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Locomotion and Posture in Older Adults
The Role of Aging and Movement Disorders
Barbieri, Vitório
170,00 €


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This book is an attempt to advance the discussion and improve our understanding about the effects of aging and movement disorders on motor control during walking and postural tasks. Despite these activities are performed daily, there is a high requirement of motor and neural systems in order to perform both tasks efficiently. Both walking and posture require a complex interaction of musculoskeletal and neural systems. However, the mechanisms used to control these tasks, as well as how they are planned and coordinated, are still a question of discussion among health professionals and researchers. In addition, this discussion is more interesting when the effects of aging are included in the context of locomotion and the postural control. The number of older individuals is 841 million in 2015, which is four times higher than the 202 million that lived in 1950. Aging causes many motor, sensorial and neural deficits, which impair locomotion and postural control in the elderly. The severity of this framework is worsened when the aging goes along with a movement disorder, such as Parkinson disease, Chorea, Dystonia, Huntington disease, etc. 

Therefore, the aim of this book is to highlight the influence of different aspects on planning, controlling and performing locomotion and posture tasks. In attempting to improve current knowledge in this field, invited authors present and discuss how environmental, sensorial, motor, cognitive and individual aspects influence the planning and performance of locomotor and postural activities. The major thrust of the book is to address the mechanisms involved in controlling and planning motor action in neurological healthy individuals, as well as in those who suffer from movement disorders or face the effects of aging, indicating the aspects that impair locomotion and postural control. In addition, new technologies, tools and interventions designed to manage the effects of aging and movement disorders are presented in the book.

  • Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Posture and Locomotion in Older People

    Moraes, Renato (et al.)

    Pages 3-20

  • Clinical Aspects of Movement Disorders: Effects on Walking and Posture

    Ferraz, Henrique Ballalai (et al.)

    Pages 21-31

  • Neuropsychological Aspects of Gait Disorders

    Almeida, Quincy J.

    Pages 33-41

  • Gait Stability and Aging

    Mochizuki, Luis (et al.)

    Pages 45-54

  • Visual Control of Adaptive Locomotion and Changes Due to Natural Ageing

    Hollands, Mark (et al.)

    Pages 55-72

  • The Walking Ability in Healthy Older Adults: The Role of Aging and Physical Activity and Its Interface with Agility, Balance, Cognition, and Risk of Falls

    Sebastião, Emerson (et al.)

    Pages 73-90

  • Cognition, Gait Disorders, and Fall Risk in Healthy Neurological Older Individuals

    Montero-Odasso, Manuel

    Pages 91-114

  • Visual Control of Locomotion in People with Parkinson’s Disease

    Vitório, Rodrigo (et al.)

    Pages 115-128

  • Gait Disturbances in Movement Disorders: A Motor-Cognitive Problem

    Pieruccini-Faria, Frederico (et al.)

    Pages 129-141

  • The Influence of Muscle Fatigue on Walking: The Role of Aging and Parkinson’s Disease

    dos Santos, Paulo Cezar Rocha (et al.)

    Pages 143-159

  • Parkinson’s Disease and Gait Asymmetry

    Barbieri, Fabio A. (et al.)

    Pages 161-175

  • Effects of Physical Activity on Walking in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

    Gobbi, Lilian Teresa Bucken (et al.)

    Pages 177-193

  • Older Adults Are Incapable of Changing Sensory-Motor Coupling During Upright Stance with Visual Manipulation and Different Attentional Demands

    Genoves, Giovanna Gracioli (et al.)

    Pages 197-208

  • Contribution of Fingertip Light Touch on Postural Stabilization of Older Adults

    Barela, Ana Maria Forti (et al.)

    Pages 209-218

  • Effects of Vision on Postural Control in Neurologically Healthy Individuals

    Rodrigues, Sérgio Tosi (et al.)

    Pages 219-236

  • Balance Control in Older Adults

    Dieën, Jaap H. (et al.)

    Pages 237-262

  • Falls and Postural Stability in Older Individuals: Implications for Activities of Daily Living

    Polastri, Paula Fávaro (et al.)

    Pages 263-277

  • Exercise to Maximise Postural Control and Reduce the Risk of Falls in Older Age

    Tiedemann, Anne (et al.)

    Pages 279-290

  • Interlateral Asymmetries of Body Balance Control Resulting from Cerebral Stroke

    Teixeira, Luis Augusto

    Pages 291-305

  • Postural Control and Somatosensory Information: Effects of Aging and Parkinson’s Disease

    Lirani-Silva, Ellen (et al.)

    Pages 307-322

  • Exercise and Balance in Older Adults with Movement Disorders

    Hackney, Madeleine E. (et al.)

    Pages 323-346

  • Gait Initiation in Older People: Concepts, Clinical Implications and Methodology

    Lobo da Costa, Paula Hentschel (et al.)

    Pages 349-370

  • Contribution of Virtual Reality (Nintendo Wii) for Exercise Training and Rehabilitation

    Hiraga, Cynthia Yukiko (et al.)

    Pages 371-384

  • Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects on Gait and Postural Control

    Tankus, Ariel (et al.)

    Pages 385-396

  • Using Virtual Reality to Advance the Understanding and Rehabilitation of Gait Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease

    Martens, Kaylena A. Ehgoetz (et al.)

    Pages 397-416

  • The Applicability of Inertial Motion Sensors for Locomotion and Posture

    Albert, Mark V. (et al.)

    Pages 417-426

  • Age-Related Changes in the Neural Control of Standing Balance

    Papegaaij, Selma (et al.)

    Pages 427-444



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