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Manual of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery Volume 2 - Breast Reshaping
Thomas, D‘silva
150,00 €
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This comprehensive plastic surgery manual on breast reshaping explains in detail the various surgical procedures carried out towards increasing the aesthetic appearance of the breast. Today the surgical management of the breast crosses the lines of gender. Male breast or gynaecomastia is an equally vexing problem for the young as well as the old alike. This volume discusses the surgical management of this aesthetic nightmare in a step by step manner with photographs, illustrations, schematics and short videos. This book comprehensively covers the four major conditions requiring surgical breast reshaping. The first being a small breast, requiring solutions including fat grafting or a US FDA approved cohesive silicone gel implant. Needless to say this is a very gratifying procedure providing immediate results with little or no downtime. This volume also covers important topics such as breast reduction in young and older patients which are a very challenging operation for most surgeons’ particularly recent graduates. This volume also deals with the complexities of this procedure taking into account all the factors that will help the reader have a successful outcome.  It contains important chapters on the situation of post pregnancy when the women experience the ‘post-partum blues’ secondary to dysmorphic changes to the body, particularly the Breast and its management. Additionally it also explains the commonly encountered complications, pitfalls and useful recommendations stemming from experienced authors. 


This Manual in Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery sets the standard for Doctors entering the field of aesthetic medicine and surgery. It is a reference book for people who are in practice as well as a step by step manual for students and young doctors wanting to pursue this field.  


Other five volumes are on:  


• Nose procedures


• Genital procedures 

• Non Invasive procedures


• Cosmetic procedures of the face

• Body Contouring surgeries

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xiv


  2. Anatomy

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. Cosmetic Surgery of the Breast: “Art, Science & Safety”

      • Michael S. Kluska

      Pages 3-13

    3. Anatomy of the Breast and Pre-operative Assessment for Breast Surgery

      • Angelo Cuzalina, Pasquale G. Tolomeo, Victoria A. Mañón

      Pages 15-24

    4. Regional Blocks for Peri and Post-operative Analgesia

      • Nitin Bhorkar

      Pages 25-32

  3. Breast Augmentation

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 33-33


    2. The Science of Choosing a Breast Implant

      • Anup Dhir, Noopur Bansal

      Pages 35-47

    3. Periareolar Breast Augmentation

      • Joseph J. Castellano, Bradley C. Stephan

      Pages 49-64

    4. Breast Augmentation: Inframammary Approach

      • Jacob Haiavy

      Pages 65-84

    5. Transaxillary Mammoplasty

      • Joe Dan Metcalf, Gregory Laurence

      Pages 85-91

    6. TUBA: Transumbilical Breast Augmentation

      • Ehab Akkary, Robert Shumway

      Pages 93-102

    7. Transumbilical Breast Augmentation With Saline and Silicone Implants

      • Gabriel H. Patino

      Pages 103-124

    8. Breast Augmentation: Autologous Fat Transfer

      • Kristine Brecht

      Pages 125-139

  4. Breast Reduction and/or Breast Lift

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 141-141


    2. Mastopexy

      • Julian Duran

      Pages 143-164

    3. Combined Mastopexy and Breast Augmentation

      • Angelo Cuzalina, Pasquale G. Tolomeo, Victoria A. Mañón

      Pages 165-184

    4. The I.D.E.A.L.® Breast Lift for Moderately to Severely Ptotic Breasts: A Staple-First Technique That Can Be Combined with Breast Augmentation

      • Ted S. Eisenberg

      Pages 185-197

    5. The Superomedial Pedicle Breast Reduction Technique: A Simple and Effective Approach to an Esthetic Breast Reduction

      • Sofia Santareno

      Pages 199-211

    6. Breast Reduction Inferior Dermal Pedicle Technique: Modified

      • Kulwant S. Bhangoo

      Pages 213-242

    7. Breast Reduction with Free Nipple Graft Transfer

      • Mubariz Mammadli, Mohan Thomas, James D’silva

      Pages 243-258

    8. Reconstructive Breast Surgery

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 259-259


      2. Breast Reconstruction

        • James D’silva, Akshay Deshpande

        Pages 261-280

      3. Technique for Areolar Reduction

        • Javier Palacios

        Pages 281-288

      4. Techniques to Reconstruct the NAC

        • Mohan Thomas, James D’silva

        Pages 289-302

      5. Tuberous Breast Deformity Correction: A Simpler Less-Invasive Technique Using Saline-Inflatable Implants for a One-Stage Correction

        • Ted S. Eisenberg

        Pages 303-313

      6. Asymmetric Breasts

        • Mohan Thomas, James D’silva

        Pages 315-331

      7. Gynaecomastia

        • Hassan Nurein

        Pages 333-354

    9. Complications and Their Treatment

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 355-355


      2. Breast Implant Infections

        • Mohan Thomas, James D’silva

        Pages 357-372

      3. Capsular Contracture: Etiology and Treatment Options

        • Jacob Haiavy

        Pages 373-382

      4. Corrective Breast Surgery After Augmentation, Lift, and Reduction

        • Marco Romeo, Guillermo Blugerman

        Pages 383-394


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