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Libreria medica internazionale
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Natural Plant Products in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Preventive and Therapeutic Potential
do Nascimento et al
144,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Natural Plant Products in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Preventive and Therapeutic Potential organizes all evidence to understand which natural products are the first steps of investigation and which have strong evidence of their effects in inflammatory bowel diseases, have been tested in clinical trials, and have received approval to be officially used. In addition to providing information regarding the research with natural products in inflammatory bowel diseases, this reference will also highlight the molecular mechanisms behind the effects of natural products in inflammatory bowel diseases with the aid of figures, video animations and dynamic tables.

Compiled from research group members from different parts of the world and specialized in inflammatory bowel diseases and related topics, this important reference will be useful to health professionals, researchers, professors, and industry managers as it provides helpful information on the subject, with the potential to inspire health care, relevant research and product innovation.

  • Provides updated information on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases and their pharmacological treatments and adverse effects
  • Delivers the most up-to-date information regarding the molecular mechanisms of natural products in inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Organizes the separation of natural products based on their characteristics, including lists of the main results of natural products in experiments conducted in vitro with animals, and in humans with IBDs

1. Introduction: history of inflammatory bowel diseases and relevance of natural plant products
Roberto Nascimento Sr. and Mario Maróstica Jr.
2. Pathogenesis: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
Heitor De Souza, Joana Breves, and Beatriz Ribeiro
3. Conventional treatment and new drugs
Livia Genaro, Julian Silva, Luis Eduardo Gomes, Hugo Ceccato, Marciane Milanski, Raquel Franco Leal, Amanda Pereira Lima, and Maria de Lourdes Setsuko Ayrizono
4. Disease risk and inflammation-associated diets
Karine Steigleder, Cilene Dias Sr., Marciane Milanski, and Raquel Franco Leal
5. Fruits
Karina Da Silva Sr., Débora Salles, Andréa Cristina Malinverni, Daniel Ribeiro, and Ana Paula Paiotti
6. Cereal grains and vegetables
Roberto Nascimento Sr., Mariana Alves, Nathan Noguera, Dyana Lima, and Mario Maróstica Jr.
7. Plant life-associated natural products: algae and mushrooms
Nathan Noguera and Dyana Lima
8. Vegetable oils and oilseeds
Aleksandra Tarasiuk, Mikolaj Swierczynski, and Maciej Salaga
9. Fermented foods, prebiotics, and probiotics
Patricia Echave, Laura Hidalgo-Garcia, Jose Alberto Molina-Tijeras, Francesca Algieri, Maria Elena Rodríguez-Cabezas, Alba Rodriguez Nogales, and Julio Galvez
10. Medicinal herbs and teas
Teresa Vezza, Antonio Jesus Ruiz-Malagón, Maria Jesus Rodríguez-Sojo, Maria Elena Rodríguez-Cabezas, Julio Galvez, and Alba Rodriguez Nogales
11. Isolated bioactive compounds
Luiz Di Staci, Fábio Perez de Mello, Mariah Zajankauskas Orçati, and Luiz Domingues de Almeida-Junior
12. Encapsulated products
Ana Paula Machado, Henrique Arruda, Livia Reguengo, Ludmilla David de Moura, Fabíola Vieira de Carvalho, Roberto Nascimento Sr., and Mario Maróstica Jr.
13. Food industry by-products
Ana Paula Machado, Marina Vilar Geraldi, Rafaela Baptista, Juliana Kelly Da Silva-Maia, Mario Maróstica Jr., Livia Reguengo, and Levi Nascimento Bellinazzi
14. Natural products in conditions associated with inflammatory bowel diseases: extraintestinal manifestations
Elizabethe Adriana Esteves, Lauane Moreno, Carina Santos, and Cintia Ramos
15. Natural products in conditions associated with inflammatory bowel diseases: colorectal cancer, diversion colitis, and obesity
Carlos Augusto Martinez, José Pereira, Julia Rizzato, Gabriele Polezi, Roberto Nascimento Sr., and Mario Maróstica Jr.
16. Conclusion: future directions
Ana Paula Machado, Roberto Nascimento Sr., and Mario Maróstica Jr.


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