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Libreria medica internazionale
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Neuromuscular Disease
Wokke, van Doorn, Hoogendijk
Cambridge University Press
56,00 €
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There are over 600 neuromuscular disorders and the variability of these syndromes can leave clinicians feeling as if they are lost in a maze as they seek to diagnose and manage patients. This book addresses this problem by using the case-history and symptom manifestation as a starting point for the diagnostic process in adult patients, mimicking the situation in the consultation room. For each case, diagnostic tools, disease pathogenesis, prognosis and treatment options are discussed, along with rare manifestations and differential diagnoses. Symptoms, signs and syndromes are cross-linked to help the reader navigate the variety of disorders. Accompanying tables give a broader picture of the manifestations of a particular disease within the landscape of neuromuscular disorders. This highly-illustrated book, with accompanying videos, will aid neurologists at all levels, internists, geneticists, rehabilitation physicians and researchers in the field, as they seek to familiarize themselves with this complex range of disorders.

  • A comprehensive introductory chapter and many tables help to cross-link various signs and symptoms, aiding recognition of phenotypes and diseases
  • Accompanying pictures and videos enable learning from real cases
  • Written by experienced neurologists drawing on years of experience diagnosing and managing these disorders


  • Table of Contents

    Introduction: approach to the patient
    Part I. Motor Neurone Diseases: Case 1. Classical amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    Case 2. ALS with frontotemporal dementia
    Case 3. Primary lateral sclerosis
    Case 4. Progressive muscular atrophy
    Case 5. Kennedy disease
    Case 6. Spinal muscular atrophy type III, Kugelberg-Welander disease
    Case 7. Post-polio syndrome
    Case 8. Spinal dural fistula
    Part II. Neuropathies: Case 9. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A
    Case 10. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy
    Case 11. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A, mitofusinopathy
    Case 12. X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
    Case 13. Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 4
    Case 14. Guillain-Barré syndrome
    Case 15. Miller-Fisher syndrome
    Case 16. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
    Case 17. Multifocal motor neuropathy
    Case 18. Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability syndrome, Morvan's syndrome
    Case 19. Vasculitic neuropathy
    Case 20. Neuropathy and ataxia caused by IgM gammopathy
    Case 21. Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein and skin changes
    Case 22. Subacute sensory paraneoplastic neuropathy and ganglionopathy
    Case 23. Neurolymphomatosis
    Case 24. Diabetic neuropathy
    Case 25. Alcohol neuropathy
    Case 26. HIV neuropathy
    Case 27. Lyme radiculoneuritis
    Case 28. Lepromatous neuropathy
    Case 29. Toxic iatrogenic neuropathy
    Case 30. Idiopathic neuralgic amyotrophy
    Case 31. Small nerve fibre neuropathy
    Case 32. Critical illness polyneuropathy
    Case 33. Chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy
    Part III. Neuromuscular Junction Disorders: Case 34. Classic myasthenia gravis
    Case 35. Myasthenia gravis with autoantibodies to MuSK
    Case 36. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
    Case 37. Congenital myasthenic syndrome: slow channel syndrome
    Part IV. Myopathies: Case 38. Becker muscular dystrophy
    Case 39. Caveolinopathy, including limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1C
    Case 40. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A, calpainopathy
    Case 41. Limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2I, fukutin-related protein deficiency
    Case 42. Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
    Case 43. Facio-scapulo-humeral dystrophy
    Case 44. Miyoshi myopathy, dysferlinopathy, limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B
    Case 45. Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles, hereditary inclusion body myopathy
    Case 46. Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
    Case 47. A woman with a family history of muscle weakness and severe cardiac complaints, desminopathy
    Case 48. Late-onset congenital myopathy caused by a mutation in the RYR1 gene, central core disease
    Case 49. Bethlem myopathy
    Case 50. Myotonic dystrophy type 1, Curschmann-Steinert disease
    Case 51. Myotonic dystrophy type 2, proximal myotonic myopathy
    Case 52. Becker myotonia, chloride channelopathy
    Case 53. Glycogen storage disease type 2, Pompe disease
    Case 54. Glycogen storage disease type 5, McArdle disease
    Case 55. Mitochondrial disease: progressive ophthalmoplegia
    Case 56. Myositis
    Case 57. Sporadic inclusion body myositis
    Case 58. Sarcoid myopathy
    Case 59. Hypothyroid myopathy
    Video legends



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