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Oculoplastic, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgery. The ESOPRS Textbook: Volume 2
Quaranta Leoni, Verity, Paridaens
160,00 €


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Oculoplastic, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgery: The ESOPRS Textbook informs the reader of recent insights and new developments in the fields of ophthalmic plastic, lacrimal and orbital surgery.

This textbook is relevant to readers preparing for the EBO-ESOPRS examination, but will also be of interest to residents and fellows in ophthalmology, plastic surgery, dermatology and all specialists with an interest in oculoplastic, lacrimal and orbital surgery.

Volume 2 is divided into three sections: the first section includes chapters on socket surgery, the second section examines diseases of the orbit and the third is on thyroid associated orbitopathy.

For further reading, please see Volume 1 of the textbook, which explores functional eyelid disorders, rejuvenation of periorbital region and lacrimal disorders.

    Front Matter
    Pages i-xviii
    Socket Surgery
        Front Matter
        Pages 1-1
            Ioannis Ntountas, Theodora Tsirouki, Arthur Klett, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Dion Paridaens
        Pages 3-16
            Gijsbert J. Hötte, Marco Sales-Sanz, Dion Paridaens
        Pages 17-29
        Management of the Anophthalmic Socket
            Ludwig M. Heindl, Alessandra Modugno, Leonard Holbach, Dyonne T. Hartong
        Pages 31-39
        Orbital Exenteration
            Raghavan Sampath, Kaveh Vahdani, Geoffrey E. Rose
        Pages 41-50
        Rehabilitation of the Exenterated Socket
            Valerio Cervelli, Davide Johan Bottini
        Pages 51-55
        Post Enucleation Socket Syndrome
            Christoph Hintschich, Mikhail Kataev
        Pages 57-65
        Secondary Orbital Implants, Dermis-Fat Graft, and Socket Volume Enhancement Techniques
            Francesco M. Quaranta Leoni, Christoph Hintschich, George C. Charonis
        Pages 67-82
        Management of the Contracted Socket
            Marco Sales-Sanz, Dyonne T. Hartong
        Pages 83-95
        Phantom Eye Syndrome
            Marie Louise Roed Rasmussen, Elin Bohman
        Pages 97-107
        Congenital Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia
            Alessandra Modugno, Michael Schittkowski, Dyonne T. Hartong, Sri Gore
        Pages 109-122
    Orbital Disease
        Front Matter
        Pages 123-123
        Embryonic Development of the Orbit
            Ronald L. A. W. Bleys
        Pages 125-129
        Orbital Surgical Anatomy
            Alain Ducasse, Peerooz Saeed, Vladimir Kratky
        Pages 131-150
        Orbital Imaging
            Renske Gahrmann, Mayke Gardeniers
        Pages 151-177
        Congenital Orbital Disorders
            William Rocamora Katowitz, David H. Verity
        Pages 179-190
        Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma
            Peerooz Saeed, William Rocamora Katowitz, Lelio Baldeschi, Lama Jurdy
        Pages 191-203
        Orbital Infections
            Aaron Jamison, Adriana Iuliano, Gijsbert J. Hötte, Raman Malhotra
        Pages 205-217
        Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation
            Ilse Mombaerts, Peerooz Saeed, Rachel Kalmann
        Pages 219-229

    Orbital Disease
        IgG4-Related Orbital Disease
            Dion Paridaens, Robert M. Verdijk, Gustavo Savino
        Pages 231-236
        Orbital and Adnexal Lymphoproliferative Lesions
            Robert M. Verdijk, Ronald O. B. de Keizer
        Pages 237-252
        Histiocytic Disease of the Orbit
            David H. Verity, Kaveh Vahdani, Geoffrey E. Rose
        Pages 253-281
        Disorders of the Lacrimal Gland
            Diego Strianese, Geoffrey E. Rose
        Pages 283-295
        Orbital Vascular Anomalies and Vascular Tumours
            Santiago Ortiz-Pérez, Francesco M. Quaranta Leoni, David H. Verity
        Pages 297-319
        Neurogenic Tumours
            Peerooz Saeed, Michael Schittkowski
        Pages 321-336
        Mesenchymal Tumours of the Orbit
            Kaveh Vahdani, David H. Verity, Geoffrey E. Rose
        Pages 337-350
        Secondary Orbital Tumours and Orbital Metastases
            Diego Strianese, Adriana Iuliano, Francesco M. Quaranta Leoni
        Pages 351-369
        Neuro-Orbital Disease
            Michelle Khan, Stijn van der Meeren, David H. Verity
        Pages 371-388
        Surgical Approaches to the Orbit
            Kaveh Vahdani, Dion Paridaens, Geoffrey E. Rose
        Pages 389-399
        Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Orbital Disease
            Eva Dafgård Kopp, Lelio Baldeschi
        Pages 401-407
        Endoscopic Orbital Surgery
            Benjamin S. Bleier, Suzanne K. Freitag
        Pages 409-418
        Navigation in Orbital Surgery
            Cornelia Caron, Maarten Koudstaal, Dion Paridaens, Eppo Wolvius
        Pages 419-430
        Orbital Injury – Anatomical Based Reconstruction
            Paola Bonavolontà, Santiago Ortiz Pérez, Cornelia Caron, Maarten Koudstaal, Simon Holmes
        Pages 431-445
    Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
        Front Matter
        Pages 447-447
        Clinical Manifestations of Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
            Onur Konuk, Segun Awotesu, Raghavan Sampath
        Pages 449-458
        Different Phenotypes and Ocular Surface Changes in Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
            Jimmy M. Uddin, Shirin Hamed Azzam
        Pages 459-472
        Medical Management of Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
            Maarten P. Mourits, Pari N. Shams
        Pages 473-483
        Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy
            Peerooz Saeed, Kaveh Vahdani
        Pages 485-493
        Orbital Decompression Surgery
            David H. Verity, Lelio Baldeschi, Jimmy M. Uddin, Dion Paridaens
        Pages 495-513

Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy

    Strabismus in Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
        Gustavo Savino, Andrea Papp, Francesco M. Quaranta Leoni
    Pages 515-532
    Management of Eyelid Retraction
        Francesco M. Quaranta Leoni, David H. Verity, Dion Paridaens
    Pages 533-549
    Cosmetic Surgery for Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
        Jonathan C. P. Roos, Rachna Murthy, Dario Surace
    Pages 551-561
    Novel Immunomodulatory Treatment Modalities for Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
        Diego Strianese, Dion Paridaens, Marco Sales-Sanz, Santiago Ortiz-Pérez
    Pages 563-580
    Quality of Life Studies in Thyroid-Associated Orbitopathy
        Eyvind Rødahl, Sven Sahlin, Maarten P. Mourits
    Pages 581-594

Back Matter
Pages 595-610



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