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Occupational and Environmental Skin Disorders
Epidemiology, Current Knowledge and Perspectives for Novel Therapies
Ngatu, Ikeda
150,00 € 75,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides cutting-edge information on the epidemiology, etiology and pathophysiology of several prevalent occupational and environmental skin diseases (OSD/ESD), with a particular focus on skin health safety issues, risk factors, preventive measures and recent advances in the management of these diseases. It also highlights recent discoveries and developments concerning novel therapeutic agents for inflammatory OSD, especially findings that are supported by clinical data and have the potential to transform conventional prophylactic and therapeutic approaches. For example, despite their increasing prevalence, the management of allergic skin diseases is sometimes challenging, mainly due to limited treatment choices. In several countries, steroids are the only treatment used. However, in cases of contraindications, adverse effects or unsatisfactory steroidal therapies, alternative treatments are indispensable. As such, an understanding of promising anti-allergic agents enhances allergy research and could eventually lead to novel alternative therapeutic and adjuvant remedies, which are of the utmost importance. This book offers a valuable resource for researchers, graduate students and practitioners in the field of public health in general, especially those working in environmental and occupational medicine, as well as physicians.

  • Introduction

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 1-4

  • Skin Function and Occupational Skin Hazards

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 7-19

  • Atopic Dermatitis (or Atopic Eczema)

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 23-40

  • Occupational Contact Dermatitis

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 41-51

  • Quality of Work Environment and Frequency of Work-Related Dermatitis Among Dust-Exposed African Informal Coltan Miners

    Leon-Kabamba, Ngombe, M.D., MPH. (et al.)

    Pages 53-62

  • Occupational Cement Dermatitis and Cement Burns

    Leon-Kabamba, Ngombe, MD., MPH. (et al.)

    Pages 63-69

  • Alternative Nonsteroidal Therapies for Occupational and Environmental Allergic Skin Disorders

    Ikeda, Mitsunori, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 71-77

  • Sacran: Novel Sulfated Polysaccharide as Anti-Allergic Skincare Biomaterial for Atopic Dermatitis

    Motoyama, Keiichi, Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 79-92

  • Clinical Anti-Allergic Effects of African Vernonia amygdalina Leaf Extracts

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 93-103

  • Experimental Anti-Allergic and Immunomodulatory Effects of Vernonia amygdalina-Derived Biomaterials, Vernodalin and Its Leaf Extracts

    Hirota, Ryoji, Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 105-115

  • Common Environmental Dermatomycoses

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 119-131

  • Sarcoptic Skin Disease (or Scabies)

    Wumba, Roger, M.D., Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 133-141

  • Frequency and Clinical Features of Sarcoptic Skin Disease (Scabies) in Congolese Schoolchildren

    Roger, Wumba (et al.)

    Pages 143-150

  • Paederus Dermatitis: Environmental Risk Factors, Clinical Features, and Management

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D.

    Pages 151-157

  • Overview on Other Environmental Skin Disorders

    Ngatu, Nlandu Roger, M.D., Ph.D. (et al.)

    Pages 159-168



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