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Management and Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injuries
130,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This comprehensive, up-to-date guide to the rehabilitation care of persons with spinal cord injuries and disorders draws on the ever-expanding scientific and clinical evidence base to provide clinicians with all the knowledge needed in order to make optimal management decisions during the acute, subacute, and chronic phases. A wealth of information is presented on the diverse medical consequences and complications encountered in these patients and on the appropriate rehabilitative measures in each circumstance. The coverage encompasses all forms of spinal cord injury and all affected organ systems. Readers will also find chapters on the basics of functional anatomy, neurological classification and evaluation, injuries specifically in children and the elderly, and psychological issues. The book will be an invaluable aid to assessment and medical care for physicians and other professional personnel in multiple specialties, including physiatrists, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, internists, critical care physicians, urologists, neurologists, psychologists, and social workers.

  • Introduction

    Pages 1-12

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Development and Functional Anatomy of the Spine and Spinal Cord

    Pages 13-48

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Spinal Fractures

    Pages 49-62

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Imaging Studies

    Pages 63-72

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Biomechanics and Pathophysiology of Spinal Cord Injuries

    Pages 73-80

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Basic Physical and Neurological Examinations for Spinal Cord Injury

    Pages 81-89

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury

    Pages 91-107

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Epidemiology

    Pages 109-121

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Spinal Shock

    Pages 123-134

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Acute Management of Spinal Cord Injury

    Pages 135-148

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries

    Pages 149-157

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Nontraumatic Spinal Cord Injuries

    Pages 159-182

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Syringomyelia

    Pages 183-190

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Myelomeningocele, Chiari Malformation

    Pages 191-195

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Cauda Equina Injuries

    Pages 197-204

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Autonomic Dysfunction

    Pages 205-219

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Cardiovascular Dysfunction

    Pages 221-231

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Respiratory Dysfunction

    Pages 233-254

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Orthostatic Hypotension

    Pages 255-263

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Autonomic Dysreflexia

    Pages 265-273

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Electrolyte and Metabolic Disorder

    Pages 275-296

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Venous Thromboembolism

    Pages 297-304

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Thermoregulatory Dysfunction

    Pages 305-309

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction

    Pages 311-336

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction and Gastrointestinal Problems

    Pages 337-355

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Sexual Dysfunction

    Pages 357-370

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Pressure Injuries

    Pages 371-386

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Heterotopic Ossification

    Pages 387-397

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Spasticity and Contracture

    Pages 399-412

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Pain

    Pages 413-420

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Spinal Cord Injury and Malformations in Children

    Pages 421-438

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Aging with Spinal Cord Injury and Spinal Cord Injury in the Elderly

    Pages 439-448

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Neurological Deterioration

    Pages 449-453

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Concurrent Traumatic Brain Injury with Spinal Cord Injury

    Pages 455-460

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Functional Outcomes and Mobility

    Pages 461-468

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Walking Dysfunction

    Pages 469-475

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Psychological Consideration After Spinal Cord Injury

    Pages 477-485

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD

  • Follow-Up Care of Spinal Cord Injuries

    Pages 487-491

    Ko, Hyun-Yoon, MD, PhD


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