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Metabolic Syndrome 2nd edition
A Comprehensive Textbook
550,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This comprehensive reference work presents an up-to-date survey of the current scientific understanding of the metabolic syndrome, as well as an overview of the most significant advances in the field. The book offers a thorough reference for obesity and the metabolic syndrome and will prove an indispensable resource for clinicians, researchers and students. The obesity epidemic has generated immense interest in recent years due to the wide-ranging and significant adverse health and economic consequences that surround the problem. Much attention has been focused on excessive consumption of energy-dense food, sedentary lifestyle, and other behaviors that contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity. However, obesity is a highly complex condition that is influenced by genetic as well as environmental factors.  The metabolic syndrome comprises of central obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dsylipidemia. The incidence of metabolic syndrome is growing worldwide, affecting more than one-third of adults in some countries. The metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease and stroke, and it is closely associated with fatty liver, dementia, cancer, sleep apnea, kidney failure, and other diseases. This reference work covers the full range of scientific and clinical aspects of obesity and metabolic syndrome: epidemiology, genetics, environmental factors, pathophysiology, diseases associated with obesity, pediatric obesity, and clinical management.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xxvii


  2. Epidemiology

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Overview of Metabolic Syndrome

      • Rexford S. Ahima

      Pages 3-14

    3. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in the United States

      • Albert Danso Osei, Elise Tirza A. Ohene-Kyei, Justin B. Echouffo-Tcheugui

      Pages 15-32

    4. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Latin America

      • Ana Elena Espinosa de Ycaza, Stanley M. Chen Cardenas

      Pages 33-46

    5. Obesity in Africa: A Silent Public Health Crisis

      • Charles Agyemang, Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor, Grace Frempong Afrifa-Anane, Ama de-Graft Aikins

      Pages 47-64

    6. Obesity in Middle East

      • Zlatko Nikoloski

      Pages 65-80

    7. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in South Asians

      • Rajvarun S. Grewal, Alycia Hancock, Angela Yang, Rita R. Kalyani

      Pages 81-101

    8. Obesity in East Asia

      • Yong-Moon Mark Park, Mee Kyoung Kim, Junxiu Liu

      Pages 103-121

  3. Genetic Factors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 123-123


    2. Evolution of Obesity

      • John R. Speakman

      Pages 125-143

    3. Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes

      • Struan F. A. Grant

      Pages 145-161

    4. Genetics of Lipid Disorders

      • Nora L. Nock

      Pages 163-195

  4. Environmental Factors

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 197-197


    2. Diet and Obesity

      • Laura E. Matarese

      Pages 199-215

    3. The Built Environment and Metabolic Syndrome

      • Thao Minh Lam, Nicolette R. den Braver, Jeroen Lakerveld

      Pages 217-228

    4. Social and Community Networks and Obesity

      • Houssem Ben Khalfallah, Mariem Jelassi, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud, Jacques Demongeot

      Pages 229-246

  5. Pathophysiology

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 247-247


    2. Principles of Energy Homeostasis

      • Rexford S. Ahima

      Pages 249-266

    3. Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat Metabolism in Obesity

      • Jose E. Galgani, Víctor Cortés, Fernando Carrasco

      Pages 267-282

    4. Pathophysiology

      1. Brain Regulation of Feeding and Energy Homeostasis

        • Alison H. Affinati, Carol F. Elias, David P. Olson, Martin G. Myers Jr

        Pages 283-301

      2. Adipose Structure (White, Brown, Beige)

        • Vanessa Pellegrinelli, Antonio Vidal-Puig, Stefania Carobbio

        Pages 303-334

      3. Adipokines and Metabolism

        • Rexford S. Ahima, Hyeong-Kyu Park

        Pages 335-356

      4. Gut Hormones and Metabolic Syndrome

        • Salman Zahoor Bhat, Hyeong-Kyu Park, Rexford S. Ahima

        Pages 357-372

      5. Gut Microbiome, Obesity, and Metabolic Syndrome

        • Herbert Tilg, Alexander R. Moschen

        Pages 373-384

      6. Pancreatic Islet Adaptation and Failure in Obesity

        • Yumi Imai, Dalal El Ladiki, Spencer J. Peachee

        Pages 385-404

      7. Insulin Resistance in Obesity

        • Wanbao Yang, Jeffrey Guo, Shaodong Guo

        Pages 405-427

      8. Linking Inflammation, Obesity, and Diabetes

        • Maeve A. McArdle, Elaine B. Kennedy, Helen M. Roche

        Pages 429-448

      9. Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism

        • Edith Grosbellet, Etienne Challet

        Pages 449-471

      10. Obesity, Myokines, and Metabolic Health

        • Noemi Malandrino, Rexford S. Ahima

        Pages 473-489

      11. Body Composition Assessment

        • Roshan Dinparastisaleh, Sara Atiq Khan, Prasanna Santhanam

        Pages 491-505

    5. Diseases Associated with Obesity

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 507-507


      2. Type 2 Diabetes: Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment

        • Carrie Burns, Nnenia Francis

        Pages 509-528

      3. Dyslipidemia in Metabolic Syndrome

        • Sue-Anne Toh, Michelle H. Lee

        Pages 529-546

      4. Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease

        • Martin A. Alpert, Carl J. Lavie, Natraj Katta

        Pages 547-565

      5. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

        • Sangwon F. Kim, Jang Hyun Choi

        Pages 567-583

      6. Sarcopenic Obesity

        • Danae C. Gross, Ray Cheever, John A. Batsis

        Pages 585-602

      7. Linking Obesity, Metabolism, and Cancer

        • Ivana Vucenik, Laundette P. Jones, John C. McLenithan

        Pages 603-620

      8. Endocrine Disorders Associated with Obesity

        • Hyeong-Kyu Park, Rexford S. Ahima

        Pages 621-637

      9. Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Sleep Disorders

        • Daisy Duan, Jonathan C. Jun

        Pages 639-658

        1. Connecting Obesity and Reproductive Disorders

          • Rexford S. Ahima, Jenny Pena Dias

          Pages 659-674

        2. Metabolic Syndrome and Kidney Diseases

          • Vincent Boima, Alexander B. Agyekum, Augustus K. Eduafo

          Pages 675-691

      10. Prevention and Treatment

        1. Front Matter

          Pages 693-693


        2. Diet, Exercise, and Behavior Therapy

          • Leah M. Schumacher, David B. Sarwer, Kelly C. Allison

          Pages 695-712

        3. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

          • Daisy Duan, Rexford S. Ahima

          Pages 713-737

        4. Bariatric Surgery

          • Rexford S. Ahima, Hyeong-Kyu Park

          Pages 739-756

        5. Prevention and Treatment of Obesity in Children

          • Talia A. Hitt, Katie L. Wasserstein, Sara N. Malina, Sheela N. Magge

          Pages 757-783

        6. Global, National, and Community Obesity Prevention Programs

          • Regien Biesma, Mark Hanson

          Pages 785-799

      11. Back Matter

        Pages 801-815


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