterranean region, Mauro Giovanni Carta, Giulia Cossu, and Caterina La Cascia
16:Experiences of elderly migrants in a new country, Fungai Mhlanga and Rosemary Mhlanga
17:Families migrating together, Renos K. Papadopoulos
18:Psychosocial and mental health impacts of migration for 'left-behind' children of international migrant workers, Michaella Vanore, Kolitha Prabhash Wickramage, Delanjathan Devakumar, and Lucy Jordan
19:Forced migration, Patricia Foxen
20:Out-migration and social capital, Nicholas Spina
21:Micro-migration, Uriel Halbreich
22:Disability and forced migration, Rebecca Yeo
Section 3. Migration
23:Internal migration, Bharathram Sathur Raghuraman and Santosh K. Chaturvedi
24:General health needs of migrants and refugees, Androula Pavli and Sotirios Tsiodras
25:Physical migration, Oyedeji Ayonrinde and Nicolette Busuttil
26:Physical and psychological resilience and migration, Bex Willans and Sarah Stewart-Brown
27:Migration governance and mental health, Guglielmo Schinina
28:Refugee and asylum seekers, Tom K. J. Craig
29:High skilled migration and mental health: challenges and solutions, Antonio Ventriglio, Susham Gupta, Cameron Watson
Section 4. Post-migration
30:Socio-cultural phenomenology of world migrations, Renato D. Alarcón
31:The cross-cultural assessment of migrants, Neil Aggarwal
32:Refugee and asylum seekers experience, Rachel Tribe and Angelina Jalonen
33:Principles for the management of physical and mental health care in migrants, Vishal Bhavsar
34:Managing relationships and psychotherapy, Kenneth Po-Lun Fung
35:Community-based mental health care and Narrative Exposure Therapy, Kevin Pottie, Doug Gruner, and Azaad Kassam
36:Migrant acculturation and adaptation, John Berry
37:Cultural bereavement, cultural congruity and identities, Cameron Watson, Antonio Ventriglio, Dinesh Bhugra
38:Intercultural mediation in mental health care, Adil Qureshi, Olga Ananyeva, and Francisco Collazos
39:Working with interpreters, Rachel Tribe
40:Migration and mental health care in the European Union, Guglielmo Schininá and Geertrui Lanneau
41:Refugees, torture and dehumanization, Vladimir Jovic
42:Refugee, migrant and asylum seeker experiences - the Balkan perspective, Dusica Lecic-Tosevski and Bojana Pejuskovic
43:Needs of child refugees and economic factors, Dimitris C. Anagnostopoulos, Kalliopi Triantafyllou, and Nikos G. Christodoulou
44:Media setting the agenda: the various shapes of media othering, Elisabeth Eide
45:Immigration, migrant perspective, Shahram Shaygani
46:Early assessment of mental health and options for documentation of torture in newly arrived asylum seekers, Nora Sveaass and Birgit Nanki Johanne Lie
47:Safety for children: how can we support parents and caregivers in reception centres and early phases of resettlement?, Ragnhild Dybdahl and Helen Johnsen Christie
48:Women and migration: psychopathology, Vandita Shanbhag, Madhura Bojappa, and Prabha Chandra
49:Children and vulnerable groups services, Diana Miconi and Cécile Rousseau
50:Ethics and migrant psychiatry: principles, challenges and solutions, Nicholas A. Deakin, Antonio Ventriglio, and Dinesh Bhugra
51:Mental health of refugees in primary care, Edvard Hauff and Reidun Brunvatne
52:Separate or integrated services?, Sofie Bäärnhielm, Aina Baslier Vaage, and Mike Mösko
53:Specialist services: practice, Sverre Varvin
Section 5. Psychotherapeutic Techniques
54:Handling cultural differences between patient and clinician, Joseph Westermeyer and Jerome Kroll
55:Therapeutic skills and therapeutic expectations in the treatment of migrant individuals and their families, Samuel O. Okpaku
56:Psychiatric disorders in refugees and immigrants: treatment goals and planning, J. David Kinzie
57:Psychopharmacology and refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, David C. Henderson
58:Psychotherapy and refugees, Francesca Brady, Cornelius Katona, Eileen Walsh, and Katy Robjant
Section 6. Special Issues
59:Intercultural counselling and psychotherapy with new immigrants and refugees, Rachel Tribe
60:PTSD in refugee and migrant mental health, Lisa Andermann, Pushpa Kanagaratnam, Dawit Wondemagegn, Clare Pain
61:Race and racism's impact on mental wellness, Oyedeji Ayonrinde and Shadé Miller
62:Psychiatric emergencies in asylum seekers, Georgios Schoretsanitis, Dinesh Bhugra, and Aristomenis Exadaktylos
63:Suicide among refugees: the silent story, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Sujit John, A.T. Jotheeswaran
64:Acculturation and suicide-related risk among Latin American migrants, Lillian Polanco-Roman, Cristiane Duarte, and Roberto Lewis-Fernández
65:Resettlement stressors and family factors in refugee child and adolescent psychopathology, Matthew Hodes, Roman A. Koposov, and Norbert Skokauskas
66:Identifying service needs, Meryam Schouler-Ocak
67:Separate services or integrated services, Jessica Carlsson and Marianne Kastrup
68:An early intervention framework for the emotional health and wellbeing of unaccompanied minors, Ana Draper and Elisa Marcellino
69:Transforming identities: meeting the needs of refugee and asylum-seeking children in a child and adolescent mental health service in the NHS, David Amias, Karen Partridge, Sherry Rehim, and Nsimire Aimee Bisimwa
70:International medical graduates' contributions to psychiatry, Nyapati Rao, Saeed Ahmed, and Dinesh Bhugra
71:Dynamics of International Medical Graduates (IMGs) migration: challenges and opportunities, Nyapati Rao, Saeed Ahmed, and Dinesh Bhugra
72:Developing psychiatric services for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, Stanley Yip, Kenneth Javate, and Dinesh Bhugra
73:Use of telepsychiatry for the management of mental health problems in migrants, Keith Hariman, Antonio Ventriglio, and Dinesh Bhugra
74:Returning Migrants: Mental and Physical Health Needs, Antonio Ventriglio, Matthew Kelly, and Dinesh Bhugra
75:What Next?, Dinesh Bhugra


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