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Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women
An Interdisciplinary Approach
Lipshultz, Pastuszak, Goldstein
120,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of the intersection of male and female reproductive and sexual health.  The text comprehensively discusses the evaluation and management of physical, genetic, and psychological causes of male and female sexual dysfunction. Discussion of treatment focuses on current medical and surgical psychosexual therapies in both the male and female. The book highlights erectile, ejaculatory, and orgasmic disorders in the male; desire, arousal and orgasmic disorders in the female; and an integrated approach to the couple. Lifestyle modifications through diet and exercise and optimization of anthropomorphic characteristics are also discussed, including a holistic approach to these disorders that goes beyond a focus on the genital system alone.       


Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women: An Interdisciplinary Approach serves as a resource for physicians and researchers interested in sexual medicine seeking a comprehensive overview of the practice and novel research in the field.

  • Introduction: Advocating for a Transdisciplinary Approach to the Management of Sexual Disorders

    Perelman, Michael A.

    Pages 1-8

  • Why Is Sex Important?

    Levine, Stephen B.

    Pages 9-15

  • The Impact of the Environment on Sexual Health

    Dupree, James M. (et al.)

    Pages 17-24

  • Multicultural Sensitivity in the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction

    Hall, Kathryn S. K.

    Pages 25-29

  • Anatomy and Physiology of Erection, Ejaculation, and Orgasm

    Celigoj, F. Andrew (et al.)

    Pages 33-41

  • Urologic and Clinical Evaluation of the Male with Erectile Dysfunction

    Berookhim, Boback M. (et al.)

    Pages 43-52

  • Urologic/Clinical Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

    Patel, Nishant (et al.)

    Pages 53-63

  • The Impact of Lifestyle Modification on Erectile Dysfunction

    Bach, Phil (et al.)

    Pages 65-72

  • Erectile Dysfunction in the Setting of Prostate Cancer

    Samplaski, Mary K. (et al.)

    Pages 73-86

  • Peyronie’s Disease and Other Anatomical Disorders

    Chandrasoma, Shahin T. (et al.)

    Pages 87-97

  • The Future of Erectile Dysfunction Therapy I: Implementation of Translational Research

    Pan, Michael (et al.)

    Pages 99-107

  • The Future of Erectile Dysfunction Therapy II: Novel Pharmacotherapy and Innovative Technology

    Le, Brian V. (et al.)

    Pages 109-121

  • Underlying Principles in Ejaculatory and Orgasmic Function and Dysfunction in the Male

    Scovell, Jason M. (et al.)

    Pages 123-137

  • Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Disorders of Ejaculation

    Williams, Daniel H. (et al.)

    Pages 139-157

  • Evaluation and Treatment of Orgasmic Dysfunction

    Yang, Christopher (et al.)

    Pages 159-170

  • Hypoactive Sexual Desire in Men

    Krakowsky, Yonah (et al.)

    Pages 171-187

  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions

    Stein, Amy

    Pages 189-195

  • The Female Sexual Response: Anatomy and Physiology of Sexual Desire, Arousal, and Orgasm in Women

    Bitzer, Johannes

    Pages 199-212

  • Diagnosis of Female Sexual Dysfunction

    Balon, Richard (et al.)

    Pages 213-222

  • The Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and Causes of HSDD: Situational, Depression, Drugs, Chronic Illnesses, and Hormonal Depletion

    Parish, Sharon J. (et al.)

    Pages 223-232

  • Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)

    Krapf, Jill M. (et al.)

    Pages 233-249

  • Diagnosis and Management of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

    Cohen, Seth D. (et al.)

    Pages 251-260

  • Diagnosis and Management of Female Orgasmic Disorder

    Cohen, Seth D. (et al.)

    Pages 261-271

  • Vaginismus: When Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder Makes Intercourse Seem Impossible

    Perez, Samara (et al.)

    Pages 273-285

  • Diagnosis and Management of Sexual Pain Disorders: Dyspareunia

    Krapf, Jill M. (et al.)

    Pages 287-305

  • New Concepts in the Understanding of Female Sexual Dysfunction

    McCabe, Marita P.

    Pages 307-314

  • Female Sexual Dysfunction and Cancer

    Dweck, Alyssa (et al.)

    Pages 315-323

  • Female Sexual Dysfunction and Premature Menopause with Focus on Women’s Wording

    Graziottin, Alessandra (et al.)

    Pages 325-336

  • Female Sexual Dysfunction and Infertility

    Grill, Elizabeth (et al.)

    Pages 337-342

  • Female Sexual Dysfunction: Impact of the Life Cycle (Pregnancy, Children, and Aging)

    Petok, William D.

    Pages 343-348

  • It Takes Two to Tango: Evaluation and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in the Couple

    Althof, Stanley E. (et al.)

    Pages 351-356

  • Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction (SD) in the Couple

    Grill, Elizabeth (et al.)

    Pages 357-364

  • Couples Therapy and Counseling

    McCarthy, Barry (et al.)

    Pages 365-370

  • The Intersection of Sexually Transmitted Infection and Sexual Disorders in the Couple

    Fisher, William

    Pages 371-377

  • Epilogue: Cautiously Optimistic for the Future of a Transdisciplinary Sexual Medicine

    Perelman, Michael A.

    Pages 379-386


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