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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
MRI of the Rheumatic Spine
A Case-Based Atlas
D'Aprile, Tarantino
100,00 €


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Inflammatory pathology of the spine is an underestimated, but widespread condition among the population. This atlas shares essential information and case studies on key aspects of MRI for rheumatic inflammatory lesions of the osteoarticular structures of the spine, offering radiologists and clinicians a valuable guide to the management of patients with inflammatory back pain. In particular, this richly illustrated and comprehensive case-based atlas documents the MR findings observed in seronegative spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine, providing guidelines on selecting the appropriate imaging protocol.

The book is divided into two main parts, the first of which describes the general, clinical and radiological aspects of both spondyloarthritis and, as a new entry in the second edition, rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine. The second part then presents cases of spondylitis; discitis; facet joint and costovertebral osteoarthritis; sacroiliitis and rheumatoid arthritis of the atlanto-axial joint, including concise clinical and radiological information and a wealth of high-resolution images.

The idea for a second edition of this book stemmed, on the one hand, from the global response to the first edition, and on the other, from a desire to expand the content to include wider illustrations and to address the clinically and socially relevant topic of the inflammatory pathology of the spine in more depth. The second edition offers a comprehensive guide to MRI of inflammatory diseases of the spine, facilitating an early diagnosis, which has become essential with the advent of new effective but expensive treatments with TNF inhibitors. Thanks to its “case-based” structure, the book offers an easy-to-use but thorough handbook for radiologists, neuroradiologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists and physiatrists, as well as students.


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