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Operative Techniques in Laryngology 2nd edition
Rosen, Simpson
220,00 €


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This book provides the laryngeal surgeon with essential background information on laryngological disorders, step-by-step surgical information, and key pearls and pitfalls for laryngeal surgery. The field of laryngeal surgery for voice, swallowing, and airway pathologic conditions has dramatically changed over the last 20 years, and the impetus for this book was to reflect these major paradigm shifts and bring together in one place the essential information on the rapidly growing and changing field of laryngeal surgery.

Introductory chapters provide a foundation for the diagnosis and preoperative management of laryngeal pathological conditions. These are followed by the procedural chapters, which encompass a wide range of laryngeal procedures. They have been organized around the broad categories of phonomicrosurgery, awake laryngeal surgery, laryngeal framework surgery, and open airway reconstruction. Each procedural chapter is brief, consisting of five to ten pages, and presents progressive instructions for different laryngeal surgical approaches. The individual steps of the procedure are clearly demonstrated through a series of high-quality intraoperative photos and schematic illustrations. In addition, key aspects of certain procedures are accompanied by a short video. All pertinent information regarding equipment, instrumentation, post-operative care, and possible complications associated with the surgical approach is summarized in bullet format at the end of each chapter. Most of the laryngeal procedures feature an expert commentator who has provided unique insights on important steps and different approaches to the described surgical procedure to provide the reader a variety of perspectives.

Operative Techniques in Laryngology is aimed at general otolaryngologists, residents, laryngology fellows, and laryngologists. The emergence and growth of laryngology as a sub-specialty of otolaryngology has established this field as an important partof general otolaryngology training.


    Front Matter
    Pages i-xxiv
    Clinical Evaluation of Laryngeal Disorders
        Front Matter
        Pages 1-1
        Anatomy and Physiology of the Larynx
            Hagit Shoffel-Havakuk, Michael M. Johns III
        Pages 3-10
        Principles of Clinical Evaluation for Voice Disorders
            Phillip C. Song, VyVy N. Young
        Pages 11-16
        Videostroboscopy and Dynamic Voice Evaluation with Flexible Laryngoscopy
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 17-22
        Pathological Conditions of the Vocal Fold
            Laura Dominguez, Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 23-31
        Glottic Insufficiency: Vocal Fold Paralysis, Paresis, and Atrophy
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 33-42
        Glottic and Subglottic Stenosis: Evaluation and Surgical Planning
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 43-49
        Nonsurgical Treatment of Voice Disorders
            Priya Krishna, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 51-59
        Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease
            Thomas L. Carroll, Matthew R. Naunheim
        Pages 61-67
        Timing, Planning, and Decision-Making in Phonosurgery
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 69-72
        Anesthesia and Airway Management for Laryngeal Surgery: Surgeon’s Perspective
            Karen J. Maresch, Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 73-88
        Anesthesia and Airway Management for Laryngeal Surgery: Anesthesia’s Perspective
            Karen J. Maresch, Clark A. Rosen, George W. Pasvankas
        Pages 89-104
    Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Laryngeal Pathology: Principles
        Front Matter
        Pages 105-105
        Principles of Phonomicrosurgery
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 107-121
        Ergonomics of Phonomicrosurgery
            Libby J. Smith, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 123-129
        Perioperative Care for Phonomicrosurgery
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 131-133
        Management and Prevention of Complications Related to Phonomicrosurgery
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 135-137
        Principles of Laser Microlaryngoscopy
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 139-145
        Principles of Vocal Fold Augmentation
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 147-152


    Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Laryngeal Pathology: Voice Procedures
        Front Matter
        Pages 153-153
        Vocal Fold Polyp and Reactive Lesion: Phonomicrosurgery
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 155-163
        Vocal Fold Cyst and Vocal Fold Fibrous Mass
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 165-172
        Reinke’s Edema
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 173-178
        Vocal Fold Granuloma
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 179-183
        Vocal Fold Leukoplakia and Epithelial Dysplasia: Phonomicrosurgery
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 185-190
        Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis of the Larynx
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 191-198
        Vascular Lesions of the Vocal Fold: Phonomicrosurgery
            Robert Thayer Sataloff, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 199-205
        Vocal Fold Scar and Sulcus Deformities of the Vocal Fold
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 207-218
        Endoscopic Management of Teflon Granuloma
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 219-223
        Endoscopic Excision of Saccular Cyst
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 225-229
        Anterior Glottic Web
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 231-238
        Buccal Mucosal Grafting in the Larynx
            Peak Woo
        Pages 239-245
        Vocal Fold Augmentation: Phonomicrosurgery
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 247-256
        Superficial Vocal Fold Injection
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 257-259
    Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Laryngeal Pathology: Laser Microlaryngeal Surgery (Airway/Neoplastic Conditions)
        Front Matter
        Pages 261-261
        Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 263-273
        Posterior Glottic Stenosis: Endoscopic Approach
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen, Mark S. Courey, László Rovó, Alexander Gelbard, Christopher T. Wootten
        Pages 275-287
        Subglottic/Tracheal Stenosis: Endoscopic Management
            C. Blake Simpson, Patrick O. McGarey Jr, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 289-303
        Carcinoma of the Vocal Fold
            Andrew J. McWhorter, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 305-315


