Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Oesophagus and Stomach
Reeh, Izbicki
166,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Over the last two decades, there have been major advances in imaging, endoscopy, and laparoscopy in the field of gastrointestinal (GI) surgery. GI surgery is the newest sub-specialty branch of general surgery, where enhanced expertise and high-volume centres have made a difference in the outcomes of complex operations. Surgeons can now perform difficult procedures with low morbidity and mortality rates, and greatly improved overall results.

This volume provides detailed and up-to-date knowledge on diseases of the oesophagus and stomach. Since the early 1990s, diagnostics, staging, and medical as well as surgical treatment approaches concerning diseases of the oesophagus and the stomach have changed and improved. Specialization in this field has been included in nearly every medical and surgical department worldwide. A knowledge of anatomy, pathophysiology, and adequate diagnostics support, as well as individualized multimodal treatment approaches remain the foundation of high-quality treatment. This book includes chapters covering anatomy and physiology and surgical and non-surgical approaches to different conditions, as well as dedicated comprehensive sections on oesophageal and gastric cancer.

Written and edited by international experts in the field, this book will be a valuable resource for oesophagus and stomach surgeons and trainees, general surgeons, researchers, and medical students.

Part 1:
1:Anatomy and physiology, Rainer Grotel"üschen, Tarik Ghadban, Kai Bachmann, and Jakob R. Izbicki
2:Diagnostic tests and principle investigations: Endoscopy, contrast studies, manometry, Yuki B. Werner
3:Motility disorders of the oesophagus, Michaela M"üller, Stefan Niebisch, and Ines Gockel
4:Oesophageal diverticula, Joshua Kapp, Philip M"üller, and Christian Gutschow
5:Benign diseases of the stomach: Focus on dyspepsia, Kuniaki Aridome
6:Gastrooesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Bj"örn-Ole Stüben, Anna Dupree, and Oliver Mann
7:Upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Non-surgical and surgical, Zaheer Nabi and D. Nageshwar Reddy
8:Upper gastrointestinal perforation: Non-surgical and surgical management, Alexander Hendricks, Mark Ellrichmann, and Clemens Schafmayer
9:Obesity: Non-surgical treatment and bariatric surgery, Rishabh Shah, Lisandro Montorfano, Emanuele Lo Menzo, Samuel Szomstein, and Raul J. Rosenthal
Part 2: Oesophageal Cancer
10:Oesophageal cancer: Epidemiology, symptoms, diagnostics, staging, Andrew Tang, Thomas Rice, and Usman Ahmad
11:Oesophageal cancer: Multimodality treatment, B.M. Eyck, B.J. van der Wilk, M.J.C. van der Sangen, A. van der Gaast, and Jan Van Lanschot
12:Oesophageal cancer: Endoscopic treatment, Thomas R"ösch
13:Oesophageal cancer: Surgery, Bj"örn-Ole St"üben, Karl-Frederik Karstens, Michael Nentwich, Jakob R. Izbicki, and Matthias Reeh
14:Oesophageal cancer: Minimally-invasive surgery and robotic surgery, Gijsbert van Boxel, Pieter C. van der Sluis, Peter P. Grimminger, and R. van Hillegersberg
15:Oesophageal cancer: Future aspects in treatment, Thorsten Oliver Goetze, and Salah- Eddin Al- Batran
Part 3: Gastric Cancer
16:Gastric cancer: Epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and staging, Takaaki Arigami and Shoji Natsugoe
17:Gastric cancer: Multimodal treatment, Mickael Chevallay, Thorsten O Goetze, Salah-Eddin Al-Batran, and Stefan M"önig
18:Gastric cancer: Endoscopic treatment, Chang Seok Bang
19:Gastric cancer: Surgery, Matthias Biebl, Dino Kr"öll, Sascha Chopra, and Johann Pratschke
20:Gastric cancer: Minimally invasive surgery and robotic surgery, Makoto Hikage and Masanori Terashima
21:Gastric cancer: Future aspects of the treatment, A.B.J. Borgstein, Susanne S. Gisbertz, and M.I. van Berge Henegouwen


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