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Get all the information you need to successfully practice in the rapidly growing field of gerontological occupational therapy! Occupational Therapy with Aging Adults is a brand new text written by OT experts Karen Frank Barney and Margaret Perkinson that takes a unique interdisciplinary and collaborative approach in covering every aspect of geriatric occupational therapy practice. Readers will explore the entire continuum of care for the aging population along with special considerations for this rapidly growing demographic. This innovative text also covers topical issues spanning the areas of ethical approaches to treatment; nutrition and oral health concerns; pharmacological issues; low vision interventions; assistive technology supports; and more to ensure readers are well versed in every aspect of this key practice area.
Key Features
Section One: Conceptual Foundations of Gerontological Occupational Therapy
1. Gerontological Occupational Therapy: Conceptual Frameworks, Historical Contexts, and Practice Principles
2. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Occupational Therapy Practice with Older Adults
3. Looming Disease Burden Associated with the Aging Process: Implications for Occupational Therapy
4. Theoretical Models Relevant to Gerontological Occupational Therapy Practice
5. Foundations of Evidence-Based Gerontological Occupational Therapy Practice
6. Approaches to Screening and Assessment in Gerontological Occupational Therapy
7. Occupational Therapy Intervention Process with Aging Adults
Section Two: Age-Related Biological System Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
8. Musculoskeletal System
9. Physiological and Neurological System Changes with Aging and Related Occupational Therapy Interventions
10. Occupational Therapy Interventions for Older Adults with Low Vision
11. Nutrition, Occupational Performance, and the Phenomenology of Food in Later Life
12. Oral Health for Aging Adults
13. Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and the Aging Adult: Implications for Occupational Therapy
Section Three: Age-Related Psychosocial Changes and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
14. Cognitive Executive Abilities in Aging and Everyday Life
15. Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Occupational Therapy Interventions
16. Mental Health and Common Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Aging
17. Spirituality and Aging
18. Successful Aging
Section Four: The Functional Environment of Aging Adults and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
19. Aging and the Physical Environment
20. Driving and Transportation: Dementia as a Model for Evaluation, Decision-Making, and Planning
21. Assistive Technology: Supports for Aging Adults
22. Families and Aging: The Lived Experience
Section Five: Continuum of Care and Gerontological Occupational Therapy
23. U.S. Health Care System Overview and the Occupational Therapy Services Interface
24. The Role of Occupational Therapy in Acute and Subacute Care with Aging Adults
25. Long-Term Care: The Role of Occupational Therapists in Transformative Practice
26. Home: An Evolving Context for Health Care
Section Six: Trends and Innovations in Care for Aging Adults
27. Intradisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Process in Gerontological Care
28. Occupational Therapists as Change Agents
29. Community-Based Models of Practice to Address Late Life Inequities: Examples for the UK
30. The Future of Gerontological Occupational Therapy
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