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Nuclear Cardiology
Basic and Advanced Concepts in Clinical Practice
Mesquita, Rezende
110,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book covers relevant concepts in nuclear cardiology, combining imaging techniques and clinical data to do so. Today, nuclear cardiology is a worldwide discipline connected to the broader field of cardiovascular imaging. The combination of clinical aspects (symptoms, medications, previous cardiac procedures), ancillary exams and nuclear images is key to decision-making in clinical practice. Thus, a book on this topic is essential to provide better outcomes for cardiology patients.

The chapters cover a comprehensive range of topics in current cardiology practice, such as ambulatory patients, patients in emergency settings, patients after complex cardiac procedures, and patients during and after the use of cancer therapies that are potentially toxic for the heart (cardio-oncology). As such, multiple clinical scenarios are also presented: patients with suspected coronary disease, patients with heart failure of unknown origin, patients with acute chest pain in the emergency department, patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, patients with complications of the left ventricular assist device, etc. Furthermore, the book describes nuclear cardiology procedures and techniques, discusses the main clinical indications and scenarios for each procedure, presents new technological advances in the field (machine learning and artificial intelligence tools), and mentions the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide and videos for various medical professionals, especially cardiologists and nuclear physicians.

  • Cardiac PET Procedure: Perfusion, Coronary Flow, Viability, Inflammation, and PET/MR

    Pages 1-71

    Soares Junior, José

  • SPECT Procedures

    Pages 73-105

    Lopes, Rafael Willain (et al.)

  • Evaluation of Myocardial Blood Flow and Myocardial Flow Reserve by Radionuclide Imaging

    Pages 107-123

    Giubbini, Raffaele (et al.)

  • Radiation Protection and Exposure in Nuclear Cardiology

    Pages 125-144

    Kubo, Tadeu Takao Almodovar

  • Non-nuclear Cardiac Imaging Modalities: CT and MRI

    Pages 145-181

    Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo (et al.)

  • Coronary Physiology: From Basic Concepts to FFR and iFR

    Pages 183-202

    Stegehuis, Valérie E. (et al.)

  • Coronary Artery Calcium and Hybrid Imaging in Ischemic Heart Disease

    Pages 203-223

    Barragán, Adriana Cecilia Puente (et al.)

  • Coronary Blood Flow Reserve and Myocardial Ischemia

    Pages 225-245

    Erthal, Fernanda (et al.)

  • Nuclear Cardiology and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic

    Pages 247-263

    Mesquita, Cláudio Tinoco (et al.)

  • Nuclear Imaging in Stable Ischemic Coronary Disease

    Pages 265-290

    Smanio, Paola Emanuela Poggio (et al.)

  • Nuclear Imaging in Acute Coronary Syndromes

    Pages 291-329

    Peix, Amalia

  • Nuclear Techniques Before and After Coronary Revascularization

    Pages 331-346

    Mut, Fernando (et al.)

  • Physiologic and/or Anatomic Assessment of CAD: Patient-Centered Approach

    Pages 347-360

    Vitola, João V. (et al.)

  • Evidence-Based and Nuclear Cardiology

    Pages 361-382

    Grossman, Gabriel Blacher (et al.)

  • Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management of Heart Failure

    Pages 383-397

    Jorge, Antonio Jose Lagoeiro (et al.)

  • PET and SPECT Evaluation of Viable Dysfunctional Myocardium

    Pages 399-418

    Wiefels, Christiane C. (et al.)

  • Bone Tracers for the Diagnosis of Cardiac Amyloidosis

    Pages 419-436

    Quagliato, Priscila Cestari

  • Adrenergic Nervous System Imaging in HF Management

    Pages 437-449

    Rocha, Euclides Timóteo (et al.)

  • Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and Nuclear Imaging

    Pages 451-460

    Carreira, Lara Terra (et al.)

  • PET and SPECT in Inflammatory Diseases: Sarcoidosis, Myocarditis, and Vasculitis

    Pages 461-494

    Cunha, Marcelo Livorsi (et al.)

  • Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Prior to Non-cardiac Surgery

    Pages 495-515

    Vega, Teresa Massardo (et al.)

  • Exercise and Pharmacologic Stress Testing

    Pages 517-544

    Cotrado, Alan Yazaldy Chambi (et al.)

  • Evaluation of Ventricular Function by Nuclear Imaging

    Pages 545-566

    Corrêa, Nilton Lavatori (et al.)

  • 123I-mIBG in the Risk Stratification of Sudden Cardiac Death in Chronic Heart Failure

    Pages 567-585

    Verschure, Derk O. (et al.)

  • Nuclear Image-Guided Methods for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

    Pages 587-608

    He, Zhuo (et al.)

  • Nuclear Imaging in the Management of Infective Endocarditis

    Pages 609-618

    Jadvar, Hossein (et al.)

  • PET and SPECT in the Evaluation of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices

    Pages 619-674

    Silva, Raphaella (et al.)

  • The Clinical Aspects of Heart Damage by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

    Pages 675-689

    Andrade Martins, Wolney (et al.)

  • Nuclear Medicine Tools for Cardiac Damage Diagnosis in Oncology

    Pages 691-708

    Dompieri, Luca Terracini (et al.)

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome Evaluation with Nuclear Medicine in the Emergency Setting

    Pages 709-721

    Azevedo, Jader Cunha (et al.)

  • Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism

    Pages 723-739

    Amorim, Barbara Juarez (et al.)

  • Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Cardiology

    Pages 741-762

    Souza-Filho, Erito Marques (et al.)

  • Programmes of the International Atomic Energy Agency for Nuclear Cardiology and Quality Management

    Pages 763-779

    Dondi, Maurizio (et al.)


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