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Libreria medica internazionale
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Neuropathologic and Neuroradiologic Correlations
A Differential Diagnostic Text and Atlas
Gokden Murat, Kumar Manoj
168,00 €


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Neuroscience is an evolving, complex, and multidisciplinary field of medicine. Neuroradiologists and neuropathologists are an important part of the multidisciplinary team in addition to neurosurgeons, neurologists, and other disciplines. Featuring over nine hundred images, this practical textbook and atlas combines the specialties of neuroradiology and neuropathology, providing an extensive understanding of the disease process. It offers a comprehensive review of the nervous system diseases, including eye, skeletal muscle, and bone and soft tissue diseases. Topics are covered in chapters arranged by region, allowing for quick reference of conditions such as brain tumors, spinal cord diseases, or congenital malformations. Introductory chapters on pathologic and radiologic techniques are also featured, enabling specialists of both areas to familiarize themselves with the other's subject. Packaged with a password to give the user online access to all the text and images, this is a must-have resource for comprehensive and accurate diagnosis.

  • Integrates neuroradiological and neuropathological views on nervous system diseases, supporting a cross-discipline approach to diagnostics
  • Focuses on differential diagnostic information, akin to real-life clinical diagnostic practice
  • Additional images online allow the reader to research a topic in greater detail



List of contributors
1. Radiologic techniques Manoj Kumar
2. Pathologic techniques Theodore Friedman and Mahtab Tehrani
3. Meningeal mass lesions Mahlon D. Johnson and Ali Hussain
4. Diffuse leptomeningeal and dural lesions Ali Hussain and Mahlon D. Johnson
5. Sellar and suprasellar region Beatriz Lopes and Prashant Raghavan
6. Pineal region Melissa Gener, Stephen Kralik and Eyas Hattab
7. Mass effect and edema Bret Evers, Travis Danielsen and Manoj Kumar
8. Cerebral mass lesions Douglas C. Miller and Girish M. Fatterpekar
9. Cerebral atrophy Robert E. Mrak and Edgardo J. C. Angtuaco
10. Ventricular system Bruce C. Gilbert, Suash Sharma, Ramon Figueroa and Amyn M Rojiani
11. White matter Suash Sharma, Brandi Villarreal, John Edry, Reed Murtagh and Amyn M. Rojiani
12. Cerebellum and brainstem mass lesions Raghu H. Ramakrishnaiah, Veena Rajaram and Charles M. Glasier
13. Malformations Veena Rajaram and Korgun Koral
14. Cerebellopontine angle Rohan S. Samant and Murat Gokden
15. Spinal cord Sumit Singh and S. Humayun Gultekin
16. Bone and soft tissues Roopa Ram, Kedar Jambhekar and Robin Elliott
17. Peripheral nervous system Shivani Ahlawat, Laura M. Fayad and Fausto Rodriguez
18. Skeletal muscle S. Humayun Gultekin and Brooke Beckett
19. Ophthalmic diseases Anat O. Stemmer-Rachamimov, Nora Laver, Declan McGuone, Baiju Shah, Gene M. Weinstein and Harprit Singh Bedi

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