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A notable surgeon and charismatic teacher himself, Professor Ellis has brought together in Operations that made History a fascinating collection of renowned surgical procedures each one illustrating a different aspect of the history of surgery.
Introduction. The First Ovariotomy. Ligation of the Abdominal Aorta. Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy. The First Successful Gastrectomy. Splenectomy for Rupture of the Spleen. Renal Transplantation." I Dressed the Wound and God Healed Him". The Birth of Anaesthesia. The Compound Fracture. Electrosurgery. Queen Caroline's Umbilical Hernia. Lord Nelson's Amputation. The Sebaceous Cyst of George IV. Henry Thompson and Two Royal Bladder stones. The Appendiceal Abscess of Edward VII. The Empyema of George V. The Pneumonectomy of George VI. Envoi.
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