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Neonatal Airway Management
Johnston, Sawyer
110,00 €


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Intubation is one of the most performed procedures in neonatal medicine. The field of neonatal airway management has been transformed by many notable developments over the past 5-10 years.  Most importantly, the use of pre-medication, video-laryngoscopy, and laryngeal masks have been the subject of numerous recent clinical investigations and academic publications. Despite ongoing research, neonatal airway management continues to carry a high risk of complications and both short and long-term morbidities. A comprehensive book on neonatal airway management has never been published.  Hence, the proposed book fills an important niche in the healthcare literature. 


This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of neonatal airway management, and serves as a valuable resource for clinicians, educators, and researchers involved in neonatal care.  The book reviews patient, practice, provider, and system factors important in neonatal airway management.  Chapters explore key topic areas including airway management techniques, training, competency assessment, premedication, video laryngoscopy, laryngeal mask airway, and others.

Written by experts in the field and including the most up-to-date scientific and clinical information, Neonatal Airway Management serves as a useful resource for physicians and researchers dealing with, and interested in, neonatal airway management.  It provides a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current state of the field that helps guide patient management and stimulates investigative efforts. 

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-viii

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  2. Introduction

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1

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    2. The Critical Challenge of Neonatal Airway Management: An Overview

      • Lindsay C. Johnston, Taylor Sawyer

      Pages 3-10

  3. Patient Factors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 11-11

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    2. Anatomy of the Neonatal Airway

      • Sarah E. Maurrasse, Erik H. Waldman

      Pages 13-24

    3. The Difficult Neonatal Airway

      • Ashley Colletti, Graeme Segal, Agnes Hunyady

      Pages 25-77

  4. Practice Factors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 79-79

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    2. Facemask Ventilation

      • Kim H. Tran, Georg M. Schmölzer

      Pages 81-104

    3. Supraglottic Airway Devices

      • Gary Weiner, Daniele Trevisanuto

      Pages 105-119

    4. Neonatal Endotracheal Intubation

      • Patrick J. Peebles, Muntasir Natour, Elizabeth E. Foglia

      Pages 121-131

    5. Neonatal Nasotracheal Intubation

      • Philipp Jung, Egbert Herting

      Pages 133-149

    6. Videolaryngoscopy in Neonates

      • Sandy Kirolos, Gemma Edwards, Joyce O’Shea

      Pages 151-163

    7. Stylet Use During Neonatal Intubation

      • Sara K. Neches, Megan M. Gray

      Pages 165-172

    8. The Endotracheal Tube Insertion Depth in Neonates

      • Echezona T. Maduekwe

      Pages 173-182

    9. Thin Catheter Administration of Surfactant in Preterm Neonates

      • Michael Wagner, Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof

      Pages 183-193

    10. Premedication for Neonatal Intubation

      • Cassandra DeMartino, Noa Fleiss

      Pages 195-220

    11. Fiberoptic and Endoscopic Airway Management in Neonates

      • Shaunak N. Amin, Kaalan E. Johnson

      Pages 221-232

    12. Intubation Confirmation

      • Beverley Robin, Caroline G. Wambach

      Pages 233-245

    13. Complications of Tracheal Intubation

      • Neetu Singh

      Pages 247-268

  5. Provider Factors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 269-269

      Download chapter PDF


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