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Lung Cancer Screening
A Population Approach
Kane, Barta, Myers, Evans III
130,00 €


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This book is a comprehensive guide to lung cancer screening for clinicians, healthcare systems, community leaders, and public health officials with the hope of creating a more equitable landscape in both lung cancer screening and lung cancer-related outcomes, at local, state, and national levels. Authors take a new approach to primary and secondary lung cancer prevention that is in the early stages of adoption in the United States. The last decade ushered in recognition of screening as an effective intervention, but unfortunately, despite the wide acceptance of the importance of this new screening modality, nationally, not more than 5% of eligible subjects have undergone screening to date in the United States, although in some states uptake has reached as high as 16%. As is common with any new preventive cancer screening, racial and socioeconomic disparities emerge in utilization, stage at diagnosis, and mortality. Over time, these disparities decline, but consequential differences endure. Therefore, it is critical to establish equitable screening practices. 

The true measure of the effectiveness of any lung cancer screening program needs to be viewed through the lens of its impact on populations, including those most affected by the morbidity and mortality of smoking-related illness and lung cancer. As such, this book emphasizes a number of important public health topics, including community outreach to vulnerable populations, social justice issues, addressing stigma and fatalism in the general community, and the use of geocoding to assess a program’s impact at a population level. This book weaves traditional topics related to lung cancer screening, such as promoting initial and repeat screening, interpreting Lung RADs, and managing the follow-up of findings, into the population perspective in order to present a unified, comprehensive approach to the subject. Further, it serves as a guide that health systems, health care professionals, community leaders, and other stakeholders can use to achieve the promise of lung cancer screening.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xiv


  2. Introduction

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. The Promise of Lung Cancer Screening

      • Gregory C. Kane

      Pages 3-8

    3. A Brief History of Lung Cancer Screening

      • Julie A. Barta

      Pages 9-14

    4. Stigma and Fatalism in Lung Cancer

      • Lisa A. Bevilacqua, Nathaniel R. Evans III, Olugbenga Okusanya

      Pages 15-24

    5. Training in Shared Decision Making About Lung Cancer Screening: Patient Eligibility Assessment, Education, and Decision Counseling

      • Melissa DiCarlo, Kristine Pham, Ronald E. Myers

      Pages 25-35

    6. Smoking Cessation in a Lung Cancer Screening Program

      • Brooke Ruane

      Pages 37-46

    7. Why Health Equity Is So Important in Lung Cancer Screening?

      • Gregory C. Kane, Stephen K. Klasko

      Pages 47-52

  3. Applying a Learning Community Model

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 53-53


    2. Engaging a Health System Learning Community to Increase Lung Cancer Screening

      • Ronald E. Myers, Melissa DiCarlo, Rickie Brawer, Hee-Soon Juon, Kristine Pham, Christine S. Shusted et al.

      Pages 55-66

    3. Different Approaches for Offering Lung Cancer Screening

      • Humberto Choi, Peter Mazzone

      Pages 67-77

    4. Enhancing EMR Methods to Identify Patients Eligible for Lung Cancer Screening

      • Hee-Soon Juon, Sarah Reed, Ayako Shimada, Jude Francis, Ronald E. Myers

      Pages 79-88

    5. Primary Care Provider Support and Patient Outreach in Lung Cancer Screening

      • Randa Sifri, William Curry, Heather Bittner Fagan, Beth Careyva, Brian Stello, Ronald E. Myers

      Pages 89-99

    6. Shared Decision Making in the Lung Cancer Screening Context

      • Jamie L. Studts, Erin A. Hirsch, Nina A. Thomas, Channing E. Tate, Amy G. Huebschmann, Melissa DiCarlo et al.

      Pages 101-116

    7. Advances in Tobacco Treatment

      • Sung Whang

      Pages 117-122

  4. Organizing a Quality Program

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 123-123


    2. Organizational Workflow for Lung Cancer Screening

      • Teresa Giamboy, Julie A. Barta

      Pages 125-132

    3. Lung-RADS® and Radiology Reporting Requirements

      • Cole Miller, Baskaran Sundaram

      Pages 133-144

    4. Managing Incidental Findings

      • Brooke Ruane, Debra Dyer

      Pages 145-158

    5. Leveraging the Electronic Health Record for Continuous Quality

      • Bracken Babula

      Pages 159-168

    6. Organizing a Quality Program

      1. Minimizing Harms of Screening

        • Prarthna Chandar Kulandaisamy

        Pages 169-176

      2. A Multidisciplinary Approach

        • Tyler Grenda, Olugbenga Okusanya

        Pages 177-181

      3. Managing Lung Cancer Screening in a Major Healthcare System

        • James H. Finigan, Neha Agarwal

        Pages 183-197

      4. Cost Considerations

        • Gregory C. Kane

        Pages 199-208

    7. Taking Care of the Patient

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 209-209


      2. Using Health Literacy Principles to Engage Patients from Diverse Backgrounds in Lung Cancer Screening

        • Rickie Brawer, Kristine Pham

        Pages 211-226

      3. Local Therapy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer

        • Nathaniel R. Evans III, Maria Werner-Wasik

        Pages 227-234

      4. The Revolution of Lung Cancer Therapeutics

        • Zachary French, Jennifer Johnson, Rita Axelrod

        Pages 235-249

    8. Engaging the Community

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 251-251


      2. Lung Cancer and Social Justice: What Do I Need to Know?

        • Gregory C. Kane, Nathaniel R. Evans III

        Pages 253-262

      3. Reaching Vulnerable Populations and Areas of Need

        • Kristine Pham, Rickie Brawer

        Pages 263-274

      4. Lung Cancer Myths and How Do I Address Them?

        • Brian M. Till, Kathleen Jarrell, Nathaniel R. Evans III

        Pages 275-284

      5. Achieving Health Equity in Lung Cancer Screening: Incorporation of Community Perspectives for Maximum Impact

        • Sydney C. Beache, Sandra E. Brooks

        Pages 285-293

    9. Determining Impact at the Population Level

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 295-295


      2. Lung Cancer Screening: Addressing Disparities

        • Christine S. Shusted, Gregory C. Kane

        Pages 297-306

      3. Connecting the Dots: Geocoding and Assessing a Program’s Impact

        • Christine S. Shusted, Russell K. Mcintire, Charnita Zeigler-Johnson

        Pages 307-328

      4. The Essential Ingredient of Partnership: The Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation’s Collaboration Focused Approach to Health Equity and Lung Cancer Screening

        • Patricia M. Doykos, Priscilla L. Ko

        Pages 329-335

    10. On the Horizon: What Lies Ahead in Lung Cancer Screening

      1. Front Matter

        Pages 337-337


      2. Lung Cancer Screening in Health Systems: Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities

        • Jennifer Elston Lafata, Christine Neslund-Dudas, Ronald E. Myers

        Pages 339-352

      3. Across the Landscape: Community-Based Partnerships for Lung Cancer Risk Reduction—From Federal Initiatives to Local Influences

        • Ana Maria Lopez

        Pages 353-361

      4. On the Horizon: What Lies Ahead in Lung Cancer Screening

        1. Where Do We Go from Here?

          • Julie A. Barta, Karen E. Knudsen

          Pages 363-372

        2. Imagining an Equitable Lung Cancer Screening Landscape

          • Gregory C. Kane, Julie A. Barta, Nathaniel R. Evans III, Ronald E. Myers

          Pages 373-380

      5. Back Matter

        Pages 381-390


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