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Neurological Aspects of Spinal Cord Injury
Weidner, Norbert, , Rüdiger, Tansey
259,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Covers a comprehensive list of topics relating to the neurological aspects of spinal cord disease 
  • Discusses clinically established and preclinical therapies in detail 
  • Presents novel rehabilitative, neuroprotective, and neuroregenerative strategies

This clinically focused book aims to cover for the first time all of the neurological aspects relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord disease. Furthermore, innovative neurorestorative therapeutic strategies - aiming for repair of the damaged spinal cord and/or reorganization of the remaining nervous system - with significant potential for translation into clinical routine are presented. The book covers a comprehensive list of topics, including epidemiology, neuroanatomy, etiology of compressive and non-compressive spinal cord injury, imaging, neurophysiology, neurological sequelae, and complications with emphasis on dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Both clinically established and preclinical therapies are discussed in detail. The book is suited for trainees and practicing clinicians including neurologists, spine surgeons, rehabilitation specialists, neuroradiologists, and occupational/physical therapists; it will also be of value to neuroscientists involved in research into spinal cord disease.


Table of contents (26 chapters)

  • Epidemiology of Spinal Cord Injury

    Thietje, Roland (et al.)

    Pages 3-17

  • Functional Neuroanatomy of the Spinal Cord

    Engelhardt, Maren (et al.)

    Pages 19-60

  • Pattern of Neurological Dysfunction in Spinal Cord Disease

    Weidner, Norbert

    Pages 61-76

  • Natural Course of Disease of Spinal Cord Injury

    Schubert, Martin

    Pages 77-105

  • Spinal Cord Vascular Disease

    Weidner, Norbert

    Pages 109-122

  • Infectious, Autoimmune and Other Immune-Mediated Causes of Myelitis

    Kleiter, Ingo (et al.)

    Pages 123-160

  • Spinal Cord Compression

    Prang, Peter

    Pages 161-193

  • Metabolic, Toxic, Hereditary, and Rare Causes of Spinal Cord Disease

    Weidner, Norbert (et al.)

    Pages 195-216

  • Syringomyelia

    Klekamp, Jörg

    Pages 217-234

  • Spinal Cord Imaging

    Stroman, Patrick W. (et al.)

    Pages 237-257

  • Spinal Cord Neurophysiology

    Hug, Andreas

    Pages 259-279

  • Diagnostics and Treatment of Pain in Spinal Cord Injury

    Franz, Steffen (et al.)

    Pages 283-302

  • Spasticity

    Harel, Noam Y. (et al.)

    Pages 303-324

  • Cardiovascular Dysfunction Following Spinal Cord Injury

    Phillips, Aaron A. (et al.)

    Pages 325-361

  • Neuro-Urology in Spinal Cord Injury

    Wöllner, Jens (et al.)

    Pages 363-396

  • Neurogastroenterology in Spinal Cord Dysfunction

    Holmes, Gregory M. (et al.)

    Pages 397-437

  • Neurogenic Respiratory Failure

    Hirschfeld, Sven (et al.)

    Pages 439-462

  • Medical Complications of Spinal Cord Injury: Bone, Metabolic, Pressure Ulcers, and Sexuality and Fertility

    Kirshblum, Steven (et al.)

    Pages 463-499

  • Pathophysiology of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

    Couillard-Despres, Sebastien (et al.)

    Pages 503-528

  • The Current Status of Neuroprotection for Spinal Cord Injury

    Santamaria, Andrea J. (et al.)

    Pages 529-583

  • Neuroregeneration

    Simeonova, Ina K. (et al.)

    Pages 585-619

  • Neurorehabilitation of the Upper Extremity

    Nowak, Elisabeth (et al.)

    Pages 621-647

  • Neurorehabilitation: Strategies of Lower Extremities Restoration

    Hensel, Cornelia (et al.)

    Pages 649-688

  • Neuroprosthetics

    Rupp, Rüdiger

    Pages 689-720

  • Translation: Relevance of Spinal Cord Injury Animal Models

    Tigchelaar, Seth (et al.)

    Pages 721-740

  • Clinical Trials and Spinal Cord Injury: Challenges and Therapeutic Interventions

    Warner, Freda M. (et al.)

    Pages 741-755



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