    Awake Laryngeal Procedures
        Front Matter
        Pages 317-317
        Principles of Awake Laryngeal Procedures
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 319-325
        Per-oral Vocal Fold Augmentation
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 327-334
        Awake Percutaneous Vocal Fold Augmentation
            Albert L. Merati, Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 335-341
        Botulinum Toxin Injection of the Larynx
            C. Blake Simpson, Lucian Sulica, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 343-352
        Awake Superficial Vocal Fold Injection
            Daniel J. Cates, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 353-358
        Awake Laser Treatment for Benign Laryngeal Pathology
            Kathleen M. Tibbetts, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 359-371
        Awake Treatment of Laryngotracheal Stenosis
            Peter C. Belafsky, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 373-384
    Laryngeal Framework Surgery
        Front Matter
        Pages 385-385
        Principles of Laryngeal Framework Surgery
            Lucian Sulica, Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson
        Pages 387-391
        Perioperative Care for Laryngeal Framework Surgery
            Lucian Sulica, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 393-398
        Silastic Medialization Laryngoplasty for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 399-413
        GORE-TEX® Medialization Laryngoplasty
            Clark A. Rosen, C. Blake Simpson, Gregory N. Postma
        Pages 415-422
        Arytenoid Adduction
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 423-430
        Adduction Arytenopexy
            Adam M. Klein, Anju Patel
        Pages 431-436
        Cricothyroid Subluxation
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 437-440
        Translaryngeal Removal of Teflon Granuloma
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 441-446
        Excision of Combined Laryngocele
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 447-453
        Repair of Laryngeal Fracture
            C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
        Pages 455-462
        Selective Laryngeal Adductor Denervation and Reinnervation
            Dinesh K. Chhetri
        Pages 463-470

    Laryngeal Reinnervation for Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
        Randal C. Paniello
    Pages 471-477
    Hypopharyngeal Pharyngoplasty
        Peak Woo, C. Blake Simpson
    Pages 479-485
    The Gray Minithyrotomy for Vocal Fold Scar/Sulcus Deformity of the Vocal Fold
        Lucian Sulica, C. Blake Simpson, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 487-493

Open Airway Reconstruction

    Front Matter
    Pages 495-495
    Glottic and Subglottic Stenosis: Laryngotracheal Reconstruction with Grafting
        Gregory R. Dion, Milan R. Amin, C. Blake Simpson
    Pages 497-510
    Cricotracheal Resection with Primary Anastomosis
        Alessandro de Alarcón
    Pages 511-518
    Tracheal Stenosis: Tracheal Resection with Primary Anastomosis
        Albert L. Merati, C. Blake Simpson
    Pages 519-524
    Slide Tracheoplasty
        Alessandro de Alarcón
    Pages 525-530

Miscellaneous Laryngeal Surgery

    Front Matter
    Pages 531-531
    Wendler Glottoplasty for Transfeminine Voice
        Joseph Chang, Mark S. Courey, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 533-540
        VyVy N. Young, Rahul Seth, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 541-547
    Awake Posterior Pharyngeal Wall Augmentation for Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
        VyVy N. Young, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 549-552
    Upper Cervical Esophageal Dilation
        Daniel J. Cates, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 553-558
    Endoscopic Surgery for Zenker Diverticulum
        Lyndsay Leigh Madden, Clark A. Rosen
    Pages 559-568
    Open Surgery for Zenker Diverticulum
        Christopher M. Johnson
    Pages 569-575
    Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block for Chronic Cough
        Kathleen M. Tibbetts, C. Blake Simpson
    Pages 577-581

Back Matter
Pages 583-586



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