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Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Features
Turgut, Haddad, de Divitiis
80,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • ​Explains how to diagnose, manage, and prevent brucellosis of the central nervous system
  • Provides clinicians and investigators with the best current evidence, presented by leading international authorities in the field
  • Contains more than 100 original photos

This book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of neurobrucellosis, which remains common despite significant improvements in preventive measures, neuroradiological techniques, and treatment methods. The chapters are organized into five sections, the first three of which address cranial and intracranial brucellosis, spinal brucellosis, and brucellosis of the peripheral portions of the nervous system. The fourth section focuses on laboratory studies in neurobrucellosis, and the closing section is devoted to therapy, encompassing both medical approaches and the surgical procedures used to treat the complications associated with brucellosis involving the spine, brain, and peripheral nerves. Despite the impressive efforts to eradicate the disease, brucellosis still poses a great threat in the Mediterranean Basin, where it originated, as well as in South and Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa. Written and edited by leading international authorities in the field, this comprehensive book will be an ideal up-to-date reference for neurosurgeons, neurologists, and specialists in infectious disease who are seeking either basic or more advanced information on the disease and its diagnosis and treatment.


Table of contents (21 chapters)

  • Historical Preview

    Haddad, Fuad Sami

    Pages 3-6

  • Human Brucellosis and Its Complications

    Araj, George F.

    Pages 7-12

  • Scalp and Cranium Neurobrucellosis

    Ertekin, Ersen (et al.)

    Pages 15-22

  • Epidural and Subdural Brucellar Empyema

    Tafakhori, Abbas (et al.)

    Pages 23-28

  • Somma, Teresa (et al.)

    Pages 29-35

  • Brucellar Encephalitis

    Güleç, Güliz Uyar (et al.)

    Pages 37-43

  • Haddad, Fuad Sami

    Pages 45-54

  • Pseudotumor Cerebri in Neurobrucellosis

    Haddad, Fuad Sami

    Pages 55-60

  • Cerebrovascular Involvement in Neurobrucellosis and Mycotic Aneurysms

    Khurana, Dheeraj (et al.)

    Pages 61-67

  • Brucellar Psychosis

    Naderi, Hamid Reza

    Pages 69-79

  • Radiological Appearance of Brucellosis of the Brain and Its Coverings

    Hourani, Roula (et al.)

    Pages 81-86

  • Brucellar Spondylitis as a Complication of Brucellosis

    Ranjbar, Mitra (et al.)

    Pages 89-98

  • Clinical Presentation of Vertebral Brucellosis

    de Divitiis, Oreste (et al.)

    Pages 99-103

  • Imaging of Vertebral Brucellosis

    Turgut, Ahmet Tuncay (et al.)

    Pages 105-111

  • Epidural and Subdural Spinal Brucellosis

    Kursun, Ebru (et al.)

    Pages 113-120

  • Intramedullary Brucellosis

    Kalkan, Erdal (et al.)

    Pages 121-125

  • Abbasi, Farhad (et al.)

    Pages 129-133

  • Cranial Nerve Involvement in Brucellosis

    Showkat, Hakim Irfan (et al.)

    Pages 135-139

  • Standard and New Laboratory Procedures in Neurobrucellosis

    Araj, George F.

    Pages 143-148

  • Medical Therapy of Neurobrucellosis

    Cerván, Ana (et al.)

    Pages 151-159

  • Surgical Therapy of Neurobrucellosis

    Sinopidis, Xenophon (et al.)

    Pages 161-178



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