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Orthopedic Nuclear Medicine 2nd ed
157,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Explains the current value of nuclear medicine in diagnosing a range of bone diseases and disorders
  • Covers radiologic and pathologic correlation to enhance understanding of the role of scintigraphy
  • Describes therapeutic applications of nuclear medicine

This book, now in a revised and updated second edition, offers a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in orthopedic nuclear medicine, including the impressive recent advances in the field and the diagnosis of under-recognized conditions on the basis of their imaging patterns. The opening chapters acquaint the reader briefly with anatomic, physiologic, pathologic, and technical concepts crucial to a sound understanding of orthopedic nuclear medicine and its utilization in clinical practice. The imaging diagnosis of skeletal infections, trauma, vascular disorders, metabolic and neoplastic bone diseases, soft tissue calcifications, and joint disorders is then explained in detail. Two entirely new chapters, on bone marrow imaging and hybrid imaging of bone diseases, have been added to this edition.  A separate chapter is devoted to the use of radionuclides for the treatment of bone and joint disorders. The book is richly illustrated and amply documents the effectiveness of nuclear medicine in diagnosing bone disease. It will prove invaluable to all with an interest in diagnostic and therapeutic orthopedics, including orthopedists, radiologists, rheumatologists, pediatricians, podiatrists, other clinicians, and all nuclear and molecular imaging professionals.

Table of contents (11 chapters)

  • Basic Sciences of Bone and Joint Diseases

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 1-36

  • Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bone Diseases

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 37-100

  • Diagnosis of Metabolic, Endocrine, and Congenital Bone Disease

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 101-145

  • Diagnosis of Traumatic Disorders

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 147-189

  • Diagnosis of Circulatory Disorders

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 191-212

  • Neoplastic Bone Diseases

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 213-280

  • Diagnosis of Joint Disorders

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 281-305

  • Bone Marrow Imaging

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 307-322

  • Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Calcification

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 323-348

  • Hybrid Imaging in the Diagnosis of Bone Diseases

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 349-385

  • Therapeutic Use of Radionuclides in Bone and Joint Disease

    Elgazzar, Abdelhamid H.

    Pages 387-415



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