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Oxford Desk Reference Nephrology Second Edition
Barratt, Topham, Carr, Arici, Liew
Oxford University Press
95,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

In this era of evidence-based medicine, one of the biggest challenges confronting clinicians is keeping abreast with often rapidly changing recommendations that guide clinical practice. This new edition of The Oxford Desk Reference in Nephrology is designed to overcome this problem. The editors have produced a comprehensive summary of nephrology which focuses on aspects of renal disease that are important to the clinician and have brought together the key recommendations found in current evidence-based guidelines and presented them in a uniform and accessible format.

It has been designed and written so that locating information is both quick and simple, and the layout of the chapters allows the reader to identify and assimilate information rapidly.

Fully updated, with new chapters covering developments in nephrological practice, in particular a section on Covid 19 and the kidneys, this Desk Reference is an important addition to the armamentarium for nephrology trainees, and consultants as well as trainees in general medicine.

1:General Considerations in patients with renal disease
3:Fluid and electrolyte disorders
4:Glomerular disease
5:Tubular and Interstitial disease
6:The kidney in systemic disease
7:Diabetes and the Kidney
8:Infection and the kidney
9:Inherited renal disease
10:Pregnancy and the kidney
11:The child with kidney disease
12:Acute kidney injury (AKI)
13:Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
14:Management of advanced CKD
15:Renal transplantation
16:Urological aspects of renal disease
1:Anatomy of the kidney and nephron
2:Calculations for acid-base balance and extracellular fluid volume
3:Calculations of the glomerular filtration rate
4:Relationship of glomerular filtration rate with age
5:Calculations of dialysis adequacy
6:Classification of chronic kidney disease
7:Internet resources
8:Professional societies
9:Clinical practice guidelines and renal registries
10:Information resources for professionals
11:Information resources for patients and carers
12:Patient counseling tools
13:Biochemistry conversion table


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