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Neuromodulation in Headache and Facial Pain Management
Principles, Rationale and Clinical Data
Lambru, Lanteri-Minet
85,00 €


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This book addresses all aspects of neuromodulation therapy in the management of headache and facial pain disorders, paying particular attention to the application of this rapidly growing and fascinating therapy to different forms of headache and facial pain conditions. It is divided into sections covering the principles of and rationale behind neuromodulation for headache, including in-depth discussions of challenging topics such as the definition of refractory headache and prognostic factors, and the technical aspects of devices used to modulate peripheral and central neuronal targets for the management of headaches. In addition, the book reviews the state-of-the art in current neuromodulation practice for headaches, discusses therapeutic strategies and therapy selection for each headache and facial pain disorder, and presents an in-depth, critical analysis of the published evidence, with sections covering innovative devices and emerging applications of novel neuromodulation technologies in the field. Gathering papers by internationally respected, leading experts, the book offers a unique guide to neuromodulation therapies in headache for neurologists, pain specialists, neurosurgeons, neuroscientists, trainees and general practitioners with an interest in headache and facial pain management.

  • Trigeminal Mechanisms of Nociception

    Pages 3-31

    Andreou, Anna P. (et al.)

  • Definition of Refractory Chronic Headache

    Pages 33-40

    Negro, Andrea (et al.)

  • Hypothalamic Deep Brain Stimulation

    Pages 43-51

    Fontaine, Denys (et al.)

  • Occipital Nerve Stimulation

    Pages 53-66

    Pang, David (et al.)

  • Sphanopalatine Ganglion Stimulation

    Pages 67-86

    Assaf, Alexandre T. (et al.)

  • Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Pages 87-98

    Akerman, Simon (et al.)

  • Cervical Spinal Cord Stimulation in Headache

    Pages 99-109

    Costanzi, Matteo (et al.)

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

    Pages 111-118

    Ambrosini, Anna (et al.)

  • Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Pages 119-134

    Brighina, F. (et al.)

  • External Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation

    Pages 135-143

    Pierelli, Francesco (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation in Migraine

    Pages 147-156

    Lanteri-Minet, Michel (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation and Other Non-pharmacological Approaches in Tension-Type Headache

    Pages 157-172

    Grazzi, Licia (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation in Cluster Headache

    Pages 173-189

    D’Antona, Linda (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation in Other TACS and Other Primary Headaches

    Pages 191-198

    Schankin, Christoph J. (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation in Cervicogenic Headache and Occipital Neuralgia

    Pages 199-212

    Raoul, Sylvie (et al.)

  • Neuromodulation in Classical Trigeminal Neuralgia and Painful Trigeminal Neuropathy

    Pages 213-224

    Nurmikko, Turo (et al.)

  • Methodological Difficulties in Clinical Trials Assessing Neuromodulation Devices in the Headache Field

    Pages 227-239

    Barloese, Mads (et al.)

  • Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Neuromodulation Devices in the Treatment of Headaches: Focus on Non-invasive Therapies

    Pages 241-257

    Wong, Ho Tin (et al.)


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